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[Lustburg; outside of the capital]

If the capital of Lustburg was a mix between technology and medieval, outside of the walls, nature started to take its right again.

The only proof of civilization was the perfect and smooth road. A necessity all Kings of Lutsburg had made sure to always keep well maintained. After, commerce between cities could not be done on a bad road.

“Pfft! Hahah! I wish I could have seen your face. Oh, my goddess, this was hilarious.”

Currently, a caravan was advancing on said road. It was not a particularly fancy one and was more akin to a chariot than anything else.

Milia, who was driving with Setsuna sitting next to her smiled slightly and even the ever stoic Setsuna couldn’t help but chuckle a little.

“Come girls, stop laughing at my expense.”

Sol grinned feebly. His face was not covered by the helmet so they were able to see a shade of red on his cheeks.

It was quite fun to see Sol react like this so even Medea, who would usually defend him in this situation did not intervene.

Persephone thought was merciless.

“I mean. What did you even expect? All the maids in the castle were specially trained by that assassin of yours and are used to your aura. But that's pretty much it. It doesn’t matter how much you try to restrain your aura. A wolf can never truly disguise a sheep.”

“I am lost about whether you are praising me or insulting me.”

Sol shook his head dumbfoundedly before giving a light laugh,

“Well, I have to admit though. I guess my preparations were not thorough enough.”

As a result, what could have been a great moment of fun for him ended up as a great moment of fun for Persephone.

Persephone wiped away a tear that had formed at the corner of her eyes because of how much she laughed.

“Well, this was interesting. But you aren’t the only one at fault.”

She snickered a little, “Medea's natural aura can make mortals flee in terror as Time is one of the scariest concepts. The assassin is filled with so much darkness even I would flinch if I meet her without knowing who she was and your bodyguard was acting like you would be ambushed at any moment.”

She pointed out each other mistakes.

“I guess you four were too sheltered and forgot common sense as well.”

When your common life was about being surrounded by King and demigods ranked entities, it was hard to think like normal commoners.

“Well. If you are so experienced then, what should we do?”

Persephone chuckled at Medea's question and took out a few affiche.

“As I am merciful and honestly anticipated this, I took a few quests for us to try. Those quests are all on the way to our destination and this one especially.”

[Bounty: Rank A

Description: Chase after the bandits. Cooperate with the army and Her highness, Princess Lilin, to get rid of all those criminals.

Reward: The reward will be based on contribution.]

“Ah. We indeed sent such a quest as a reward to help spare some of our armed forces. I had completely forgotten about it. Milia, how many adventurers were gathered? Mayhaps we need to—”

“I thought this was supposed to be a simple and fun adventure with no job?”

Sol immediately caused his mouth at Medea’s muttering but acknowledged them. He knew himself and knew how immersed he could be if he left himself go.

“A prince joining his army as an adventurer. I believe this will be quite the Magnifique story.”

She smiled softly before taking out another quest.

But first, we have to do this one.

[Bounty: Rank C

Description: A goblin nest had settled not far from the capital. This situation cannot be allowed to continue. Destroy it.

Reward: 10 Silver Lust coins]

“Is 10 Silver a lot?”

“For an ordinary family, it’s enough to live a few weeks as long as they don’t overspend.”

Sol looked up contemplatively but this time it was Milia who answered as she steered the horse.

It was indeed no paltry sum of money.

“Very well. Shall we set off to the goblins?”

Goblins were a staple of the fantasy genre. It was impossible to have an adventurer guild without a mission involving Goblins or slimes. Generally, they were used as the weakest monsters to allow the main protagonist to grow and adapt to the new world.

Though in some darker stories, Goblins became extremely dangerous.

“Well…Shall we go?”

He wondered if he should have brought Kali with him. He could already imagine her using a spell and screaming Explosion!!!

‘Truly. I wonder if I should try to see if there are more reincarnator or if I should become closer to Kali.’

It was always sad to have joke in your head you know other would never understand.

‘My genius is beyond their understanding.’


A few minutes later, Sol watched with a blank face as the entire nest was reduced to particles of dust by Medea.

He face palmed, “I thought I said no Duke level?”

Medea tilted her head, “This is just a basic spell though.”




Another cold wind passed through as Sol looked at the sky with a smile filled with defeat.

‘So, this is what it feels like to be over-leveled.’

“Humm…Should I have held back even more?”

Medea had quite an awkward expression now. She had truly done her best. But goblins had zero resistance toward magic and were one of the weakest creatures. Meanwhile, Medea was without a doubt one of the most powerful King levels in the Mortal world and even the whole universe.

Even a Duke-level warrior wouldn’t dare to face a spell she would throw while “holding back”.

“Sigh. Forget it. What is the next quest?”

Since everything had been reduced to dust, they had no way to prove they did the job. But Sol didn’t care.

He was rich. Money was the least of his problem currently.

“The next one is in a village. It seems like the mayor is exploiting the people there. So they send a demand.”


He frowned a little. “Shouldn’t this be sent to the government?”

Milia grimaced, “The mayor is appointed by the government.”


Sol looked up. “So corruption it is.”

He closed his eyes as anticipation rose again.

Not only could he have fun, but he could also kill a few corrupt agents on the way.

What could be better than this?

“Milia, note that we need to work on a new election system for our representatives.”

A complete purge was becoming more and more enticing.

He knew that it was impossible to have a perfect system and that corruption would always exist.

This was a simple reality and something he could accept. But there were a few limits one should never cross.

Reading the description of the quest, Sol laughed darkly as he realized this man had undoubtedly broken all limits.

So his punishment would be severe.

“Well girls, let’s move on.”

There was nothing else to do here.

‘Sigh. I wonder what Lilith is doing currently.’

This little outing was indirectly thanks to her. He hoped she was having fun at least.

(AN: Don’t worry. There will be nothing dark. As I promised, Vol 12 will be a relaxing volume for all readers and for me as well. Also, don’t forget to come to support my new story on WN if you can. The story was called Midnight Prince but now it’s God of Crime. The story is a little slower than SHK in relationships but otherwise, the pace is a little faster. Currently, I have 100+ Chapter so I believe you should give it a try until Vol 5 which is available to non-priv readers.)

Like SHK, vol 5 in GoC has an important moment. Unlike SHK though, Vol 5 in God of crime was foreshadowed much better and mc has a more active role.)


Chris Gill

after that I now wish Kali was there so they could go full Chunni... And I really hope you have some fun with him joining Lilin's bandit hunt.


Poor Sol, I feel him so hard...like all his dreams gone with the wind