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"Privetik! Adam. I hope your morning went well."

An elegant golden-haired purple-eyed and tall woman was already seated on the bench. She was wearing a black t-shirt that gave her a rather vaillant look and a tight pair of jeans that alighted her butt. Her white skin seemed to shine.

"Hello to you too, Natasha."

–Natasha Antonovna Nikitina, the undisputed first-ranked student since their first year. A foreign student originated from Russia.

She was a calm girl with an elegant personality. Of course this was only a front,

"Hey hey, why are you only saying hello to Adam? I am also here, you know?"

Sae complained with her hands on her hips.

'She really looks like a squirrel.'

A sneer formed on Natasha as she answered, "Sorry sorry, it's just that, you are so short. I simply couldn't see you even while seated."


'Oh! Natasha used a direct attack on Sae. It was super effective!'

"Fufufu~! I see. Sorry for being so short. Not my fault if all my nutrients went to these babies." as she said that while pushing up her breast she threw a disdainful smile at Natasha. "I guess being a runway airport must be nice. Sometimes I feel like I am facing a pillar."


The pen in Natasha's hand snapped. Sometimes, Adam wondered just how strong she was.

'Incredible! Sae refused to go down and counterattacked! Natasha's HP is in the red. How will Natasha answer?'


"Fuck you too! Don't think you can insult me in your language."

Natasha was completely red while Sae was breathing heavily.

"Ciao Amici!"

A high-pitched voice suddenly sounded, breaking the heavy tension.


Adam clicked his tongue in disappointment. Watching Natasha and Sae fight were one of the few pleasures in life. But such a delightful moment was wasted by that guy who was walking toward them while waving his hand.

Alberto Aldini.

A flamboyant guy and also ranked 4th. Truly, one should never rely on looks to judge how smart someone was.

He was wearing a shining white shirt, slightly open, that showed his muscular chest as well as a pair of rather expensive long white pants.

Finally stopping in front of them.

"Sae! Nata! How are my favorite girls? Still fighting?"

Being weirdly in sync the two hmphed before looking aside.

Seemingly unbothered by the two usual squabbles, he turned to Adam and his already bright smile seemed to stretch even further.

"How have you been, Adam?"

“Well, not bad I guess.”

Adam shrugged and took his place. Alberto was even more tiring to have as a friend than Sae.

This was the optimal positioning.

Adam separated Sae from Natasha and Sae protected Adam from Alberto.

Letting out a sigh, Adam fought the growing headache.

Because of how introverted he was, his goal has always been to be that unrecognizable guy who has super good results but was silent as fuck. But because of these three, he still had a reputation of a sort in this class.

Even though university students didn't assign a place, some places simply became reserved after a while.

Since their first year, all students in this class understood one thing.

The last bench in the back of the room was reserved.

The ones taking that place were the 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st ranked student of the year.

But more importantly, this was the weirdest group of the year.

"Good morning dear students. I hope you guys are ready and I swear. Those on the back, if you disturb my class I will punish you!"

Finally entering the auditorium and standing on the podium was a beautiful brown-haired woman.

A low chuckle sounded in the auditorium. It was perhaps the sole class where the students warned on the back where in reality the best students of said class.

Standing proudly on the podium, clad in an office lady style, was none other than Shuri. An aunt of sorts for Adam as well as a pretty successful lawyer.

Shuri Nakiri. 33 years old. She was both the strictest and most popular professor of the students. She mainly deals with civil rights and she was an outstanding lawyer when she didn't hold lectures.

Looking at her like that and feeling the respect all those students had for her, Adam smiled while adjusting his glasses.

Sometimes he really wondered how all those students would react if they knew how wild Shuri truly was at home.

It was always funny to see how people changed their personality depending on where they were and who they were talking to.

Well, not like he was going to advertise this situation.


At the Faculty of Law, students study the administrative, legislative, and judicial branches of the government from a wide range of angles. These concepts are huge, complex, and important phenomena that have a direct influence on people’s existence, lives, and well-being.

Students are expected to acquire fundamental legal thinking skills and basic political insight.

For some people, the term “Faculty of Law” may conjure up images of a school that trains students to be lawyers. The Faculty of Law’s graduates, however, go into diverse career paths.

Even for students who aspire to be lawyers, it is the Faculty’s policy to provide education that does not focus strictly on a narrow definition of “law.”

In short, this wasn't the kind of university where you just copied what the professor said without trying to think.

The system was extremely effective and each year, Todai released competent lawyers as well as competent members of society.

The way Shuri taught was by following this rule. She was both kind and strict.

Her voice sounded gracefully in the ears of the students and she didn't hesitate to answer all the questions that were asked as long as they were pertinent enough.

What's more, she didn't just teach them some obscure theoretical knowledge. She also taught them her own experience and view as a lawyer or a teacher.

Listening to her lecture was always a pleasure for all and the students were mature and smart enough to understand that they shouldn't waste their time and should pay attention to the experience she shared.

The lecture lasted for two whole hours, but no one seemed to feel the time pass with how focused they were.


"Well, this is all for today. I will not be available for the rest of the year and my assistant will take my place. So now is the time. As you know, you guys are basically at the end of a cycle and must now get some first-hand experience.

I will only accept two students in my firm for an internship this year. Natasha Antonovna Nikitina and Adam Gospel. You two were the ones with the highest grade in my class. So if you are interested, bring me your resume later. That's all."

On those words, she waved at the students who were groaning in disappointment and left as gracefully as she entered.



Yep. What do you think of the feel? Imagine you are a reader and see on WN under a new author. Would you continue reading?

Chris Gill

I think for WN I would say it is good so far, but I would make sure to keep the pace as you have it. I would say condense the big meeting with the sister (the chat with the guard, quick background on the sister) so you can jump to the new mission/dinner date interview...Not sure how quick the system and Drama will kick in as the previous story stopped right as they made it to the big party I think and that was when it was going to get into it.


Mhm. There will be some changes about who he will meet you will see in ch 3 and 4 how I introduced different small new elements. Will wait for your opinion when I post them here