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(AN: This is the non-edited raw version. Chapters will be fully edited when ready to post on WN.)

The moon shone from high in the sky, giving an eerie glow to the streets.

Despite the tardive hour–the city never sleeps.

In one corner of the street, muffled moans and groans sounded from a man and a woman, leaving nothing to the imagination about what was happening.

The sound slowly became more frantic and finally, a last whimper resonated, everything once again went still, before a gentleman wearing a double-breasted suit and a top hat walked out of the darkness while adjusting his clothes.

Bowing a little toward the dark alley, he gave a mocking smile and calmly walked away. His features were indiscernible under the shadow of the hat, but his red pupils shone in the dark.

A few hours later, as dawn slowly creeped out, a sharp scream filled the streets as a worker who was coming back home after a hard night of work witnessed a macabre scene.

A naked woman, laid on the ground, her stomach open and viscera out. A terrible vision of horror as fly hovered over her corpse, while dogs feasted on her innards and maggots crawled out of it.

What struck terror on the worker more than anything was the expression of delight and ecstasy still visible on her face.


*        *

[Los Angeles; California; 2030]

On the road to his campus, a young man was walking with his bag on his shoulder and a notepad in his hand.

At first glance, he seemed nothing particularly special. His hair was slightly unkempt and he was mostly slouching while wearing a pair of thick glasses.

The stereotype nerd in a way.

"Book!! Yahoo!"

The young man furrowed his brows before sighing.

He knew of only one person who would call him like that. As he thought, when he finally turned around, he could see a black car stopping not far from him. Then walking out of it were two people.

One was a short girl with asian features wearing an equally short skirt. The second one was a tall black young man with a sweet caramel skin wearing a jacket over his shirt and a pair of simple jeans.

"Hello Kirishima-San, Steve. What can I do for you two?"

"Muh~!" pouting, the girl asked, "Why do you still call me by my family name while you call Steven by his nickname? It's unfair!"

Ignoring the twenty years old girl who was acting as if she was still a teen, he gave a polite smile to Steve.

They were two of the few acquaintances he had at the University.

He wasn’t particularly interested in partying or rather, he simply didn’t have the time.

"Still, Book, how many times have I told you to be less stiff and wear more fashionable clothes? ”

“I don’t have time for girls.”

“Who is talking about wearing good clothes for girls? You should do that for yourself. It’s seriously a waste of your potential.”

Sae couldn't help but complain. In her opinion, clothes were like armor. Clothing badly simply means that you had shitty armor.

On the side, Steve shook his head with a small smile. He was a silent fellow and he generally didn’t intervene much when those two were discussing.

He knew how stubborn they could be and didn't want to get pulled as the tie breaker.

Meanwhile, Adam simply sighed. They were good friend. But they and by they he mean Saw, could sometimes be quite tiring.

The short girl, Sae Kirishima, was a beautiful girl about 145 cm.

People of cultures would call her a Loli-Oppai. For Adam, she was simply a midget that might fall at any moment the moment gravity realized the existence of those breasts.

Her young face, petite body, twin tail, and her radiant blue eyes filled with mischief really made her seem far younger than she really was. This impression contrasted deeply with the clothes she was wearing.

She was wearing a mini white dress that barely went past her butt and seemed about to flash pictures of spring at any moment. The top part of her dress had a hole in the form of a heart, showing a little of her gigantic C-cup breasts.

Steve on the other hand was the very definition of a simple man. Despite how rich his family was.

He was rather muscular and it was easy to see that his shirt was fighting against his muscles. Despite that, he was rather stylish in his white shirt and blue jeans. He had short and neatly trimmed black hair and equally brown eyes that gave him the appearance of a gentle teddy bear.

Compared to that, Adam, who was currently wearing a blue baggy tracksuit, a thick pair of glasses that made him seem like a wizard, and his long bangs covering his eyes, making his expression difficult to see, seemed quite unappealing at first glance.

Sae liked to tease him by saying that he was worthy of being a hentai protagonist.

He hadn’t understood what she meant at first. But it became clear after she introduced him to the world of anime.

In her opinion, it was heresy for people to know nothing of anime. Even more so since he was half Japanese.

Honestly, she could be rather intense because of her love for anime but she had guided a newbie like him pretty well. Now he wouldn’t say he was a fan but at least he wasn’t completely in the dark either.

Ignoring Sae once again, he put back his notepad and took out his phone. He needed to review the lesson of the previous day. He hadn't been able to study lately because of his new job.

The only saving grace was that the class was done by a friend of his mother. A woman named Shuri. She knew his situation so she would cut him some slack.

But a new caught his eyes,

[Jack the ripper strike again.]

His face became cold at the title of the article and Sae threw a glance on his phone before gagging in distaste.

Steve, seeing their reaction, took a look as well and his mood followed.

"Another murder?"

Sae sighed, "Yeah, I don't know how those vultures always get the news so fast. Either that damn serial killer did it again."

Sae was upset. After all, her father was a detective working for the Los Angeles Police Department and this case was definitely weighing on him.

This was already the fourth kill and all of them had the same Modus. The target were always women who worked in the sex industry.

Because of this, the media jokingly called him the American Jack the Ripper and the name stuck.


The walk toward the campus was filled with discussion but they knew they were just doing this to cheer up Sae and forget the news.

Sometimes, Sae would shiver because of a gust of wind and Steve would snicker a little. Finally, after a while, Steve stopped mocking her and gave her his jacket.

"You guys are as friendly as always."

"Of course~! Steve is my besty ~! We are like, totally best friends since kindergarten."

Steve simply nodded before continuing, "I had to bring this mini trouble with me everywhere as long as I can remember. Sometimes I feel like I am taking care of a pet."


Steven's parents were lawyers and Sae's parents were cops. The two couples had worked a few cases together and so their children were friends since childhood.

Despite how close the two of them were, they weren't going out together.

Though it was clear from the way Sae looked at Steve that she had feelings for him. But either steve was ignoring her intentionally or he was super dense.

'If the three of us were classified into stereotypes. Then Steve would be the dense Protagonist who does not understand how cool he is.

Sae, the poor childhood friend who is destined to lose because of some new girl, and I would be classmate A or the poor Nerd that is magically friends with the cool kids.'

Adam sighed. Sae had really poisoned him with the anime culture.

On the way, they were saluted by many people. Showing how popular the two of them were.

Meanwhile, no one bothered to talk to him. They would also say hello to him out of politeness but they clearly weren’t really interested.

Once they reached the campus, the three of them separated. As they didn’t follow the same courses. Both Adam and Sae were law students while Steve was a med student.

"See you later stevy~! Don't you dare go home without me."

The classroom for the second year was a rather large auditorium. There was no place assigned for university students like in high school, but after a while, some place were basically reserved.

This was even more so when said place was taken by both the 3rd and 2nd highest ranked student as well as-–

"Privetik, Adam. I hope your morning went well."

An elegant blonde-haired blue-eyed tall woman was already seated on the corner they usually took. She was wearing a black t-shirt that gave her a rather vaillant look and a tight pair of jeans that alighted her butt. Her white skin seemed to shine while her pearly teeth were perfectly aligned.

"Hello to you too, Natasha."

–Natasha Antonovna Nikitina, the undisputed first-ranked student since their first year.

A foreign student originated from Russia.



Is there an overview of this story somewhere?


Not yet to write a synopsis or overview. But it will be a supernatural/showbiz/Gang kinda mixed