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“Your holiness. Please answer!”

The first thing she heard when she opened her eyes was the worried shout of a woman and the frenetic knocks on the door.

Slowly raising her upper body, she was struck with a sense of deja-vu as she observed the furniture of the room she was in.

The same bed, the same covers, and the same curtains.

This was without a doubt the room he used to occupy when she still lived in the temple.

‘What is going on—Ugh!’

It was then that an extremely painful headache settled in as a flash of imageS jogged her memories.


The process was so painful that she wished for nothing but to scream in agony. But with a will of steel, she gritted her teeth and only let out a small groan of pain.

Sadly, this was loud enough for the person on the other side to hear.

“Your holiness! Please forgive my impudence but I am opening!”


She wanted to tell them to forget it. That she was alright and there was nothing to worry about. Sadly, as she watched the door open and a young woman entered with a worried expression, all she could do was give what she thought was a reassuring smile before fainting.


“Will her holiness be alright?”

When she woke up again, the same voice sounded in her ears. But this time it was clearly not addressed to her.

“She should normally be alright. I inspected her, but she showed no symptoms of any kind. So I am rather lost.”

The second voice, another woman, commented helplessly.

“Do you think such words are enough!? What will you do if her life is in danger!?”


“It’s enough, Silvia. Do not fault Dame Theresa. I am alright now.”

“Your holiness!”

When Viviane opened her eyes this time, what greeted her was the joyous smile and the teary eyes of a young woman in her twenties.

With long jet black hair and a pair of beautiful eyes and a certain innocence still present despite her glamorous body.

The woman was none other than Silvia Fidgerald. Viviane’s servant, knight, and more importantly her best and only friend.

“I am alright Silvia.”

Giving a gentle smile while keeping her overwhelming feeling to cry inside of her, Viviane then focused on Theresa.

Theresa was a rather short and elderly woman. But, even with the weight of time, it was clear that she must have been a great beauty when she was younger.

“Your holiness. I am glad to see that you are alright.”

Viviane stopped herself from giving a sarcastic remark at the dry tones of the old woman.

Dame Theresa was certainly a skilled doctor but she knew very well how normal doctors hated people with the Healing concept like her.

Furthermore, the woman was in no way religious.

The only reason Theresa was so worried was because of how important Viviane was to the Theocracy.


“I need to be alone.”

She massaged her forehead painfully and ordered with a wave of her hands. She needed to think and those two beings around her did not help.


“This is an order.”

Any complaints Silvia and Theresa had were immediately swallowed back. At that very moment, they did not feel like they were standing close to the sweet and naive Vivian but rather as they were facing a cold and overpowering entity.

Bowing in reflex, the two of them took a step back and left the room in hurry, finally granting the silence Vivian wished for so much.

“First thing first.”

Standing up shakily like a newborn calf, Vivian made her way toward the large mirror in the room and stood in front of it to inspect herself.

Taking off her robes, she nodded to herself when she saw the immaculate and muscle-free body of her younger years.

No muscles from training.

No scars from battle.

A slightly smaller bust but then again she had never really been all that busty in the first place so this was no loss on this part. She always thought that aside from her face, physically speaking, her butt was her best part.

But, more than anything, it was when she passed her hand over her left breast and feel no big hole in it that she accepted the truth.

‘I really went back.’

This was only now that it fully hit her in the back of her mind.

She really went back to the past by using a Pure Concept. A power that stepped on the domain of the divine. Of course, all this would have been impossible without Ragnar’s dragon heart.

“I really want to see him.”

She really wanted to meet him again.

“I can change it.”

This time she was sure that she could make it work. She was sure that she could avert the ill fate that befallen them in the first life.

“But before changing the world…I need to change myself.”

She grimaced as she once again inspected her body.

Beauty was useless on the battlefield and in fact, was a source of even more problems. Even though her concept was Healing, it did not stop her from becoming a terrifying swordswoman in the future. More precisely, she became a Paladin.

It was also there that she meet him.



Grinding her teeth while her eyes blazed in anger, she fought to get back her bearing.

“One thing at a time.” She could not waste this second chance that had been awarded to her. She needed to plan carefully to obtain the greatest effect.”

This was why the first she had to do was,
“I need to know the exact date today.”

It was then,

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

“I believe I have the order to be left alone.”

“I am sorry your highness! I really am! But…You need to prepare. Your wedding with Lord Ragnar is in a few hours.”

Vivian opened her eyes wide. It seemed that she wouldn’t be given the time to prepare.

At the very least, she did now know the exact date.


Chris Gill

This back in time for me is a touchy plot. I struggle with MCs that hide the truth for the whole story and these back in times are usually the worst for that. With this being a single Romance I know I would love to see a story where the FML and ML have all the data and run the story that way without the pointless drama from hiding and lying.... But the first two chapters are great, and I like it has a clear goal for the plot... I would like to keep reading it, but so far on Gojo is the only one I haven't really felt like reading... :D


Mhm. Indeed. Misunderstanding and forced drama can be pretty maddening. What do you think about Girl love story?