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Hey everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful week so far. Just wanted to post an update on how things are going and what's coming up.

Writing Update:
Warhawk's Ultimatum is officially in beta. I'll be taking feedback from the beta readers and editor over the next month. Once I've got that back, I'll start making changes and then we'll be ready to publish. Because we're going over two holidays, it might not be ready till late December/Early January. I may just wait to publish in January since releases in December tend to not do well. I'll still send out the ARC versions of the final manuscript before release for those who want one, so you won't have to wait nearly as long. On Warhawk's long-term viability. This second book is going to be the deciding factor. If book 2 does not sell well, I'll unfortunately have to make considerations on how long to keep writing this series. Book 2 sets up a big upcoming event which could be closed in book 3 or extended longer. We'll see how it goes!

Now that I am done for Warhawk for a bit, I'll be working on a small short that will be published in another Dukes Anthology that will release in January. I think they're going the Kickstarter route, so we'll see. I'm hoping to knock that out this week. Unfortunately, this one won't be on Patreon due to the agreement with the publisher. Sorry about that.

Once that's complete, I'll be working on outlining Untamed Power: Startup, which is the new title for the first book in the Monster Girl Gym series. I'll share the outline for those that are interested in that. Then I will start uploading chapters. I have a few different ideas on how I want to take it. 

J-clea did a sketch up of the cover for Untamed Power. Once she's done with that cover, she'll be working on character sheets for Zara and Divi. I'll also have covers coming in for the Supers Supplier book I'm planning on writing later this year. So I'll have alt covers to choose from with those.

I wrote a small script which I shared with you all. This will be used for the VA's to record. This isn't a chapter in the book or anything. Just something I threw together but gave a small sample of who the main characters are and their personalities.

And I think that's it? I feel like there is more, but if I remember I'll let you know in next week's update. I hope you all have a wonderful week. And for those that are celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope you eat all the delicious foods and enjoy some good time with family and/or friends.


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