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Just a short audition script to give you a sample of the characters that will show up in the monster girl gym series. I'll be posting auditions and things so we can all listen together :)


When the incessant jingle of Tommy’s doorbell went off, he cracked one eye open. Light trickled through the plastic curtains of his apartment’s back patio door. He wasn’t sure what time it was, but he was certain by the heaviness of his eyelids, he could use a few more hours of sleep.

The second time it rang, both eyes opened, and he scowled. When it wouldn’t stop ringing, he rolled his face over and screamed into his pillow. Once he was out of breath, he pushed himself off of his futon and walked across his studio apartment.

Peering through the door’s eyehole, two massive breasts that spilled out of a white spaghetti strap shirt filled his vision. He could hear Alanah’s held laughter in between the pause of the doorbell’s rings.

With a clenched jaw, Tommy unlocked his door and swung it open. “What the fuck, Alanah?”

“Well, that’s no way to greet your best friend,” she said with a slight chuckle.

“You didn’t have to go crazy with the doorbell.”

“If I didn’t you wouldn’t have woken up. It’s already noon.”

“Damn really?” Tommy asked, rubbing the back of his head.

“Yeah… you should put some pants on, too. I brought a guest.”

Alanah stepped out from in front of him, revealing a smaller woman behind him. She had tall white ears with matching white hair. She wore an oversized black Monster Death hoody. And if it wasn’t for her paired short athletic shorts, he wouldn’t have realized how fit she was. Her thighs were toned and muscular, with slight bruising along her shins. Her vibrant red eyes were shadowed by her cocked brow as she stared at Tommy’s almost nude body.

“Hey,” the bunny girl nodded.

Tommy looked down at his garb and back up at the both of them, his eyes growing wide. He sprinted into his bedroom to quickly slip on a t-shirt and shorts as he shouted at his friend. “Alanah, seriously? You couldn’t have warned me first?”

The tall, redheaded strong woman roared with laughter, wiping her eyes before she spoke. “Oh my gods, you should have seen your face.”

“Not funny, Alanah,” Tommy said, returning to the door.

“Oh, come on. Eleanor doesn’t care about seeing you in your briefs. Do you Ellee?”

“Nope,” she said with a deadpan face.

“So, what’s this about?”

Alanah crossed her arms and pinched her brow. “Well, aren’t you going to invite us inside?”

“Yeah, I guess?” Tommy said before stepping from the door’s entrance. Alanah bent underneath the door frame, her horns almost scrapping the top, and walked in. Eleanor followed slowly behind.

Tommy flipped the nearby light switch, illuminating the main living area. He rounded the corner into his small kitchen and took a moment to stretch. After peeking in his empty mug, he grabbed his coffee pot and began rinsing it in the sink.

“Either of you want coffee?” he asked.

“None for me,” Alanah said. “I don’t touch the stuff. Makes me feel all jittery.”

Tommy smirked. “What about all that pre workout you take?”

“That makes me feel jittery in a good way,” she said with a wide smile.

“What about you, Eleanor?”

“Yeah, I’ll take a cup,” she said.

Once he finished washing the pot, Tommy put it back on top of the burner. He pulled the brew basket out, filling it with a piece of filter paper and coffee grounds. After he put it back in the machine, he turned it on and grabbed a second mug from his overhead cabinet.

“Interesting place you got here,” Alanah said, looking around the room.

“Why don’t you tell me why you’re here?” Tommy asked, leaning over the counter. “I don’t think it’s coming to check out my shitty apartment.”

“It’s not shitty.”

“It’s pretty shitty,” Eleanor said bluntly.

Alanah twisted in place, crossing her arms. “It’s got… character.”

Tommy smiled and shook his head. “Come on, Alanah. What are you doing here?”

“Well, when I asked what I could get you for your birthday, you said you needed more members for the gym.”


Alanah wrapped her arms around Eleanor, resting her breasts on the top of her head. “And so… I brought you a new member!”

“Don’t get me wrong, Alanah, I’m super thankful for this… gift. But… why did you need to bring her here and not just bring her to the gym?”

“First, I wanted to see your new place. And second… well, I’ll let Ellee tell you.”

“I need a coach,” she said, putting her hands in her hoody’s front pockets.

Tommy furrowed his brow. “A coach? What kind of coach?”

“A strength and conditioning coach, primarily, if you’re open to it, also a head kickboxing coach.”

Tommy rolled his eyes and looked at his friend. “Alanah…”

“I know, I know,” the twin-horned beauty said, holding up her hands. “But I know the gym isn’t doing well. You sounded so sad the last time we spoke. And this is what you asked for on your birthday. I just… I just wanted to help you.”

Tommy let out a sigh and nodded. “It’s okay. I know you’re just trying to help.” He looked at Eleanor. “I’m guessing you compete, then?”

“Just the regional amateur circuit right now. But I’m trying to go pro.”

“Who is your coach?”

“Frank Martinez off of one hundred and first.”

“I know Frank. He’s a good guy, but a terrible coach. What promotional circuit are you trying to get into? M-1? Tiger? MSK?”

“Anything I can get. Even MFC if I do well enough.”

“Do you have a ground game?”

“No, but that’s something I want to work on next.”

“Okay… then just kickboxing. What style have you trained in?”


“So, knees, bows, and throws?” Tommy asked with a smile. “I saw the bruising on your shins when you walked in.”

A small grin formed on Eleanor’s face. “Yeah, I specialize in high kicks. Three knockouts so far this year.”

“What’s your record?”

“Four and one.”

“Loss is good. It tells you where you need to improve.”

“That’s why I’m here.”



I love Eleanor's introduction and this is a great chapter over all cant wait to read more


Building a B team for audiobooks. I love Rebecca but with my increase in production, I don't think she'll be able to do all the books given her commitments with podium