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Hey everyone! I hope you're having a good weekend. For those of you celebrating Halloween, I hope you had a good time. As I'm putting the final touches on chapter 14, I wanted to take a break and write out some updates.

Writing Progress:
I hope this last week has given you a taste of what's to come. I've had several people reach out to me letting me know they are loving the constant chapters. This is what I have always wanted to provide, from a writing perspective. Now that I am full time, I am spending my full work days writing. Last week I spent more hours "working" but damn it was a lot more enjoyable than dealing with emergencies and kissing some customer's ass. My plan going forward is 5-6 days of writing per week, 10-hour days as the mind and body allow it. The nice thing is that I can spread those hours over the entire day, taking breaks to work out, run errands, etc. That's what I've been doing this last week, and it's been pretty great.

Rebecca has sent me the first three chapters so far, with more chapters along the way. I forgot how emotional I wrote Tempest's reunion with his companions. Hearing Rebecca's emotion come through their speech hit me like a truck. I can't wait to see how the rest of the book plays out.

Once Warhawk 2 has finished, I will starting the auditions for Monster Girl Gym series female narrator. I'll be posting the best on Patreon where we'll do some voting.

Jclea is working on Roja's character sheet right now. I posted a teaser. She's been a little slower but has told me she's picking this back up in November. I have 4 character sheets booked, including this one. I'm still scouring for some new artists.

General thoughts:
Queen's Jaeger, is likely going to be renamed Desert Jaeger or Desert Strider. I'm also considering pushing this one to the back for now because the themes I originally planned to include are a bit too taboo. Adopted daughters, taking on fallen warriors as house servants as part of the harem... stuff that just doesn't traditionally fly, but let me know how you guys feel about that. I might spin off a different pen for literotica or something and just write this one on the weekends.

A new idea that got added to the list is something involving supers as that's the rage right now. But I wanted to do something non-super hero, more average guy in a super hero world. It's titled Supervillian Supplier. Basically, a guy who acts like a fixer to get all the stuff the villains want for their heists. Need a sixty gallon tank of acid to slowly dip the hero in? I'm your guy. Let me know if you like that idea or if you're getting tired of super hero stuff.

If you have any other thoughts that you'd like to see, let me know!

That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a good week ahead!


Yitzhak Brill

Really happy to hear all this, glad you’ve been able to transition well into your new career! Looking forward to seeing what’s down the pipeline. Since I’m a fellow degenerate (unashamed Anya Merchant fan here), I would definitely enjoy “Queen’s Jaeger” if you were to write it. I know there’s a strong market for more “taboo” elements in haremlit, and those are far from the extreme (I mean, unless you sneak in non-con or mindwipe stuff then I’d be more cautious). But I totally understand wanting to be careful with what kind of creative material you introduce into your author “brand”, and how it might affect your audience. As for “Supervillain Supplier”, that seems like a solid idea. Having the series from the perspective of a non-super (who also deals with logistical stuff behind the scenes) is a great way to keep the concept fresh (especially since most capepunk haremlit is from the perspective of an OP hero or villain). Anyway, keep up the good work my man! These are exciting times for sure!


Thanks man! Appreciate the thoughts and input!