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It's another month! Time for another Q&A!

Small update from me, however. The house hunt is still going so in the interim I'm writing when and where I can. Should have 3-4 more chapters of Aspect done this weekend.



1. Mexican food for sure. 2. Our of the four male MCs I have written so far I'd say Frederick from Inn Too Deep. He's more of the calm, collected, guy just trying to make good out of a bad situation. Tempest is too simple minded. Seb is too outgoing and much of a scoundrel. Blackthorn is leaning toward too cutthroat and evil. 3. Blue all the way. Blastoise with his big ass cannons is just too much of a boss. I like Charizard but dragon lookalike he's too small.

James Stephens

Do you plan on playing starfield by Bethesda? Makes me think of your space series.