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Humanity founded the United Human Coalition from member states established on their home planet of Atlas once it was discovered there was other intelligent life among the stars. Through covert cash infusions spaceflight became the number one priority in pursuit of commercial and technical innovation. Once the UHC had discovered FTL travel, humanity soon spread throughout the stars for their own selfish ambitions. They stripped uninhabited planets of their resources, causing unintentional harm to the galaxy’s figurative heart. Concerned with the threat the humans would pose if left unchecked, the Galactic Ruling Council (GRC) made first contact with humanity. In hopes of curbing human expansion, the GRC approved humanity access to their members’ technologies, industries, and trade routes but also limiting their expansion to its current section. Overnight, humanity was uplifted by advancements in all sectors. This, along with the fervor the species was known for, put humanity on equal grounds with their galactic peers in less than a generation. Within that short time frame, the UHC managed to politically maneuver themselves a seat on the council. While their appetite is currently satiated, rumors of galactic war have sparked several human conglomerates of unending profits.

Economic Output: B
Military Strength: A
Technological Advancement: B
Cultural Resistance: B
System Order: C
Overall: B


  • Human adaptability - Through constant struggle, humanity has learned to adapt to any situation or environment by leveraging technology, culture, or eco-societal changes. They can replace their body with cyberware or enhance themselves with genetic modifications that would fail in most species.
  • Universal Donor - While all of the galactic species can enjoy pleasure through physical contact, humans are to be the only species in the galaxy who can naturally produce offspring with each sentient species they encounter. This makes them both equally loved and hated.




Looks suspiciously like Tali form Mass Effect 🤔


I thought the same thing. The artist likely took inspiration from her uniform.

Yitzhak Brill

Always find it cool when sci-fi stories give Humanity a different home planet than Earth. Makes things feel all the more fresh!


Yeah I feel like that's kinda a cop out. They should get their own lore even though there are always similarities