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Hinata, the heiress of the noble Hyuga clan, who was expected to be the next leader of the clan. Since she was a child she was always very gentle, but she was also very shy and insecure, which did not allow her to develop her true potential. When her younger sister Hanabi was old enough, she also started her training within the clan, but unlike her sister, she did not have that insecurity and shyness, so she quickly developed her skills splendidly as expected from a member of the main family of the Hyuga clan.

Hinata and her sister were forced to face each other multiple times as training, and each time Hinata lost, even on one occasion Hanabi kicked Hinata so hard that her footprint was marked on her face. These events upset her parents very much, so hinata was removed as the future leader of the clan, and now it would be hanabi who would carry that responsibility and honor.

Time passed, both girls grew up, hinata was dedicated to improve as a leaf village ninja and hanabi was improving as the future clan leader. However, as both sisters grew older, they kept facing each other repeatedly and the outcome was the same.

Hinata's defeats became more and more humiliating to the point where Hinata was terrified just to see Hanabi who was clearly superior. Hanabi took advantage of this and at some point, she started to make hinata lick her feet after she was brutally defeated, but it didn't end there, hanabi went higher and higher, she would make hinata lick her feet, be her seat, paint her nails, clean her sandals with her tongue and even once made her lick her mother's sandals while she was sleeping; her latest addition was to make hinata act like a dog, she would use a clone of hinata to sit on her stomach and have hinata wipe her feet, while she enjoyed watching the original humiliate herself naked by acting like a dog, barking all over the place, this had become a regular practice.

One day they had another fight, but unlike the previous ones in which only the two of them were present, this time their mother was watching. As expected, hinata's defeat was imminent and humiliating; hanabi wasted no time and as usual kicked hinata and then made her lick her dirty, sweaty feet.

Hinata's face blushed intensely as she looked with pleading eyes at hanabi.

Hinata: please hanabi she said whispering.

Hanabi: what? you thought I wouldn't use you as usual just because mom is here, ha you idiot now do the usual, or I will kick you until I get bored.

Hinata with all the embarrassment in the world created a clone for hanabi to sit on and wipe her feet while she undressed and acted like a dog. The woman standing in front of them with surprise and disgust at hinata's actions, asked for an explanation, hanabi explained how hinata had simply lost in front of her all her life and that this was the result, she also told her how this had been going on for almost a year now. Her mother was furious and disappointed at how pathetic her daughter turned out to be, she was a disappointment to the Hyuga clan, as punishment for her useless existence hinata was forced by her mother to remain in her current state.

The following days hinata was not allowed to leave her house, she remained naked and locked in a cage with barely enough size to be able to stand on all fours like the dog she was, without food or water the only thing she could do was lick the stinky feet and sandals of her sister and mother who came to use her constantly. It was 5 days before her mother released her from the cage, of course she would continue to act like a slave dog, she was taken to the main entrance of the house where she met an unusual visitor: Hana inuzuka.

Hinata's mother: well here is our foot slave dog.

Hana: umn oh well. I've been waiting for you 

Hinata blushed like a tomato from the embarrassment of someone else seeing her in this situation.

Hana: Let's test how good a dog he is. Slave! Lick my sandals 

Hinata: What? N n-no, that... 

Hinata's mother: do as she says, now!!!! 

kicks Hinata in the crotch.

Hinata: ahh! lick lick lick lick lick

Hinata's mother: once, she'll do what you tell her, she just needs a little training and a firm hand. 

Hana: I see I see, so I can do anything with her? 

Hinata's mother: of course, she's a dog and a slave, her only purpose is to obey 

Hinata in her mind: mother, why? Why do I have to be humiliated like this? 

Hana: well

Hana lifted one foot and stepped on hinata's head stepping on it and staying there while she listened to hinata moaning in pain, then Hana leaned on one foot to lift the other one and take off her sandal, then repeat the same with the other foot, all while hinata suffered under her feet supporting all her weight on her head, then she got off and sat on the floor of the house. 

Hana: well now smell my shoes 

Hinata: smells inside the shoe uhh, they really stink cough.

Hana: great now smell them and bark like a dog while I rest my feet on your head 

Hinata: sniff Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan sniff Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan sniff Wan Wan Wan Wan.... 

Hinata in her mind: (crying) why is this happening to me, it's disgusting. 

Hana: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you look so ridiculous barking like a dog while sniffing my shoes, that's enough, now lick my feet.

Hinata looked up to find Hana's feet, they were filthy, much dirtier than hanabi's or her mother's ever have been. 

Hinata: What? O no no no no not that no, they are filthy, I'm not going to.... 

Hinata was interrupted by a kick from Hana.

Hana: bad girl, dogs and slaves must obey their owners, now you will have to be punished, lift your paws up

Hinata: but 

Hana: NOW!!!! 

Hinata raised her paws as she was ordered while her mother who had been all the time observing everything from behind, brought a whip 

Hinata's mother: here you go, though if you don't have any problems, I'd like to help you with this. 

Hana: of course, right on the breasts. 

Hinata's mother started to whip her multiple times on her breasts, a very sensitive part for a woman

Hinata's mother: this is what you deserve, understand you are not a human anymore, you are just a dog and a slave that must obey no matter what, now lick Hana's feet 

Hinata started to lick Hana's dirty feet still in her position while tears came out of her eyes. 

Hana: they taste great, don't they? 

Hinata: yes

Hana: prove it then, tell me how great they taste and thank me for letting you lick them. 

Hinata: your feet are great, they are the best feet I've ever seen in my life, and they have the best taste in the world.

Hana: well now bark like a little dog begging for more, and don't stop licking my feet. 

Hinata: Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan lick Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan lick.... 

Hana turned to look at hinata's mother with a satisfied smile. 

Hana: okay that's enough, I'll buy it.

Hinata's mother : okay 

Hinata: huh? Buy it? 

Hana: that's right, that's why I came here, your mother offered me to buy you as a slave and a dog. 

Hinata: what? Why mother? 

Hinata's mother: what why? Because you're a useless person who has stained the name of the main family, you're so weak that your sister had to take your place as the future leader of the clan, you even allowed hanabi to humiliate you and treat you like a slave, even worse like a dog. I can't let a scum like you stay in the clan, so I decided to banish you from the clan and sell you as a little bitch slave since apparently you're the only thing you're good at, and who better to sell a bitch slave to than the dog specialist inuzuka clan. 

Hinata was speechless and could only cry at such cruel words coming from her own mother.

Hana: well if you're done, here's the money

Hinata's mother: well thank you, it's all yours now, I'll just give her a few more lashes to remind her of her place if you don't mind

Hana: go ahead

Hinata's mother: multiple lashes okay now go to your new slave owner

she kicks Hinata again in the crotch

Hana places a dog leash around her new slave and orders her to finish cleaning her feet.

Hinata's mother: I hope you treat her like she deserves this useless one.

Hana: sure, you can be sure, she's going to spend the rest of her life cleaning the feet and shoes of every woman in the clan, plus we'll force her to be used by the dogs too if you know what I mean wink wink.

Hinata's mother: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA well, her life will be a living hell


Hana left the Hyuga residence with hinata walking on all fours behind her, heading to her new life or rather the end of it.




The story was GREAT!. I loved it.