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After years of constantly seeing sakura go off on what she was told were “jonin missions” every week on the same day and time sarada got suspicious. Anytime she would ask she wouldn’t get a real answer so she decided to investigate. She follows Sakura only to find sakura naked on her knees licking the feet of Karin who she recognized from photos of her and Sasuke in her home. Sarada reveals herself and demands to know what’s going on, before Sakura can say anything Karin kicks her and stomps her scolding her for her incompetence. After gathering herself she decides that Sarada is old enough to learn the truth. She explains everything about how she’s her real mother, how she made a deal with sakura in order to take care of her so she could have a happy life living in konoha instead of growing up in orochimaru’s hideouts, since sakura convinced her the residents of konoha wouldn’t be too welcoming of her given her past. Sarada is shocked to learn the truth but thinking back it all made sense. It’s why Sakura had always got nervous whenever she would ask about her from the picture she saw, it’s why all the other adults wouldn’t ever give her a straight answer when she asked, and it’s why Sakura had always acted more like a slave to her then a mother it’s because that’s all she was to her REAL mother. Sakura tries to talk to Sarada but Sarada kicks her and uses her body as a stepping stool telling her to be quiet as she’s trying to talk to her true mother. Sarada hugs Karin telling her she’s happy to meet her Karin decides to join and uses sakura as a stepping still as well and hugs her back. Sarada tells Karin she wished she could’ve lived with them in Konoha. Karin tells her she has great news Sasuke was able to talk it over with the 7th Hokage and has worked it out so Karin can become an official member of Konoha.

Sakura still enduring the weight of both girls is confused as their deal required she stayed away from Sasuke. Karin gives her a hard stomp mocking her telling her she played her for a fool, Karin and Sasuke had been meeting for years once Naruto became the hokage all they had to do was wait till sasuke could convince him to smooth things over with the village. And that’s not all he also convinced him to make Sakura the Uchiha’s official slave. Sakura angered by all this manages to get Karin and Sarada off of her she cracks her knuckles and threatens Karin but Karin is un-phased, explaining that if Sakura does any harm to her or her daughter Sasuke will make short work of her Sakura realizes she’s right and can’t do anything about her situation. Karin smirks and tells her to now down to her Sakura does as she says as all she can do is submit Karin orders her to kiss her feet laughing the entire time. Karin then orders her to kiss Sarada’s feet as well Sakura looks up at Sarada hoping she’ll have some mercy due to their years together, but Sarada simply smirks with her mother kicking Sakura in the face for taking so long to do what she was ordered. Realizing that neither of them would be merciful sakura begins crying and starts to kiss her former daughter’s feet both laughing at sakura pathetic state Karin telling her it’s the start of a beautiful arrangement.

1 year later a lot have changed for the uchiha’s Karin was made an official citizen of Konoha, and after Sasuke had divorced Sakura, Karin had taken her rightful place as Sasuke’s wife and could live with her family. Sakura was turned into the uchiha’s personal slave at their beck in call living in a cage surviving off the dirt and crumbs that would be stuck to Sarada and karins foot and sweat coming from their feet the two Uchiha ladies would often have Karin be used by all their friends as well.’

Karin: “C’mon you stupid footslut lick more thoroughly it’s like your barely even trying!”

Sarada: “Yeah at the rate your going it’s gonna take FOREVER for you to be done cleaning my moms feet and you still have mine to clean next with as slow as your going I’ll be late for my training session with boruto so hurry it up slave!!! Or do we need to remind you of your place in life?”

Sakura: “N-no t-that won’t be necessary I’ll do better please forgive me my uchiha goddesses.”

Karin: “Don’t forget tonight we’re having a dinner part to celebrate my one year anniversary of being instated as a citizen of konoha we’re inviting all our friends over we’ll need your tongue nice an moist to clean all their feet as well not to mention the house is a mess and if you takes half as long to clean that as it is for you to clean my feet then you’ll regret it....maybe my dear daughter sarada is right maybe you do need to be reminded your place in life.”

Sarada: “Yeah you know the routine by know first we kick you around turning you into our little training dummy.”

Karin: “Then after you can’t take anymore we trample you and stomp on you and jump on you as hard and as much as we can till your begging for mercy and covered in footprints.”

Sarada: “Once your too exhausted to move that’s when we get the whips out and start whipping you as you scream for mercy but we won’t stop until your red all over.”

Karin: “Then finally we take you to the most public place in the village recording you to licking and worshiping our feet while others laugh and point at you mocking you giving you the most degrading names possible until it’s shown as public broadcast all over the village.”

Sarada: “Then we invite who’s around join in with dominating you in front of the whole village rather they’re a friend or complete stranger and when it’s all done we go home watch the recorded footage having a blast together while you continue to worship are feet and if I recall last time we did that you were in tears which was just the icing on the cake.”

Karin” So you filthy footwhore do we need to put you through that again? Or for once in your life can you not be such a useless worthless pathetic piece of crap and do something right for once?!”

‘Fear ran through sakura as she remembered all the times sakura and Karin had put her through their routine karins words sounding like she was on the break of putting her through that very same routine once again.’

Sakura: “N-No please! Anything but that! I swear I’ll do better I’ll lick faster I’ll clean faster just don’t put me through that again!!!” 

Karin: “Then quit your begging and START LICKING!!!”

‘Sakura does as her goddesses tell her to do but she prioritizes speed over accuracy angering her goddesses.’

Sarada: “Oh for the love of-! Here let me help you!!!”

puts her foot on sakura head guiding where her tongue goes

Sarada: “You really can’t do anything by yourself can you?! God your so pathetic, just like my dad said! He talked about how you would always be a burden to the original team seven apparently lord seventh has similar stories he’s told boruto and himawari. Honestly I don’t know what i was expecting from someone with your track record all I do know after your done cleaning my moms feet you better not have as much trouble cleaning mine IS THAT CLEAR YOU USELESS SLAVE?!?!”


Karin: “Excellent work taking the commanding role and getting are slave back on track you really have a knack for this sort of thing Sarada of course that’s to be expected from my daughter your father will be so proud the next time he sees you.”

Sarada: “Thanks mom that means so much coming from you afterall I learned from watching you. As for you footslave you have five more minutes to clean my mom’s feet before we put you through our special routine again understood?!”

Sakura: “yes goddess Sarada I’m sorry goddess Sarada.”




AWESOME! it was so good.