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Day 7 (FINAL): 

It was the last day of the week. Boruto woke up on the floor of Sarada's bedroom, which was odd, since it would usually be Sarada who woke him up to issue a command, But she was still fast asleep, laying face down, with both feet hanging outside her blanket. 

Looking at the clock, he realized it wasn't that he had woken up early, but it was Sarada who had overslept. It was his duty to wake his mistress up, but he wanted to do it in the most gentle and respectful manner possible. He went to the edge of the bed and started showering her soles with quick and soft kisses nonstop. 

It took some time, but Sarada finally woke up, and her first reaction was to push Boruto away with a kick to the face. She sat on her bed and stretched while yawning. Boruto returned to the side of the bed and bowed before her. 

Boruto: "Good morning Mistress, I didn't mean to bother you. But since you are always so punctual, I figured you would want to wake up in time". 

Sarada: * Putting on her glasses and getting out of bed* "That's fine". 

Boruto: * putting the slippers on her feet* "How can I serve you today?".

Sarada: "Hmmm, Today is your 7th day here, right?".

Boruto: "Yes Mistress". 

Sarada: "Which means today is the last day of the bet. I want to have some time for myself, so I'll dismiss you early. You are free, go home already!". 

Boruto couldn't believe what he heard. Was she serious? After all of this, would she end it just like that? Had he not been a good slave? Was it just a joke?. 

Boruto: * looking up, anguished * "You don't have to worry about that. I can still be your slave, for as long as you want!".

Sarada: * squatting and patting his head * "Aw~ you're such a loyal dog. But I think I've had enough fun with you. You have no money left for me to spend, and humiliating you is not as satisfactory as before, now that you like it. You just don't have any pride or dignity left to enjoy crushing". "Also, I want to have my room for myself and be alone with my mom without having you around the house". 

Boruto was crying inside, In a last desperate attempt to convince Sarada, he hugged her from the lower section of her leg and gave her calf and shin lots of kisses as he implored:

Boruto: "PLEASE MISTRESS, PLEASE! I beg you! Let me stay. I promise I'll be a better slave, I'll be useful, I'll get more money for you. If you don't want me in your room, I can sleep in the corridor, or outside. I'll do anything to please you, but don't make me go away". 

Sarada didn't move an inch, just staring down at the boy kissing her leg. Calmly she said: 

Sarada: "Such entitlement. A slave thinking he can tell his mistress what to do". 

Boruto: "Sorry Mistress, I didn't mean to - ". 

Boruto shut up when Sarada grabbed him from the face with one hand, clenching the sides of his cheeks. 

Sarada: "Don't misunderstand. The 'Freedom' I'm giving you is nothing more than me taking a break from you. You will always a pathetic little bitch, and whenever I see you on the street I'll make you lick the dirt off my shoes in front of everyone until they shine, understood?". 

Boruto: * with his mouth being squashed between his cheeks * "Undershtood Misshtresh. Thank you". 

Sarada: -she let go her grasp and slapped him hard with the same hand- "Now, get lost!".

Boruto grabbed his stuff and left. His stuff being only the clothes he was wearing and the leash Tenten had given him and Sarada had allowed him to keep. Melancholic and depressed, he walked home, dragging each step and wishing for this day to have never come. 

From all the cruelties Sarada had subjected him to, making him fall in love with her, her feet and his new life, just to take it all away was definitely the worst. 

He finally reached his house and got inside. There were no other shoes at the entrance, so he knew no one was home. Going to his room, he tried to lay on his bed, but wasn't able to. Resting on a bed didn't feel right anymore, only the hard floor seemed like an appropriate place for him, so he laid there instead. 

Trying to think about how to return to his former life, he arrived to the same conclusion over and over again, he couldn't. He now craved the taste and smell of women's feet, and the urge to serve and worship was all that was left in his mind. 

He got up and tried walking around the house, to clear his mind and get rid of such thoughts. However, passing by the entrance, something he saw caught his attention, his mother's slippers. Hinata always wore those same slippers, so the chances of them retaining the smell of her feet were high. 

Boruto pondered whether if he should do what he was thinking about, or not; It was his own mother after all. This didn't last long, his indoctrination had gone too deep and couldn't afford to miss a chance like this, so he went for it. He could have picked the slippers up and taken them to his nose, but instead, he chose to get down and take his nose inside them. He took a really long and deep whiff in there, taking all of Hinata's foot odor in. The smell left him stunned, he didn't expect his own mother's feet to have such a divine scent.

He kept sniffing the insoles nonstop, in absolute bliss for god knows how long. Suddenly, the sound of the door being unlocked was heard, and as it opened, Boruto instinctively faced its direction and bowed before the incoming person. 

Boruto: "Welcome Home Mistr- ..." - Boruto paused to look up, meeting eyes with a very confused Hinata- "I mean, Welcome home Mom". 

Hinata: "Boruto? What are you doing down there? And where have you been all week? I was worried". 

Boruto: "Well... Sorry about that. I was just... Doing something important. But don't worry, nothing dangerous". -His eyes made his way down to her boots, a pair of dark long leathery boots that almost reached her knee and left her pretty toes exposed. Gazing at this made an idea pop up in his head- "So, would you like me to take your boots off for you?". 

Hinata: "uh, why?". 

Boruto: "no reason, I just haven't seen you in quite some time, and thought about doing something nice for you". 

Hinata: "Mmm... Ok, if you want to, go ahead". 

Boruto unzipped her boots and carefully took them off her feet. He wanted to replace them with the slippers, but Hinata put them on her own and walked pass him.

Even so, he took this opportunity to take a whiff directly from her boot while she was not looking at him. The smell coming from the boots was stronger and even better than the one from the slippers. He put the boots down and followed Hinata, crawling behind her. Hinata turn around and noticed this.

Hinata: "Are you not gonna stand up?". 

Boruto: "Oh! yeah, I was... just about to". *Trying to change the subject to not look suspicious * "So, what were you doing outside?". 

Hinata: "I took Himawari to the academy, remember she started this week. We have also been training with her byakugan before class". "But I have to admit, I didn't remember how extenuating the training was, it has definitely taken its toll on my chakra lately. I'm a little tired, but I have to get started with the house cleaning today". 

Boruto saw yet another opportunity in this. 

Boruto: "If you feel tired, why don't you sit down and take a little break?. 20 minutes won't delay you much, and I can give you a foot massage if you want". 

Hinata: "a foot massage? I thought you didn't like them. The times I asked you for one before, you said that was gross". 

Boruto: "I might have overreacted before, but I can do it if that helps you relax". 

Hinata: "I don't really need a foot massage right now. But I could definitely use a break. Make it a shoulder massage and we have a deal". 

Boruto: "Of course Mist- Mom!".

In the living room, Hinata picked up a magazine and sat on the couch cross-legged, letting her slippers fall off. Boruto got behind her and started rubbing her shoulders; he regretted not being able to give her a foot massage, but as long as he was pleasing his mother, it was fine by him. Hinata was enjoying the massage while she read. The 20 minutes flied by, and Hinata stood up.

Hinata: "Thank you for the massage sweetie. I really needed that, but I better get started mopping the floor". 

Boruto didn't want to stop, but most importantly, he didn't want to see his mother degrading herself to such a chore. 

Boruto: "You don't need to bother with that, I can do it for you. Just sit and rest a little longer". 

Hinata: "You had never offered to help me with the Housework before, but If you are willing to, I wouldn't mind". 

Boruto: "No problem!" -he waved the signs and made a shadow clone- "I can do that while he continues with the massage". 

Hinata: "Ok then" - She sat back down, crossing her legs again, and resuming her reading.

Boruto took a rag from the kitchen and got on his knees to start mopping the floor, crawling and dragging the rag all across the house. This felt natural for him; on his knees, doing hand labor, he felt great ease of heart knowing he was doing it instead of his mother, who was still relaxing and being attended by his clone.

The only place left to clean was around the couch his mother was on. He approached the area until he was kneeling right in front of Hinata's bare legs. Hinata was too focused on her magazine to notice her son below her.

Boruto was so close to her feet, that he could smell them just by breathing. He couln't get enough of that strong odor, getting closer and closer, staring directly at them. They had beautiful black painted nails, just like Sarada's; in fact, the entire foot bared a huge resemblance to that of Sarada. 

This resemblance, mixed with the Heavenly smell that invaded his senses made something in Boruto's mind snap, He lost awareness of his surroundings and surrendered to his impulses. He began to frenetically kiss his mother's feet, recklessly kissing her instep, her heel, her arch, her ankles and each of her toes. This went on for around 5 minutes until Boruto came back to his senses. 

Realizing what he had done, he looked up to see his Mother's reaction. Only to find a judgmental glare coming from her, still in the exact same position, she had not moved at all throughout the whole thing. His clone behind her had the same ashamed and anguished expression as himself, but that didn't stop him from fulfilling his task. 

There was an awkward silence between the three of them, unlit Hinata finally broke the silence. 

Hinata: "Do you mind explaining what was all that about?".

Boruto couldn't utter any words and the shame had turned his face red; he had thought there was no shame left in him after this last week, but apparently involving his mother was a different story. Whatever the case, he could not undo what he had done, nor come up with a believable excuse for it; all he could do was risk it all in a 'now or never' 'all or nothing' gamble. With his palms firmly planted on the ground, he bowed his head as low as he could, taking a deep breath and finally gathering the courage to speak.

Boruto: "MOM! I know this might sound weird, but please, PLEASE LET ME BE YOUR SLAVE".

Hinata: "WHAT?!".

Boruto: "You always do so much around the house, and it hurts me to think about you staining your hands, tiring and degrading yourself with chores unworthy of you. You are a princess of the Hyuga clan, aren't you? A princess shouldn't be bothered With such stuff, so please let me do it in your stead, so that you never have to lift a finger again".

Hinata was speechless after hearing the words that had just come out of her own son's mouth; But, he had mentioned something that reached to her. Ever since she started living with Naruto she had dedicated herself entirely to the needs of others, breaking her back day after day, being left with barely any time or energy for herself. Every now and then she would reminisce with nostalgia her days in the Hyuga household, where she had servants taking care of her every need 24/7. 

Boruto's proposal had undoubtedly awakened Hinata's interest.

Hinata: "Tell me, if I agreed to this, will you take care of every chore in the house? Cleaning, cooking, laundry, groceries, washing the dishes, everything?"

Boruto: "Anything you command, and more. I will make sure you are always comfortable and never have to worry about anything ever again. So, please Mom, let me pamper you and worship you like the Goddess you are". 

'Goddess', "That has a nice ring to it, and my own slave... Not bad", thought Hinata. This was the final nail in the coffin for her to make her choice. 

Hinata: *changing her expression to a more confident one * "Very well, I shall grant your wish and become your Goddess". 

Boruto: in disbelief from that being actually happening "THANK YOU MOM, THANK YOU SO MUCH! 

Hinata: "I'm no longer your Mother. I'm your Goddess, and you shall address me as such, Slave!". 

Boruto: "Sorry Goddess, It will never happen again". 

Hinata: "It better not. Now, remember that foot massage you offered me earlier? I think I'll take it after all. My first command as your Goddess is for you to rub my feet, now!".

Boruto: "Right away Goddess!". -He grabbed her foot and started rubbing it, with the biggest smile on his face Hinata had ever seen-. 

Hinata turned to the Boruto behind her, who had nor been moving for some time now. 

Hinata: "Why did you stop? My shoulders aren't gonna rub themselves".

The clone was so focused in what was going on that he had forgotten to do his job. He reacted abruptly and Immediately got back to it, growing a big smile of his own, now that he was massaging the shoulders of his new Goddess. Hinata laid back and enjoyed the coddles from her two slaves.

Hinata: "This is nice, taking it easy from now on will help me replenish my chakra a lot faster". 

Hearing this, the Boruto at her feet remembered what he had inside his pocket. He took out the collar and wrapped it around his neck. Locked the leash and handed it over to Hinata. 

Boruto: "Take this, Goddess. It will refill your chakra in no time". 

Hinata: "A leash, uh? You really came prepared for anything". -She grabbed the leash and instantly felt a boost on her energy and vitality, experiencing sheer pleasure at that moment".

Boruto continued caressing her perfectly shaped foot, he couldn't help but thinking out loud how mesmerized he was by its sheer beauty. Hinata liked hearing this, and with a smirk on her face, said:

Hinata: "You like my feet a lot, don't you?". 

Boruto: "I love them, Goddess". 

Hinata: *lifting her other leg and putting the ball of her foot on Boruto's lips. "Treat yourself then". 

Boruto: "THANK YOU GODDESS!" -His eyes lit up, and his smile grew even wider. He ran his tongue all along her sole and made sure to suck each and every toe individually". If he thought the smell was good, the taste had just blown his mind.

Hinata: "To think that we have a whole life like this ahead of us. But, let's keep it a secret from your father, just in case he doesn't take it well. And Himawari too, at least until she is a little older and you can start serving her as well". 

Boruto: *In between licks * "Understood" *lick * "Goddess". 

Boruto was in a world of ecstasy at the moment. His wish had come true, regaining his position as a slave and even earning a new owner to serve. He had already abandoned any activity related with becoming a ninja, so his chakra was put to a much better use being given entirely to his new goddess. With his father always working, and Hima at the academy, he would have plenty of time to spend with his goddess of a mother. 

Special thanks to Dante2305 for working with me and helping me to finish this series
I will open requests tomorrow now I am making a list of anime characters that can be used



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