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Day 6:

Today started like every other day, with Boruto being awakened by Sarada's bare foot slapping him on the face. As soon as he regained consciousness, he got into his usual position, bowing down before the Uchiha princess, and proceeded to put on her feet the slippers he was using as pillow just a minute ago:

Boruto: "What can I do for you today Mistress?".

Sarada: "Someone very special will be coming over for breakfast today, and your job is to prepare and have everything ready by then. Needless to say, you better do a good job, or there would be consequences".

Boruto headed straight to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. He had all the ingredients necessary to cook what he had in mind. Now, he only had to make sure it was all worthy of his mistresses; who were chatting in the living room.

After a little while, Boruto had managed to prepare several pancakes with the ideal size and color, and after that, he put some eggs and bacon to fry on a big pan. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect, not just because Sarada had told him to, but because he genuinely wanted to do the best he could, so that Sakura and Sarada could enjoy their breakfast with their mysterious guest.

It was all looking real good so far, and the smell was very appetizing as well. So much so, that Boruto's mouth began watering. He kept staring at the eggs on the pan as they fried, until his stomach let out a loud growl. He was so focused on his duty, that he had even forgotten that he himself had not eaten any real food for the last days. Sarada had not allowed him to have any food for himself, and all of his meals so far had consisted of the filth from women's feet. 

Cooking on an empty stomach was truly a harsh torture, but enduring his own suffering, (not nearly as focused as before) he continued frying more eggs on the pan. Unfortunately, the last two had not turned out that well. One of them had the yolk very off center, while the other had broken when he tried to move it with the spatula.

These were definitely not good enough for his Mistresses. He would have to throw them away. He was about to put them in the trash, when an idea popped up in his head.

Boruto: "What if I eat them instead?". -The thought alone made his stomach growl once again, even louder this time-.

If he was going to dispose of them either way, he might have as well eaten something other than foot grime for the first time in days. He looked around, Sarada and Sakura were not paying attention to him whatsoever, so neither of them would even find out. Grabbing the plate of eggs, he was seconds away from taking a bite of them, so close that he could almost taste them. However, he stopped to question himself; Did he really want to disobey Sarada?.

The answer was 'No', Sarada's word was absolute and even if she never found out, he was not whiling to disobey even the cruelest and most unreasonable of her demands. With the pain of his heart, he threw the eggs into the trash can to continue getting everything ready. 

A little later, the doorbell rang and Sakura, without getting up from the couch, told Boruto to go greet their guest properly and let them in. He went to open the door, revealing the guest to be none other than lady Tsunade, an astonishingly sexy blond woman, legendary sannin, Sakura's mentor and former Hokage.

Tsunade: Oh, hello Boruto, What are you doing here?

He didn't answer the question, but realizing he would be serving her as well, he got on his knees putting his forehead against the floor and said:

Boruto: "Welcome Mistress Tsunade, would you allow me to remove your shoes for you?'.

Tsunade was taken off guard by this. She had been called that way before because of her linage and in her time as Hokage, but she had never expected to hear it from Naruto's son; Specially not while on his knees. She refrained from asking for an explanation and simply replied:

Tsunade: "Sure" *stretching her leg forward *

Boruto unclipped both of Tsunade's shoes and carefully took them off her beautiful feet. He left them aside, well aligned with the rest of the shoes, and put a pair of pink slippers in their stead. Tsunade was still trying to grasp the meaning of it, but whatever it was, she was definitely liking it. 

They went to the living room, were Sarada and Sakura finally met with Tsunade.

Sakura: "Lady Tsunade, good to see you again. How was your trip between the four nations? ".

Tsunade: "It took longer than I expected, but it was incredible".

Sarada: * looking at Boruto * "Can't you see we are all gathered?" * Repeatedly snapping her fingers * "Set the table already".

Boruto: "Sorry mistress, right away".

Sakura: "Oh, and set an extra plate. I called Ino and she should be joining us soon".

Boruto: "Of course Mistress, no problem" - then he went to bring everything from the kitchen-.

Tsunade: "If you don't mind me asking... Why is Boruto here, doing all of this?".

Sarada told her everything about the bet, and how he had been living with them working as their slave and servant, catering to their every whim. Tsunade found it absolutely hilarious, and wanted to take part in it.

Boruto had finished setting the table, there were pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries, eggs with bacon on the side, hot coffee and three glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice. The three girls sat at the table.

Tsunade: "I'm glad I can finally sit down and rest. This trip involved a lot more walking than I expected, my feet are killing me".

Sakura: " So, your feet hurt, uh? You should have Boruto give you a foot massage. He rubs my feet every night and is really good at it".

Tsunade: * Making fun of what Sakura just described * "Ah Ha ha ha, Is that true Boruto? Are you really that pathetic?".

Boruto: "Yes Mistress. Would you like me to rub your feet too?".

Tsunade: * with an arrogant grin * "Go ahead, but I won't move, You get down".

Boruto got under the table and began rubbing Tsunade's foot. She had long toes and her toenails were painted a dark shade of red that highlighted the milky white tone of her foot; which was warm and her soles definitely red. This massage was like a blessing from heaven for Tsunade.

Tsunade: "You weren't kidding, this feels so good".

Sarada: "Do you wanna try something that feels even better? " * Pocking Boruto's cheek with her big toe * "Bring me your leash. And take your shirt off, I want to show her your marks".

Boruto got up to go for the leash, the same black leather leash with a collar Tenten had given him, now with a name tag that read "Sarada's Bitch". He put the collar on and removed his shirt as he made his way back. He handed the other end over to Tsunade; who, after taking hold of it, was filled with energy and a refreshing feeling of power. Boruto in the other hand, started feeling weak and dizzy. Even so, he resumed the massage from where he had left it, putting what little strength he had left into it.

Tsunade: * moaning a little with eyes closed* "Mmmm, yeah. I love this". -She opened her eyes to contemplate Boruto's back full of scars- "This is the best! Just look at you. The idiot son of the Hokage, reduced to nothing but a Foot slave, down on his knees pampering my feet. What happened to the kid that was always bragging about how good of a ninja he was?".-Boruto didn't reply, just continued with the massage-. " Do you remember when you were a little kid and I used to go visit your father? And how you used to call me an old hag?".

Boruto: "I'm very sorry Mistress. I was just a kid".

Tsunade: "Yeah, yeah, apologies are cheap. Show me how sorry you are!".

She crossed her leg, putting her free foot in front of Boruto's face. He understood the message and began kissing her right foot while still massaging the left one.

The three ladies continued eating their breakfast and completely ignored Boruto under the table. They were talking about many things, such as Tsunade's trip, Sakura's job, and Sarada's training.

While Boruto rubbed and kissed her feet, the smell of food that managed to slip through Tsunade's foot stench into his nostrils was driving him crazy. He tried to ignore it, but it was useless, his stomach let once again a loud growl, shutting the conversation.

Tsunade: "Well, well. Seems like our dog is hungry. What do you think Sarada, should I 'Throw him a bone' for his efforts?".

Sarada: "Hmmm...., Yeah, I think it's been long enough. You can feed him if you want".

Boruto's eyes lightened up with excitement. He couldn't help but to thank Sarada very enthusiastically for being such a generous mistress.

Tsunade: "What about me?" * Delivering a soft kick to his face * "Aren't you gonna thank ME for my generosity?".

Boruto: "Of course, sorry Mistress. Thank you so much. I don't deserve your kindness" * kissing the foot he had just been kicked with *.

Tsunade: "Yeah, yeah, whatever. A dog should not eat from the same plates as his owner, so you will eat from the ground".

Tsunade grabbed the bacon from her plate, lowering the hand she held it with so close, that he could almost taste it. However, instead of dropping it, she pulled her hand back up and ate it all in one bite, making a crunchy sound as she chewed, licking her red lips afterwards. Boruto's broken heart could be seen in his eyes.

Tsunade: "What? Did you think I would give you this?". " Slaves like you deserve nothing but garbage and leftovers. So, go bring the trash can from the kitchen, your meal awaits you there".

Boruto went for the trash, while Sakura and Sarada were laughing at him for the prank Tsunade had played on him. He brought it back, and Tsunade looked at the content.

Tsunade: "Look what we have here".

They were the eggs Boruto had thrown away earlier; now cold and scrambled, mixed with coffee, bits of eggshell and orange pulp with seeds. She took it all out of the trash can and dropped it to the floor. She began crushing and mashing all together using her feet.

Then, the sound of someone knocking the door was heard, Sakura knew it was probably Ino, so she told Boruto to go welcome her. At the entrance, a very similar scene as the one before with Tsunade played out with Ino. Except that, already knowing about Boruto's situation, she took great pleasure in making him kiss her boots before taking them off. Ino joined the party and sat down as Tsunade finished playing with the food on the floor.

Tsunade: "There's your lunch, eat it up. But clean my feet first, they are all gross and sticky after preparing your food".

Sakura: "I don't want my floor sticky either, so make sure to leave it spotless after you eat".

Boruto began cleaning Tsunade's feet by licking her soles and sucking each of her toes. The coating was disgusting, but beneath it was the same foot flavor he had actually come to love, and made licking and swallowing all that worth it. He was doing it all so eagerly that even surprised Ino.

Ino: "Is this the same Boruto who didn't want to clean my boots a few days ago? What did you do to him Sarada, did you put him under a Genjutsu?".

Sarada: "Not at all. He simply realized this is where he belongs, and this is what he is meant to do".

Ino: "You are right about that" * putting her feet over Boruto's back, using him as a footstool *.

Once both of Tsunade's  feet were completely clean, she grabbed Boruto by the hair using her toes and pulled him down, burying his face into his food.

Tsunade: "You can eat now" * resting her foot on his head *.

Boruto took the first bite. It had been a long time since he had so much in his mouth. Chewing on that disgusting mix made him want to spit it out, but his empty stomach wouldn't allow him but to swallow it all. He was eating like a dog, without using his hands, which prompted Sakura and Ino to laugh at him, remarking how much of a loser he was.

Boruto was being mocked and humiliated, leashed and eating garbage from the floor, with a foot on his head and two more on his back; and despite all of that, he was happy. Serving and worshiping his Mistresses, as well as letting them have a good time, was all he wanted anymore, even if at his expense.

He thought it was better to forget about being a ninja and all that stuff. After all, Sarada had always been much better than him at everything. He was nothing but her slave, so he should just focus in serving her and helping his mistress become the best Hokage to ever live.





this is literally the best. you should do more of these!!