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Sakura dominates Boruto Part 1- The robber

Present- Sakura hear a voice out of her door, and she is going to open.

Boruto: Hi Ms. Sakura, I'm searching Sarada

Sakura: oh, Sarada is not here right now, but you can wait  in our living room she should come home in about 30 minutes.

Boruto: ok, thank you Ms. Sakura

Sakura- hehehe now we are going to have a long conversation Boruto-

3 days ago- Sakura return from a mission and hear that someone goes near girl's room in the hospital, this guy stole all their shoes and goes away, no one was able to catch him, but Sakura is a skillful ninja that participate and win a great ninja war, so she is very intelligent, and she studies a plan to catch him.

2-days ago at night- Sakura use a new stealth technique, place an old pair of Sarada's shoes that she found at home and wait in that room. After 30 minute the robber arrived, but she was in shock. She found that the guy of shoes was Boruto. He took Sarada's shoes but before disappear out of the window he couldn't resist from taking a huge sniff from those smelly shoes.

Sakura couldn't believe in what she saw. The hokage's son was nothing more than a foot pervert, she couldn't catch him or her best friend Naruto would be in a great shame.

1 day ago- Sakura decide to face Boruto in order to stop that shit, she notices that he usually stays with Sarada, he probably has  a crush for her, so Sakura asks Sarada to find some rare plants in sound village, and she would stay away for like 3 days.

Present- Boruto seat in the living room waiting for Sarada

Boruto: hi again Ms Sakura, do you have something to ask?

Sakura: Boruto, I found that you are the robber in the hospital.

- At that moment Boruto literally became blue-

Boruto: whaat? I have nothing to do with shoes

Sakura: I didn't speak about shoes. 

Boruto: uhmm yes... but in any case nope

Sakura: Don't lie to me, I made a video last night… 

- in that instant Boruto stood up and try to knock out Sakura with a jutsu, but she easily kicked him on the ground and stomp his chest, she is furious-

Sakura: you just a pervert, I'll try to speak with you very gently in order to stop this but since you are a just failure I have to teach you a lesson.

-from that point Sakura stood up full weight on his chest, he is in pain and barely breath-

Sakura: I see you sniff a pair of shoes of my daughter, what will she think about you after I'll tell her about that?

Boruto: please d-dont ough I'm the son of your best fr…

Sakura: ahahah fucking scumbag, how could you be the son of a hero, look at you, you are under my feet at this moment and according to what I see you like that shit.

I notice that you used to stare in the ground when you speak to me and my daughter, I thought you were scared of speaking with a woman, but now I know why. You love our feet, don't you? Well, since you love them so much you'll have what you want. From now, you will be my personal slave

Boruto: no way, I confess, but I want to be free

- At that moment sakura stomp Boruto face so hard that he almost pass out, after that she increase her weight on the chest by stomp him again

Sakura: so?

Boruto: ok I'll be your slave Sakura but sto..

- Sakura kick his head and his nose starts bleeding-

Sakura: for a worm like you, I'm mistress or goddess Sakura and don't dare to call me like a human being usually does, understand?

Boruto: yes goddess I'm so sorry 

Sakura: for this time I heal your nose, but next time things go worst, and I won't do that

Boruto: thank you goddess

Sakura: your first task as a slave is to lick my shoes clean with your tongue

-Boruto in tears stands up to take Sakura's shoes, but a powerful kick hit his balls, and he falls on the floor, his screaming almost break a glass in the table near him, this kick probably cause a long term damage to his balls-

Sakura: ahahahha they call you the prodigy of our generation, but you seem like a pretty weak little brat.

Boruto with a tiny voice: why you hit me goddess Sakura

Sakura : I hit you because I don't allow standing up, you can't do that without my permission and second i wanna have fun too since you cause me so much trouble in these days, do you know Boruto? I think I always desired a slave, a part of me loved when I mentally torture your father when we were 12 and now here we are, me and his pathetic son heheh

- after saying that Sakura goes to take her shoes, put them at her feet and stood up on his chest again. She put the right shoe near his face and without any command he starts to lick the dirt under her shoes, the taste was awful, absolutely disgusting. Boruto takes a look at the bottom of her shoes, at what he was going to lick and see small remains of sand and undefined pool dried. She should walk around all village and soles are a bit consumed, he can't imagine what this shoes stomped and trampled in their whole life, and now they are here upon him, need to be cleaned-



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