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Sumire was always suspicious of the relationship between Sarada and Boruto, so she asked her if she was interested in him, and she replied that it was, what made Sumire afraid that she might lose Boruto from her hand, and she knew that even if she fought Sarada for him, her winning rate was almost 0, so she did not risk, but Sumire had prepared another plan long time a go, so Sumire changed the conversation, and she told her to come with her to her lab.
                                                                         When they arrive

Sumire:"Sarada I invite you here because I want from you to help me to test one of my inventions site on this sofa I will bring it now"
                   Sumire enter to her room and she brought a dog collar in her hand

Sumire:"you wear this collar Sarada it will let you use all your chakra and improve your sharingan now you can activate just one tamoe when you will wear you can use 3 tamoe"
"really that amazing, I will wear it now ,but really you need to think how you can change the design you will let who will wear it feel like his a dog"
Sumire(speaking while she put the collar on sarada's neck):" hahaha don't be silly Sarada trust me when you will wear it you never want to take it off, and you will thank me for letting you try it  is this not true doggy? bark for your mistress"
Sumire"hahahahaha you will not what ok now remove your clothes and follow me like a little dog"
Sarada:"Sumire shut up, I won't never do tha-"
sarada start taking off her clothes and follow her as on four
Sarada:"What did you to me this collar right I will let you regret"
Sumire"dogs don't speak they just bark you remember what I told you what this collar does it do the reverse also it let you follow all my order don't try to take it off it will explode"
sarada:"woof woof woof"
sumire" what you can't speak hahahahaha okk slave I give you permission"
sarada" why you do that to me  we are friend no"
sumire"we were friend, but now you are my pet, why you don't insult your self while you start licking my sweaty feet"
sarada(while licking): "I am uchiha sarada I am a slave,  I am a dog from now on I will be a good dog for my mistress



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