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Even after all her searching, unfortunately for Sarada she couldn’t find anything. No special jutsu that could make Sakura her slave in the present timeline, it saddened her, but it couldn’t be helped at the end of the day it simply wasn’t meant to be, all she could do is enjoy the time she had with her slave now and enjoy ruling over her mother the way she did. And she intended to do just that after just getting done with training, her feet got really sweaty it was the perfect time to use her slave, but she found it too much of a chore to wait till the get back home, so she decided to pull Sakura in a back alley and has her lick her feet clean as soon as they found a good spot sarada glared at sakura and commanded her to get down on all fours like the dog she is. and sakura ever afraid of her mistress complied without a complaint trembling in fear. Sarada laughed at how easily she went obeyed her and was enjoying the feeling of having her mother, the great Sakura Haruno, the strongest woman in the world, who surpassed the 5th hokage nothing more then a lowly slave to clean her feet especially with how high and mighty she acted in her timeline. Sarada kept a smug grin and relished in the feeling of power making it all the more difficult to give it up when they eventually went back to their own timeline but it couldn’t be helped. Unbeknownst to both of them tenten saw them both go into the alley and decided to follow them and what she saw utterly confused her to no end. Seeing sakura with this girl sitting on top of her with sakura being on all fours being used like a horse while also licking and kissing the sweaty dirty feet of this strange girl. She didn’t know what to make of it she decided that she would have to ask ino or hinata if they’ve seen any other strange behavior with those two.

Sarada told sakura that once she’s done cleaning her feet she’s decided that she’ll ride sakura home. Sakura having no real choice in the matter knowing not to defy her mistress after having been beaten so easily and having her mother dominated as well quickly agreed with her causing sarada to have a even more smug expression calling sakura pathetic.




I love this story a lot, and this image in particular is absolutely beautiful