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Take a look at Krys (front pose) walking anim!




Could use a few more frames on those feet.

Draken Stark

Looking great! Would love to see some beans on those paws instead of the black mask <3


Amazing work from Archie and the rest of the LoK team :))


My queen... %) cant wait to test a playable build


Amazing work from the Lok team, vert nice 😍😍😍


This looks awesome, I'm loving the jiggle, cause you know that's what I'm hear for :) Only thing for me is that the tail seems to be a background image, not in any way attached to the body.


Man I'm pretty stoked about getting to play a working new version! Keep up the good work guys!


Not bad, but I noticed a few things. It looks like you added a darkening mask to the legs to represent when they're facing downward, but this only allows the parts to get darker. This works when facing downward but they should also get lighter when facing upward (i.e., when she takes a step forward). The problem this creates is they end up darker then their default when standing straight. They should be at the default color when standing still, lighter when stepping forward (i.e., use a lightening mask), and darker when angled downward at the end of her step. Also, you have her feet moving straight forward when taking a step. They should actually move out slightly and then back in when placed down in front. This should also help with the clipping that's currently happening.


Mon dieu !!! Its Amazing!!!! Only waist cloth looks liké its movving heavier than it should. (Too much Rise and fall and swing). But its fantastique and I really liké it!


I've forwarded your criticism to our animator. Thank you.


I don't have any expertise in animation but it look nice to me. The only thing is that her tail doesn't move while i feel it should.


The thing was that it DID move while dude was animating it, but said something about how he thought it shouldn't. I don't know. I wasn't paying too close attention.


The arms still look stiff. Yeah, they move around her hips, but the way they don't flex reminds me of the lady from Seinfeld that didn't move her arms when she walked.

Archie Williams

Hey. Animator here. Just letting you know that the tail and hair will be animated separately from the body. That way it would allow for dynamic movement and follow through for the tail based on other factors like emotion or previous motion. I hope that explains why.

Archie Williams

Hey. Thanks so much for your critique. After looking at the shading for the leg movement I have to agree with you on all points. I'll make fixes to the walk loop to allow light when the legs are in front and fix the step clipping issues during the passing motion. This will be done among other corrections that got brought to my attention. Thanks for catching these issues. I'll fix them as soon as I can.

Archie Williams

I admit that it was my intention to make the cloth feel heavy and make it look like the legs were hitting the fabric around. I'm going to look into ways to make the animation look/feel a bit more natural when I make corrections. Thanks for letting me know.

Archie Williams

Yes. The tail doesn't move because I'm animating it separate from the main body (to allow for follow through and dynamic motion). Sorry... I know it wasn't clear to many that saw this animation. I didn't mean to cause any confusion on the tail.

Archie Williams

Thanks for letting me know. I'll add more movement to the arms when I make corrections.

Archie Williams

The animation is locked in at 40 frames. Even tho I can't add more frames without effecting the whole animation, I can look into ways to improve the foot's movement. I'll make the fix along with a few other corrections. Thanks for letting me know.


sure does :) and I'd like to once again stress my first statement: this looks awesome! Thanks for the hard work


At the right shoulder you can see clearly where the arm/shoulder part ends and the boobs part start. It moves independent from each other and just looks weird cause the blue fur at the shoulder does not bounce together with the boobs. On the left side the same effect is noticeable but not as bad. Otherwise I really like it, although for my tastes this is a bit too much bouncy boobs. But I guess that's just personal.

Archie Williams

Taking note on all of this. I'll add it to the corrections and fixes that I'll make during tomorrows stream. Thanks for your feedback on this animation.


Beautiful work, keep it up!

Cory Carson

As far as I am aware games made in Unity cannot be uploaded to Newgrounds


Wow! That's an amazing anim. Krystal looks better than ever. For a little more immersion I would make that necklace and tail move as well as she walks ;) Maybe you're still working on that one?


I like this version much more than the 2.0 version. Especially her breasts shake like real.