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  • MainMenu_Progress.mp4
  • Data_Progress.mp4
  • SpeechBrain_Progress.mp4
  • Questify_Progress.mp4
  • LevelShowcase_Progress.mp4



As many of you have noticed we’d been largely unavailable this last month. Things have been hectic for everyone as we prepared and went through the holidays. A team member, ArchieWilliamMikeHarvy, has had to deal with a death in his family this holiday as well. I, Gizmo, had travelled to my parents house for the holidays where I didn’t have access to my desktop and was working on my Laptop. 

I’d like to share what new things I have been made while we were on break.

● Questify is complete 

● Quest Log UI

● Speech Brain is complete

● Data saves/load works

● Main menu

● Level Manager

         o Spawn Points

         o Entrances

         o Exits

Below are videos highlighting these new things!



0/10, not enough feet.


Those are reasonable, dont worry about the update just focus on all your life problems first and then the update can come later. Ps. I hope you and your team had a good time and a good year even though there are some bad ones in the year.


No problem, this game has so much going for it that every little piece that is implemented is a huge milestone. Keep being awesome you guys \^W^/

Nimbus Shadowwings

please put it on a site so i can play it in browser...