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Hello, how are you? It's me, Kuja.

Here I am once more. This time I came to talk about the obstacles we faced when trying to find the average personal taste of people and never being able to satisfy everyone thanks to everyone's very different personal tastes... in design itself and/or character features and/or anatomy, while also trying to explain once more what we are planning for the characters in term of customization in a very informal manner (phew!).

Well, to start, I can say that we all have very diverse personal tastes in a number of different ways and topics, but in this text I will talk specifically about character design and anatomy ( I guess!), which is what I've been getting feedback for a good few weeks as I tried to shape the new Krys designs based on that average and My personal taste. First of all, thank you very much for all your feedback. It was really interesting to see what you were thinking. I have learned a lot in many different fields. Second, I must say it was not an easy job. Not at all. Not really to listen to it, but to actually deliver, since again, everyone wants a different thing.

For the unsuspecting, during this week I've been working on a colored draft sheet of Krys turnarounds. It has about 8 different angles for her, all of which will be animated (this will finally give us several positions... a dream come true...) and give a much better "taste on everyone's mouths", if compared to the standalone and static pose we had before, on the old build. Some patrons already had a glimpse of it on discord, but I'll end up posting it in here when it's truly finished.

Again, it was a really hard task, especially when adjusting the symmetry of the character between angles. I tried my best, and when animated (just a .GIF actually, not really rigged yet), it looked cool and interesting (to me at least, lol). I actually spent many and many days hearing multiple feedback about body and proportion changes. I tried to adjust and readjust the model as I found fit while trying to follow the feedback I received. Small hips, big hips, small thighs, big thighs and so on. I changed it so many, many times. It was tiring. It was stressful. But it had to be done.

One interesting thing is that most people seem to agree that Krys should be somewhat the athletic soldier type, so I actually went with that on the designing board. I tried to add a bit more of tone to her muscularity and increase her body mass by a little bit.. and she actually looks so much better. Very fit to a female warrior in a jungle(if you ask me, at least). I find this choice interesting because It gives us (me) a different idea of what she truly is or can become and it now becomes an opportunity to create new and different companions and other characters with different visuals and personalities (please spam Vlad).

At first on my mind, Krys was supposed to be docile and maybe naive. I have been proved wrong and I kinda like the new direction we are giving to her visuals (I may be overreacting, it didn't changed that much, maybe it's just in my mind).

In any case, with the new members, things have changed. The way we work, the pacing, our roles and almost everything else. But I honestly think it's for the better. We are trying to communicate better and adapt. Adapt to our ways of working, our personalities and the time and space between each of us.

With that being said, I hope you can give the new Krys and the other character's visuals a chance. I hope you can adapt to their new looks. I'm trying my best to make them the best they can be. I know many people will be happy with the current results but at the same time, some will not. But that's what the customization options are for. They are there to satisfy the need of those who don't like the change of looks, so they can create and play with something unique and of their own. Of course and unfortunately those options will be somewhat scarce at first, due to the newfound complexity of all eight angles per character. But again, for those who liked Krys' old model, we will have some options to make her look somewhat similar to the original, fur color included and all other mentioned options (in discord) will eventually be available later in the build. After all, customization is fun.

Well, I guess that's all I had to say. Sorry for the informal talk.

My next task is to work in the new lizard girl turnaround sheet. I'll keep everyone updated in discord and in here as soon as I have something decent to post. Thank you very much for your support, we really, really appreciate it.

Please don't forget to join our discord server for more frequent updates!



Great job communicating as always kuja 🤘🏽

bradley feckner

I kinda prefer the informal talk it feels more like your giving us information and your personal ideas rather than just giving us a result and then another question to answer( basically saying it makes you feels like a person more than a Q&A)


still love your work guys and i keep finding myself coming back here. do your best ;)


the original one, was in flash, so almost anything yo do, will be good, so keep the good work everithing will be fine


"At first on my mind, Krys was supposed to be docile and maybe naive. I have been proved wrong..." Did you mean with that only the visual look? Hope her personality has not changed too much. I liked the way she was in the previous versions!


I really don’t understand why you needed to redo the models, they were already beautiful, but thanks for the customizated things at least (I saw 'em on Discord). And please, make the game so much time as you need. Don't listen those who rush you. When full game will be released, I'm going to pay for it like I buying it in the store (maybe even more). For now you are make impression of talanted free developers, who don't ignore their fans tastes, and I really respect you for it. Good luck!


So when can we expect an actual playable game?


Love your work. Good luck.


Hey there, I'm pretty good. I'm Valaska.


Very cool, thanks for this informal conversation, explanations about the changes, It is visible how your work carries you away and you completely surrender to it ...


the server link to the discord server isnt working for me so idk if im doing something wrong


how can i to play the game dowload legend of krystal revirth uncensored


Thanks for having in mind those of us that liked the old model, Krys was really really cute and sexy and feminine and really gave that look to be professional and naive at the same time that I really loved. I'm sort of sad to realize the game will not continue as it was, I really love it the way it is. Still I trust your judgement so I hope anxiously to see the new version.


how can i download the game


Not sure where else to post this but the release page and the animation stream announcements didn't feel right. I only recently became aware of this project, but I am glad that I did. Hell I found this cause I was trying to find downloads of the original. Heck I played it back when it was LoK2 before they started over and called it a reboot. So far I am really impressed with what was shone in v0.8. As an animator and a furry artist I can get having trouble upping the quality even if it is subtle. Gameplay wise everything is fine, love the movement system and I really find myself invested in the story. tingles my completionist brain a lot too, while giving me flash backs to the running sections of Jabawok Island in Danganronpa 2. Sorry getting side tracked. point is, I really like the direction of this project both as a long time LoK fan, and an aspiring, game writer/animator. keep up the good work and I look forward to what you bring in the next release. you got a new donation from me, as soon as my paycheck comes in.