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  • ME-2.mp4
  • MAP-EDITOR.mp4



Hello everyone! Been too long since we posted here, hasn't it? We haven't forgotten, we've just been wrapped up in making progress on the project itself. Those that were in the discord could see what we were doing, but one thing we didn't realize is not everyone uses the discord. We apologize for anyone that may have been out of the loop for this. So let's talk about what we've been doing this last month:

Foundation. We have been spending a lot of time building the foundation of the revamped LoK:R. Foundation was one of the reasons why we started this revamp as well, as the old LoK:R versions were hitting severe constraints that were going to basically end in disaster for the project, severe diminishing returns where the game was being built on Unity plugin after Unity plugin. With the experienced work of our programmer, the foundation for which the rest of the game is going to be built, has been taking place. He is designing tools for us to use in our design of the game, including his 'Triton' Dialogue Editing System, and his new map editor for creating terrain collision in 2D.

(If you can't load the videos, take a look at the attachments)

The plot itself is getting a redesign as well, with our writer/director creating a map for the convenience of the team knowing where everything is in the world, writing dialogue for the demo, and creating lore/descriptions for future species/companions. Coming up with design plans for future mechanics and story events of the game.

Our artist has been refining his style, and has drawn the Snake species that will be used in the demo, redrawn Krystal, Sek, and Keakrix. He is actively working on more poses and more beautiful environments(Some are four times bigger than the original ones).

With the artwork comes the work from our animator, making the characters move in a beautiful manner. Spine had recently come out with an update that had brought about so many new features that he is eager to master to their fullest. Unfortunately we cannot show you anything NSFW on Patreon, but here is an example of his amazing work:

Looking to the future, we are making great progress, but there are occasional small setbacks that we've been contending with. We're going to be posting far more often to the Patreon so we can keep everyone within the loop of what we're doing, and discord is always an option if you want to engage in conversations about design with our developers. So expect a small update here talking about what we're doing every week, and major updates when we have major things to show. We're really sorry about the delay in communication, but we've been hard at work trying to make a great game.

Please, remember to join our discord channel to get more frequent updates and Q/A's.

~With many thanks, the LoK:R Dev Team



It's nice to be in the loop. We look forward to new posts from the development team . I'll be waiting like a present under the fir . ;) Приятно быть в курсе событий. С нетерпением будем ждать новых постов от команды разработчиков . Я Буду ждать словно подарок под Ёлкой . ;)


Просыпаешься 2 января с бодунища - опа, релиз


All of this looks like it'll be of great benefit to development, I can tell things were starting to get pretty tangled as the game progressed. I've seen even triple-A games trip over themselves due to badly implemented foundations, so I can see how this will speed up development.


Much obliged.


Why does there need to be a snake race? Will they have snake dicks?

Lasse T. Stendan

Now this is the kind of thing I love! Ambition! Plans! Other buzzword-a-likes! Looking forward to seeing the results (even if you fail, at least you tried).


I appreciate the information on Patreon! Thanks for letting us know! Also, I love Krystal’s redraw! But I’m concerned on the plot changes, as I enjoyed the lust ‘demon’ fox conceptual story, and if Krystal’s previous space suit design is going to be available again, as I rlly loves that suit design and it would look nice on Krystal’s redesigned body.


[Kuja] Her bodysuit is going to be in along with some other bodysuit variants and some more surprises.


I think head down no communication is fine. I mean that was literally the basis of No Man's Sky, hard work pays off and I know you guys will do an amazing job. Keep at it!


Hmm, I actually prefer the old Krystal art. Or maybe just the colouration and face, I do like that the angle is correct for her body now. She's a lot less stacked too, and has a rather flat butt now...


Thank you for leaving us up to date with the events of the game, it’s a very laborious job, and it’s obvious great work!


I don't mind the Krystal redraw, but I'm disappointed with the changes to her cup size. Wasn't there a vote held on Patreon way back when about it. Will we be able to select different sizes via customization?


Not a huge fan of the new art, i strongly preferred the old one.


Thank you for the communication,we appreciate that you're taking the time to polish the game rather than release a rushed project. On a side note, the new art style is pretty good but saw a noticeable difference in proportion sizes between the old and new Krystal. Not a huge fan of that change.


I don't know, I kind of like how everyone isn't standing on their toes anymore. That really bugged me about the old art.


Animations looks just great! Please proceed guys


Damn, animations and the style look good in this! but i gotta ask a few questions; 1: when can we expect a playable demo of this? 2: will K's breasts Still be modifiable? and 3: i read "companion system." does this allow the companions to be sexable with K, or something like that? other than that, Keep up the good work!


Finally Sek play with K!))


ive no intent of disappearing, glad things are looking up, though connecting to discord is being difficult


Hooman feet on Krystal, liked the other styled feet personally

Mao Tsclusul

i have to agree with the others in terms of keeping the old feet model. For me because it looks more feline and believable to be a fox girl.


[Kuja] Her breasts shape And size will be customizable now. You'll be able to select it's size and shape.