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Hi there,

I've been a bad boy lately and didn't write the usual status updates that you people deserve. Shame on me, really.

So, in the hopes of making ourselves more visible and you can see we're not dead, I'll post some small things from time to time.

I'm working now on the Caves. Implementing background graphics is one of those things that most people will think it's easy peasy, but I actually need to optimize them quite a bit before I splatter them over the place, really.

Having the least draw calls in Unity is a good idea and trimming and packing the graphics all together in one atlas is not as straightforward as it seems.

Anyway, I hope you people have a great weekend. I'll come back to you with more updates asap.



Icarus Media

'I've been a bad boy lately' You know, working in the industry we do...that raises images of you i didn't really want in my mind. :-)


Sometimes it's good to be bad 😉 Take your time! Quality is so worth it! It's pleasant to watch how the game grows at the pace that works best for you.


Loving the content! Please keep up the good work!


the last update seemed like there was nothing in it is it true we only got the blue ball cenvir thing and thats it?


Idea's are fine man. Borderline gibberish spam posts probably isn't.


Oooooooh! A new area! Very nice! I loved the Shaman’s tent from before, it was quite detailed.


Looks great, very happy you guys are doing public updates now! I really am excited for the game but it was hard to get where it was going with all the private updates. So I'm going to 100% be keeping an eye open now!


Do not worry in vain. I'm glad that everything went in the right direction, as before, make updates and work. That's cool!


wow super fast nice work


0.9 WIP? What does it means? At 1.0 the game is full? If so, is that all the game will offer? Just 2-3 scenes ? Or it will continue forward?


No 0.9 i just a place holder to identify different versions, in this case they can revert the numbering to 0.91 if they wanted to.


sooo are we going after the monkeys that keep stealing our clothes