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Hello there,

0.8 comes with some scenes at night, between Meiri and Cenvir when K leaves him with blue balls during the day.

Also, the West Forest size has been reduced to a 40% and now it's linear instead of multilevel.

The FAQ section in Discord is updated with an explanation on how can you trigger the new events. Also, 0.7 saves are valid in this version.

Now... I admit this amount of content is not what I had planned. Life has been throwing shit at me for a while, and to be honest it doesn't seem it's going to stop any time soon.

I don't want to bore you with the details, but I'll just say that I'm starting to appreciate the wisdom of all those guys that go MGTOW...

Anyway, I'll start working on 0.9 right now, so you can see what I really had in store for you in this version, apart from Meiri and Cenvir having fun.

This game still has a world of things to do and trust me that I'm not getting discouraged or anything. The project won't be abandoned because I love to do this and it makes possible to have a freedom I didn't have two years ago.

I'm very sorry if I've disappointed many of you, which are effectively my bosses, and you have the right to be mad but please don't think this is going slow because I'm gradually losing motivation, okay?

Thank you for being there for us.

LOK Rebirth v0.8


Change log

- Meiri & Cenvir scenes at night.

- West Forest reduced in size (40%) and complexity (linear now).
- Mastubation sounds frequency reduced (50%).

- Gatekeeper Keran doesn't use the Ship examine dialogue anymore.




Hey man, it's alright (sort of). Real life happens and you did just get through a major move. Things are gonna be a little rocky.


tldr we want more updates content will come when it comes just keep us informed please. hope everything is well and take care of yourself

Chamorro Soldier

I dont know about everyone else but i love the new scenes.


Hey, go your own way mate. If it's something that'll make you happier, do it! Life is short and you only have one!


this update was really disappointing for such a wait.


For ones who tell they are disappointed etc....Ok, but hey who never had trouble in private life what cause less focus to work for a time? Please understand we all have private life. And these scenes are really nice, adding lovely lines in relationships


Glad to hear your troubles are behind you! Thanks for your hard work, looking forward to future releases!


I was upset. I'm so sorry I gave the last ten dollars for this update . I'll hold it for a couple more months. There is no interest to support this game. I understand that there are personal problems. Abilio I sincerely hope you have in private life all will be well. The game is really good. I'll probably be 35 if not more when this game is finished.


How to get Meiri and Cenvir scene? Krystal said she shouldnt get there and this time of a day xD


for 4 months though? im sorry, but if we paying for a product and it keep getting pushed then the update get smaller there need to be some kind of push back from us.


dude if you kill the game atleast give me an ending i dont even care if it sucks just make an ending


just take care of yourself, we value you being alive to continue creating more than we value rapid release of content.


Awesome, just a quick question, when is the shaman going to be done?


Making porn must be really difficult.


Tottally understand. It more my own mental hangup. (Which is entirely on me) I just see so many of these projects flame out that its hard not being vocal


if you guys decide to stop project, then sell it for somebody else to end it, dont take all your work with you like a salty bunch of people (cough s-purple cough)


Some progress is better than none. People need to stop bitching and move on.


Hey man, I appreciate your hard work and not letting life's hurdles stop you, keep at it! I and many others find it really entertaining, nobody else brings us high quality fox girl fux like you do ;)


This project is a blessing to begin with and you are working on it with minimal help. You’re doing great. Keep it up!


You're doing fantastic work. Regardless of the speed, I hope you continue with this project. Take it at whatever pace you can, as it is still marvelous. Don't be down on yourself for being behind where you expect to be, these things happen with large projects and I will continue to support you both financially (as minimal as my contributions may be) and with kind comments. You rock.


can you guys make an apk version?


Will it be possible to make an apk?


Simple edit: I cant wait for updates, you are doing an epic job guys


Is it weird that I want there to be ways to lighten Meiri's load so she can spend more quality time with Cenvir? Can that be an idea for some future update?


we can get an event from the guards?


can the panther be made screw able? :P

Nimbus Shadowwings

hey dude could you upload it to newgrounds? i cant install things


don't push yourself to hard you're doing good compared to others, I didn't have much hope when I saw version 1 come out but from what I see now it has a lot of potential. good job and gambalee


Do you plan to translate the game into Russian?


could you maybe not use MEGA cause i cant download anymore and dont wanna put money into this


Please. Please. Can you use other methods to download? Non-MEGA methods? I don't want to put money into MEGA but without that it is impossible for me to download the game. I want to be able to test it for free without having to pay a download website to find out if I will support this project with MY money


I really will love can download and test this game. But i can't do that now why I can't download it for MEGA. Please, I just hope in a future (hopefully a near future) I can download this game through Mediafire or some other platform.


How much are you downloading that you have to pay mega? I use it free fairly often for other projects and never ran into any problems.


ma quando passo ad altre scene ? il gioco e ripetitivo e monotono


Love this man keep it up, this game has so much potential and I keep up with trello and you guys are doing good keep it up 100%


The mega link for windows 32 and 64 don't work


Are there plans to fix the mega links?


the mega link for windows 32 and 64 dont work say the file doesnt not longer exist