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I must have a playful dominant sadist personality dormant in some dark place of my soul, because this kind of posing makes all the effort of even adjusting the last strand of hair worth it.

And it also makes my frankfurter würstchen go funny. ^_^

As a small status update I'll tell you that I'm posing right now so yeah, there wasn't checked boxes in that huge list of animations remaining in Trello.

The thing is, after some stressful days banging my head doing things the opposite way, I've come to realize that I really need to focus on posing BEFORE even trying to animate anything.

That means I need to go outside my technical zone of comfort and delve into the artistry abyss I fear so much.

I'm not Kuja you see, so my knowledge about correct proportions is intuitive at best, and even if I was a natural genius there are limits to what you can do with a side view model. :-/

Nevertheless, motion and dialogue does a lot to improve the overall feeling, I'd say, so that's my hope for these events. Quality has been always what we seem to lean to, it seems... we're a messed up bunch of perfectionists.

Wonderful things will happen on that invisible stool...




As a german person, I couldn't help but to burst out in laughter as I've read the term "Frankfurter Würstchen" x'D


That looks hot as fuck, I can't wait to play these scenes :D


The hype for .5 is on


This is a amazing previw or something like that but is soo good


oh hells yes! BDSM content is the best.