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Hey guys,

You may have seen the huge list of animations I need to make for the new events of the upcoming update. If not, they're in our Trello board.

I'll admit this is kind of an experiment on my part. When Vlad sent his events to me I was quite conflicted at some of his animation proposals... some are clearly not doable (from a realistic perspective, I mean), some were quite easy, but there were others that represent a challenge I'd like to take on because, if made well, they'll be quite hot.

However, this effort for quality it's the recurrent story of always... the Iron Triangle: Time, Quality, Content. The two latter come at the price of the first or its counterpart. We can't have both quality and content without spending a good deal of time, and when you want to reduce time between updates you either reduce quality and/or content.

That's why I say this is an experiment...: depending on your 0.5 feedback (which with all probability will be launched in October instead of September) I'll either tune down the time I spend animating and focus more on content and mechanics, or I'll finally forget about monthly updates and settle our workflow and training for something more realistic.

Because that's the thing, you know...: we're still learning here. I've been two years animating and programming and I still learn new things almost every day. That means that a good deal of my time gets "wasted" on training, researching and troubleshooting.

In other words, you guys are donating not only for a game, but also for our chance to become better at doing what we do. That's definitely not something you can take for granted, and we heartfully thank you for the peace of mind you're giving us, month after month.

Fuck, I'd even go to the point of saying you guys are also contributing to the fight against pandemic blue-pilled mass stupidity and third-wave feminism that is permeating every aspect of our post-modern western societies... :-P

I can only imagine what those SJW groups would made of our tiny Patreon adult games community if they got their sights on us... And that infuriates me so much, that I've decided that my mission in life is to spread as much fantasy porn as possible to this sick world.

So, even if ten years I turn myself into a good enough developer to make mainstream games, I'll still use my expertise to continue making more porn games, I swear.

Double thanks to you for making this voyage possible. ^_^




Lol the ending of the post. Finally someone taking a good standpoint! Taking more time into animations is pretty good thing to do, because this kind of AAA type of quality porn is hard to find anywhere else :)


you had me at the fight against mass stupidity and third-wave feminism :D


Ehh if it’s October we get it it’s October. I’ll keep my donations going ether way cause you guys deserve it


Fak yeah! Happy to be along for the ride!


Thanks for keeping us in the loop, and continuing your good work xD


Well done, do as you see fit :) I respect your choice and aspiration !!! but do not forget about us !!! I'm waiting for the update;) I hope that the game will be the best of the entire line of Crystal, and this genre !!!!!


I'd like to see more tasks to do around the village, be allowed to not accept them after reaching certain respect level, because the gameplay loop is really tedious, grindy and underwhelming currently. At this point I just spam buttons to complete fetch quests, because they don't have any new dialogues or substance. You can't have a good game without completing core game mechanics first. The animations are masterpiece and they are a big part of Krystal's character development, but I'd like to have something else to do except for watching Krystal having sex evey time she "fails" to gather sticks.


Only the best for the best devs! You guys are totally awesome! N yes spread fantasy porn. Spread it all over


" I've decided that my mission in life is to spread as much fantasy porn as possible" The hero we deserve. Godspeed.


Heros like you never dies in internet


Hello to you guys !! Take the time you need to have a quality game! You have my support even if the updates are not regular. I take a lot of fun to see you evolve the game on Trello. Thank you for your work !!!! You have some tallent !! Sorry for my not so good english (A translation of the game in the future could be possible? In the future, not today)