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[Abelius]: Hi people,

A lot of you are asking for a release date for v0.1, which is understandable taking into account that I felt so sure of myself as to promise monthly updates… :-P

Well, that promise is still on the table and we will try to uphold it for future content updates, but 0.1 has turned out to be far more than just an ‘update’. It’s the first version that will need to feel like an actual game, not just an intro, and a lot of things have to be done for that to happen.

Moreover, after the demo launch, I discovered that the way I coded the graphics rendering is more or less the same that would have used a somewhat smart chimp… so the build was taking way too much memory and CPU to run, and I’ve spent a week for reducing draw calls and memory usage. Not a big deal now, but needed to be addressed ASAP before I deepen myself into more problems.

And sum to that that I’ve severely overestimated my capacity to continue the work while on ‘forced’ family vacation. And I must admit: I’d feel really bad if I was to spend all day in front of the computer instead of playing with my little daughters in their summer holidays end. :-/

So, I’m breaking that promise this month. It’s my fault, not Kuja’s because he’s a frigging animal when it comes to producing art assets. Just the thought of the many drawings that need to be added/rigged/animated to the games makes me want to scream in agony.

Now, about the release date… I’ll be aiming for September 15th. It’s Friday so it’s a good day to launch it. And I’ll return from vacation on August 28th. To my home, sweet home where I don’t have neck pain because of this dreadful chair and could actually work for long hours in my garage.

And as a way to further say ‘sorry guys’, we’ll be releasing 0.1 immediately to…:

All $10+ August patrons

All $5+ September patrons

All patrons with a lifetime support of $20+

…and a week later to all $1 September patrons.

So, if you feel like it, you could change your support level for the next month and still get the game with no more delays.

On the side, and to be completely honest, we didn’t even think of having near to 500 patrons even before launching a real playable game. We’re pretty overwhelmed by this much fan base and hype about our project, and feel a tremendous responsibility about the whole thing.

Hell, just two days ago we entered the Top 100 Adult Games list in Patreon, without any marketing campaign on our side to really publicize the game (something we’re against until we launch v0.1). The only thing we’ve done is to make a post in the LoK Forums and now we’re even mentioned in Lewdgamer. It’s crazy!!

We feel the pressure for the colossal hype yes, but we’re also proud and stunned at your support, so we will do everything in our power so you can finally play a full LoK remake, once and for all.

Thank you!



I dont have money this time but in the future i pledgue.


disculpe pero que nivel debo estar para recibir el lanzamiento 5$ ?? o 10$??

Icarus Media

Just checked that list out, I'm #405, Yay! But don't worry about the problems you're having, it's just part and parcel of being a developer. most patrons are fine as long as you are honest with them and value them.


[Abelius]: 5, pero espera a Septiembre para cambiarlo, que tenemos el pago por adelantado. Saludos.


[Abelius]: Yup, honestly I won't say we don't welcome the pledges, but the plan was to release much sooner. 500 patrons before a non-demo game it's just wicked.


Any release date for non patreons?


We will make public 0.1 when 0.2 comes out, although the $1 tier has a one week delay for 0.1 (from two which will be the norm from 0.2 onwards).


I'm looking forward to september! Can't wait to see it!


Spending time with your family is def more important than making porn of imaginary fox chicks, enjoy your vacation!


Can anybody pass me a save file of ending of previous version?


[Abelius]: You mean the "To be continued" screen? But it won't do you any good for v0.1, as previous savegames won't be valid. :-/

nathan banks

So when game is released for v 0.1 will we be going back to the ship or will it end before that happens?


[Abelius]: I guess you refer 1.0 (when the game is completed), not 0.1 right? Anyway, we have plans for the flagship being a meaningful place, but it won't be visitable before the mission is ended and you return there by any means possible. Is that what you mean?