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Krys Wet Fur/Skin Comparisson




[Kuja] Shiny Shiny!

Icarus Media

Wow! I don't think anything else needs be said really. :-)


Cum covered version? :-)




[Kuja] Nope, this one is an "wet version" used for when she baths or enter any "liquid/watery" area but we already have a finished "semen-covered" layer for almost all female characters.


I'm not sure if it's intentional, but the little metal hairclips disappeared in the wet version: how often/rapidly will Krystal be going from wet (heh heh) to dry, and will that be a continuity problem at all?


loving it can't wait to see more

Icarus Media

Ooh by the way thought to ask: Will you be making the game linear? I.e. one path to the story, or will you be making it a little like Gorepetes version where you can have choices of what to do in the village to earn your keep?


[Abelius]: Nice observation skills, hehe. I didn't realize it even when I was rigging the thing with at full zoom. About the drying 'process', at this moment I don't think I'll implement anything more complex than a handful of seconds timer, and it will be a quick skin switch, not something gradual.


[Abelius]: 'As linear as Mass Effect was' could be a response to that. So you'll get to choose between three colors!! Be amazed! :-D Nah, it will be linear in the sense that your main objective is catching the Lust Demon and travel back to the flagship with her. How you will accomplish that will be up to you. I'm envisioning two main methods, related to both main stats in the game (respect and lewdness), but I don't want to enter into much detail. Oh, and there's also the slavery route, although that's more a different storyline 'style' than a method to achieve an objective. Edit: There will be also alternative endings (most of them 'game over' conditions) and we were talking in Discord about a 'New Game+' mode, but that's a long term plan.


I like these drawings very much. The difference between wet and dry is particularly visible on the tail. Maybe tilting the ears a bit down would help to make it more visible.


[Abelius]: Like this...? :-D <a href="http://bit.ly/2wJSoJY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2wJSoJY</a>

Nguyễn Lê Hoàng Ân

will you consider making Krystal's butt area furless in later patches? Like in the original LOK v0.2 :D


[Kuja]Hmm, I'm not sure what you mean by that. Do you have any screenshot of that specific moment on LOK v0.2?


Can you include x-ray views in the future updates? The graphics are so good


[Abelius]: We talked about that when brainstorming several months ago. It's a popular fetish, and as such we would like to add it at some point, yes. But not until we implement a zooming feature though.