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Hello guys. We’re very sorry to give you this bad news when we’re so close to the announced release date, but… we can’t launch LoK:Rebirth demo tomorrow. :-(  Before we explain what’s going on, please consider to reduce your contribution to our project or delete it altogether before next invoicing process is made effective on next June 1st. This won’t have any effect on how soon you’ll get to play the demo when we release it, because we will launch it publicly to all. 

We wanted to change our Patreon to ‘Per Creation’ immediately, but we can’t due to the ‘pay up front’ policy we activated some weeks ago… We didn’t realize that limitation at the time. :-P  This is a very bad start, but we want to be very honest at the same time: the game is not ready for human consumption. We won’t go into details as to why that is the case and didn’t realize the fact until now. The only thing that matters is that we can’t publish until there’s something at the same (or half) level of hype this game has generated.  We will update the game description up there as soon as possible, because there’s going to be some changes as to how we will tackle LoK:R as a whole.  And we aim to publish a demo for June’s end, but as our main concern is that you consider it worthy of playing we won’t set on fire a release date. It could be around that date, later on July or even before if we get particularly inspired, because the main problem with the current release candidate was the lack of content, events and dialogues.  Again, we’re sorry because we know you’ll be disappointed. And you could also have all justification for feeling cheated. So if that is the case, please modify your support to us as you consider appropriate. We won’t get mad, on the contrary.  Thank you guys. 



I can only speak for myself here, but Ive donated to the cause for one reason. And that's because I love the work you folks are doing and I want to see it complete. I don't care if I get it tomorrow, next month,or next year. You are putting out a high quality product for us, and as long as it eventually gets done, I don't care how long it takes. I'll be behind you the whole time!


Same as Brandon here.


I guess I'll just die ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Wrenly Bewick

Did you guys SERIOUSLY expect the demo to come out THAT quickly? ಠ_ಠ

Wrenly Bewick

It's unfortunate that the demo is going to be late, but some things are worth waiting for.


Okay, I've read this twice, I get the self-flagellation. I also understand how you feel you might have disappointed us in not releasing the demo tomorrow. I can only speak for myself, but I didn't realistically expect a demo by month's end, so I'm not upset.


All I can say is that I have faith in you and your devotion the the project. Most people would not change the donation schedule to Per-Creation, possibly leading to a crappy Kickstarter-esque controversy between the creators and the donaters. This tells me that you genuinely care about what our money is going to, and when/why you receive it. Longish story short. Keep up doing good. Love you.


^but I would definitely like to know why you feel it's not ready for human consumption. I mean, I know what it's like to work on something and not release it because I don't feel "it's ready." It's pretty common to sweat the details and keep moving the goal posts of what you consider a "ready version;" I'm more concerned that you guys don't burn yourselves out trying to perfect a demo. Give us an idea of what you're trying to accomplish, and where you're running into problems. If it's a "we're trying to do something too big" then you need to let us know! We might even be able to help.


Thank you for all your kind words and understanding guys. It means a lot. :-)


It's not 'feature creep' really. There were a number of issues, but the main one was that you didn't got to play more than 10 minutes straight at this stage... :-/


Take as much time as you need to finish the demo, I want expecting one this soon anyway. Just please be careful with release dates in the future, false release date are extremely frustrating to me and other supporters.


I mean, 10 minutes is okay in my book. Most H-games that I played at v0.01 stage had a pretty much empty level, 1 "quest" leading to 1 H-scene and that's it. Nobody will think "Well, their very first demo didn't have 1h+ of content, fuck those guys" and delete their patronage, especially if you want to release monthly demos from now on. That being said, there are other issues that are making it impossible to release the demo from what you're saying, so I can't really speak about those.


After all the backgrounds, character art, and animations you've shown us this far, I think it's a safe bet that none of us are gonna mind waiting a little longer for a demo, especially since the work you've all done so far shows so much promise. Rushing something good is never as rewarding as letting it have the time to be done right. We'll be happy to wait, take whatever time you need to put the shine on it you feel it deserves! And like the others said, don't sweat making the demo long. It's a demo, not the game itself. Keep up the awesome work, and know that we're with you for the long haul!


That's why we're sorry. And yeah, the demo will come one of these days, but as a surprise. :-)


As i see it, one of the most important parts of the game, the animation, is safe in your hands. This is one thing i have seen so many projects do worng. and it looks like you guys got the important style and animation "feel" down perfect. All in all, i won't say "i'll wait for as long as you need" but, I have waited for years from the original LoK till a successor in Breeding Season, and years until this project showed up on the LoK forums. And you almost broken me, when i didn't see you updating. So please remember, we hope you do well and are here to help you in making this game great. All i want from you is to keep doing what you think is best for the game, and keep us up to date with all you can so we feel the progress. I personally love the updates.


We'll definitely dig for your thoughts when we release the demo. Not only in the form of polls but also taking into account your feedback. What I'm focusing now is to work on systems to be as solid as possible, so in future updates we could focus on content mainly.

McSpazz (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 19:26:33 Sooo...not sure if this still applies but...well, I already pledged $5 to you and desperately want s LoK game of this quality put out so... SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! *throws money at screen* ...okay, I'll just...keep donating via patreon. >.>
2017-06-07 09:33:26 Sooo...not sure if this still applies but...well, I already pledged $5 to you and desperately want s LoK game of this quality put out so... SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! *throws money at screen* ...okay, I'll just...keep donating via patreon. >.>

Sooo...not sure if this still applies but...well, I already pledged $5 to you and desperately want s LoK game of this quality put out so... SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! *throws money at screen* ...okay, I'll just...keep donating via patreon. >.>

Icarus Media

Every page....nearly every page I go on has you on it.. I can't get away from you can I?