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I sent membership invites to everyone who had written requesting access to the mailing list or/and the online archive.  

Anyone waiting who did not get invites please resend the request or write me again.

RL issues kept me from checking the group and my email and I have a ton of correspondence to catch up so if I have not given you access a new request will be faster.




Also, some people had non-google addresses. I don't know if you can access the archives with them. Some confirmation would be helpful.


Hey Ksennin could I get a link to the mailing list. Thanks a bunch!


Diego, I did send you an invite a long while back and it must have gone to your spam folder or something like that. And now that I try to send you a new one google will not mail it, because it is still considered as a spam sending address. You need to look for it in your spam folder and label it as NOT SPAM, so you can use it, or enable me to send you a new invite. Otherwise I would need you to give me another email address I could use to send you the invite.