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Hello everyone May here! I’m sure some of you have seen but I have teamed up with Digi-née to help produce more anime content for the main channel. I have assumed the title “Digibro” and the channel name has been changed to Digibro and Digi-née to reflect this. Although it might seem a tad silly, the name Digibro has a lot of meaning to me and I will try best to do right by you guys. I’m really excited for this new direction because it means more anime content can come out while the original Digi can work on overdo Patreon rewards, Radcon 4 content, and her light novel series. 

That being said, I would like to help Digi in other ways too. I believe honest and frequent communication between creator and supporter is important. Every week I will be posting a short round-up on Patreon compiling all the latest content and Digi-developments. You should know what’s going on and have access to a direct line of communication for any questions or concerns that arise. Please feel free to contact either me or Digi via Patreon, Twitter, or Discord.

- May


July 26th - August 3rd

-Death Is My Best Friend [Article] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqWbYvSNHOw

A short existential piece written and narrated by Digi-née. Digi’s mom called her immediately after this was published. Very timely considering I would kill my internet persona a few days later.

-Don’t Be Dumb About Big Anime Tiddies [Anime Video] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1cdOB3bcgY

This all started because I told Digi she needed to make a video about Amazon pulling several popular light novels from their site without warning. She could write the script in the blink of an eye but didn’t want to edit the video. I had a lot of fun editing this one and it immediately became the biggest video I’ve edited.

-Justifying Rick & Morty S3&4 [Response to Emp-Lemon] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0quXved28I

The story behind Rick & Morty is fascinating and Digi’s knowledge makes it an excellent companion piece to the latest Emp-Lemon masterpiece. Watch the original video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM-hy6_f45M

-Plan A [Article] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaFsL5Xzf0Y

This was something Digi had written a while back examining declining birth rates and changing cultural attitudes on child rearing. She had completely forgotten about until Kayne West’s recent emotional speech about abortion. I am really happy that some of these old scripts are finally seeing the light of day.

-Japan Sinks: Chaos In Elegy [Anime Video] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=151-UbF5vDw

After hearing Vic talk about Japan Sinks we had to give it a shot. It’s a very divisive show, but pretty much everyone can agree it is one hell of an experience. Covid has messed up the production of many anime and I’m just happy to see something innovative and fun come out of Science Saru despite it all. This video analyzes the series’s OST and how perfectly it encapsulates the tone of the show. I have never made such a serious video before but I was pleased with the results.



Hey, thanks for starting up this line of communication again. I know what’s it like to be swamped by creative work from all directions. I’m happy Digi-nee has an editor again. She’s got so many cool ideas, she needs to move on from one to the other without getting bogged own in the editing process.


Hi May! I think it's pretty dope that y'all are teaming up to push out content for the channel. The first couple of anime videos with your touch have been pretty great, looking forward to seeing more!


I am so glad that these posts are coming back! Even though I see every video in my subbox, I am still hesitant to click on a few because I don't know what it is about and having little summaries like this helps to peak my interest into watching the ones that I almost wouldn't.


Teaming up is wonderful, please keep up the communication about new content. So happy to know we can get updates regularly to get excited about what to come next and even an explanation of what has come previously.or other important updates. Thanks! And diginee and digibro together on one channel is a fantastic idea.