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My new other-week podcast show! The idea is that I review/comment on all the things I "consumed" which I don't have any plans to talk about elsewhere. It's pretty fun, I think!

Stuff I Referenced:

Game Grumps play Kirby's Epic Yarn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKr5ey_gRX4&list=PLRQGRBgN_EnpuXep5TztND3rjz6iKf0Jy

The Company Man: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMF7C3hqyVA4bvTb0x0cdHw

Library of Babel: http://www.arts.ucsb.edu/faculty/reese/classes/artistsbooks/The%20Library%20of%20Babel.pdf



I didn't expect your restaurant review would be the most entertaining thing I'd hear all day. :D


Everything here sounded exciting, now I really want to play Kirby with mah bae :D


I find it ironic that anime, which is released weekly or in 2 episode chunks on BD is a medium that you consume all at once, whereas manga and books which come out all at once (granted manga releases weekly, but you either buy a whole shounen jump magazine or a whole volume of one manga) is the medium that you want to take in small chunks.


You should read Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. There was a hot minute where the vogue idea in literary thought was that "The Novel", i.e. that structure of long story telling, was wrung dry and needed to be replaces. One of my favorite things that came out of it is that book, which is structured around 2-3 page vignettes where Marco Polo describes cities he saw in his journeys to a king. Its perfect pooper reading, 2-3 page chunks you can tear through and all of them are amazing. Allegories for aspects of the human experience built around city design, they are often used in architecture classes for students to build models of/creat their own cities in the style of. Super great stuff, right up the Borges alley.


what were the two hp love-craft stories he talked about?


You might have already read this, but The Last Question by Isaac Asimov is a great short story.


Also, someone made a library of Babel website. Loses some of the mind-fucky implications since it's not physical print but it's still neat libraryofbabel.info


Hammergirl is great. I don't buy manga a whole lot, but I always go there to get it.