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Figured I'd wait till the month's end instead of awkward breaks in the week thanks to the last update being on the 18th. Will try to keep these weekly again from here on out. There's a lot to list here, so let's get right to it!

Made In Abyss Weekly w/ Best Guy Ever - WEEKS 1-3, WEEK 4 - The new weekly episodic review show, this time covering the best show of the season (if not the year).

Fate/Apocrypha Sucks w/ Best Guy Ever [Eps. 1-3] - A would-be new "every week" series that we quickly aborted when we realized it was a 25 episode show, and that talking Fate in public is a nightmare.

Fate/Apocrypha Follow-Up w/ Best Guy Ever - A sequel to the previous video in which we answer some of its criticisms. 

Kendrick Lamar is the Backbone of the Hip-Hop Zeitgeist - The first vlog breaking in my new music channel, about Kendrick Lamar and his influence.

How To Kill A Rock Band in 4 Minute & 30 Seconds - A rant about how much I hate the generic structure of rock songs.

The Most Interesting Thing About Studio SANZIGEN & Kiruminzoo - More of these mini-vids about neat little things.

Digi & May's Otacave Expedition #1: 90s Magical Girls - A new series in which my life partner, May, pulls a DVD that she's curious about off of my shelf, and then we watch the show and give our impressions. 

RATING EVERY POKEMON DESIGN - GEN 1 - GEN 2 - GEN 3 - GEN 4 - May and I go through every single Pokemon and rate their design. 

Insufferable Social Media Argument: The Podcast #12, #13, & Bonus 3 - The show trucks on as well as ever.

Difficulty Begets Hot-Blooded Fandoms - A general-idea vlog that takes a sudden spiral into weird meta-humor.

The Meta Hole - An hour long spiral through my thoughts on the internet today, a meta look at my content and its response, and sequels or conclusions to some of my weekly recommendation vlogs. 

Manga Mondays: The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up & Delicious In Dungeon - Recommending two manga which I was surprisingly into.

The Kirby Race, Except It's Just Digibro, & It's The Wrong Game, & He Sucks - I decided to try my hand at the Kirby Race which I'd missed out on from the PCP. In the process I ramble endlessly about the usual stuff.

Pubcrawl Episode 68 "We're Back" July 25th - The Pubcrawl returns after a months-long hiatus from my travels.

Podcast 1: Oscillot, Digibro, & Kenji the Engi - A completely random podcast that Joe of Pause and Select dragged me and two other guys into. It was fun but strange, as the host was wasted and the questions were randomized.

New Channel For Music Vlogs! Digibro's Turntable - This is just a redirect vlog, but I figured I'd list it.



This is a weird place to leave a comment, but I figured this would be the place you would be most likely to see it. Hey! It was super cool seeing you and May today at Seabreeze. When you first said you were moving to Rochester, I was like "if I don't see him at least once in the ten months he'll be here, I will consider suicide", and I caught you within the first month! I was going to say all this at the park but my dumb ass freaks out whenever I see someone who I look up to. Anyway, I've been watching your videos since the Too Many Pinkie Pies one way back in like 2013 or some shit. Been following your stuff ever since. I think the most interesting thing about you is just how much information there is available about your life. I know a ludicrous amount of information about who I'd never met before today, and for some reason I just find that cool. Love the stuff you've been doing recently (especially the weekly series with Ben) and I hope to it continue. By the way, tell May that the weird black kid from the park said hi.


Made In Abyss Weekly w/ Best Guy Ever - would be much better if the picture would change like the conversation that would be interesting this way is boring


It's a podcast, you're not really meant to look at the picture.


hey, my life has gotten better thanks in part to you


i think your eva video is interessting in the way that you've already done that video in the past. (i remeber you drunkenly talking about it in some vlog). Do you plan on doing more of that? by which i mean taking the best points from some of you vlogs that didnt get much attention and making it into a fully edited video? i personally think its a good idea.


Probably, yes. Lately I've been thinking there's a lot of points I've sort of half-made in the past, or made in some obscure place, that can be re-explored.