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Late as hell! The day that I would've made this post was the day that I finally left the house, and these first few days of my trip have been the first thing that's felt like a legitimate vacation that I've taken in a fucking eternity. I've been having an amazing time and not even thinking about work for once in my life, but I've got some time here and there to put aside for a patreon post and maybe trying to get some vlogs together. 

Davoo is working on a very short main-channel video right now. Next month I'm going to start making good on the whole concept of diversifying the main channel content and putting Davoo more on big-video duty. This month was a whole lot of figuring out how the patreon changes would work, and getting tons of shit organized for leaving the house (not to mention making tons of crap), so my full vision of how this should all work has yet to be realized. Stay tuned. In the meantime, I'm going to be chilling the fuck out for as much of the rest of this month as possible, so expect less of an epic torrent of videos, and catch up on the ones you didn't have time for when they dropped. I'll be back before you know it with a million stories to tell no doubt.

Accel World - The Pleeb & The Weeb S2 Ep1  - At long last and after many setbacks, the Kickstarter-funded Pleeb & The Weeb series makes its debut with an epic-length episode! Jesse did an amazing job as always making this thing not only watchable, but hilarious and legendary, and I'm really glad the world can finally start seeing it. 

The Lucid Dreamworld of Kemono Friends  - An analytical review of the year's most unexpected success, and the biggest show in Japan right now. Actually got subtitled in Japanese and posted on Nico Nico Douga, where it has just as many views as on youtube!

Old-Ass Anime Cast #8: Moe  - Diving into my history as a stalwart defender of cute girls and the cute things that they do.

Eromanga-sensei Every Week w/ Best Guy Ever - WEEK 7  - Our best episode yet, as we comment on the "best" episode of the show to date--insofar as it being a batshit nuts experience.

Digi Bros - Dark Souls 3 DLC Parts 2  thru 10 - Continuing an excellent run of Digi Bros episodes, from in-depth political rants, to TV show reviews, and my theories about Osamu Tezuka and autism. Highly recommended, though full of out-of-date ideas about getting an RV.

Insufferable Social Media Argument: The Podcast, Episode 8  & Bonus Ep 2  - Mumkey and I get a very special guest call from Nolan North, and then release our second 1-dollar bonus episode, which is probably the best episode of the show to date.

Editing My Writing: Before And After  - In which I showcase my script editing process for the Kemono Friends video, showing what my writing looks like before and after I touch it up.

Why I Dropped Every Anime I Dropped #1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , FINAL  - An epic 7.5-hour journey through my dropped list, explaining how I ended up dropping every show. Sometimes interesting, often not at all, and with a slow erosion of my mind as I try to use the series to abate the loneliness of being in a big house by myself. I guess it's pretty fun.

What Even Is An RPG?  - An impromptu podcast I did with Hippocrit because he was trying to get a full grasp on what an RPG is.

Prolific Over Perfect  - A straightforward video explaining my long-held belief that being prolific will always pay off more than trying to be perfect in the long run. Some people have expressed disagreement over this, and those people are wrong.  

Manga Mondays: Kindred Spirits on the Roof, Murcielago ,  Kisses And White Lily For My Dearest Girl  - Business as usual for Manga Mondays--here I start getting deep into my yuri kick, which you'll be seeing more of down the line.

Everything I'm Taking With Me Around the Country  - Long ass vlog detailing every item that I'm taking with me on my current journey around the country. I ended up cutting a lot of the extraneous crap from my luggage before taking off. 

Why I'm Taking So Much Shit Around The Country  - Clarifications about some misunderstandings over the prior video.

CARL'S JUNIOR NEEDS TO BE SEXUALLY ASSAULTED - STEALING YOUR DADS AS IF IT WAS EASY EPISODES 4 & 5  - Continuing my irregular podcast with Munchy where we eat fast food and talk about it before spiraling into madness. Joined by Ben Saint and Jackie. Audio is even worse than usual..

The Pub Crawl Episode 67  - A rare episode with guest appearances from former cohosts that no one watching now probably knows. Show on hold for a bit while I travel.

I think that's everything; honestly these days even I struggle to keep track of all the shit I put out lol.


June Guts

Speaking of people being wrong at you wrt Prolific Over Perfect, I thought up a counter to their 'try to make everything perfect' bullshit. Listen guys, you can Polish ANYTHING you make. But when you start out, ALL YOU MAKE ARE TURDS. You can Polish that turd if you want to, but the only way to stop making turds is to PUSH THEM ALL OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM, and then, uh, like in the center of a star getting closer and closer to supernova, you start pushing out cooler and manlier elements, like Iron. .. uh... and the only way to get there fast is by being fast. YOU GOTTA BE FAST. YOU GOTTA BE SO FAST. BE THE FASTEST MOTHERFUCKER IN THE WORLD YOU PANSIES, BE FAST! FAST!


Although I see where you're coming from, when it comes to me, I feel that, when you first start making something, it is possible to at least make it PRESENTABLE. And to do this, at least for me, you can't do it fast. That is, at least not without the experience. That's why, whenever I do something artistic, I can't go very fast at first, but as I get more experience my speed, as well as my skill, will inevitably increase.


<a href="https://twitter.com/Digibrah/status/866475200765886464" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/Digibrah/status/866475200765886464</a>


Normally I'd chastise someone for taking a month long break, but you sir, deserve it. The amount of quality content (and shitposting) you put out is astounding and I find myself looking forward to each new vid as though it were the next episode of some TV series. Cheers, bud. Take it easy, and I look forward to you returning to form after AX.

June Guts

Bill, your counter argument is actually supporting my point. Yes, you cannot make something presentable at first unless you spend a lot of time on it. Exactly. That's why you don't. Don't spend a lot of time on your first thing. "Presentable" isn't "good" by a longshot anyway, just get it done. You'll gain more skill by making a lot of unpresentable things quickly than by taking forever to make one barely presentable thing.

June Guts

I mean, he's been on break for 3 days, and he's said that he's going to get back to making vlogs and stuff soon so.. uh.. yeah, not a month-long break.


He said he was going to scale things back; in his world that probably is a huge break.


I guess I'm the only one who cares about at least having all of my earlier works watchable/readable, at the very least so I don't have any that at are complete garbage. And like I said, I'm the type of person who has to work slow at first, but my speed will gradually increase as I improve. Trust me, considering this is me we're talking about here, I'm getting stuff done pretty fast. I'm my own biggest critic, and if I kept constantly worrying about perfection, I'd never get anything done. So far I've been managing one video every two weeks on my channel.


I don't care if you agree with me, but there is a thing called "effort" and effort requires time. Period.

June Guts

You might be the only one who's fooled himself into thinking his early work will be watchable. Even if you feel that way after making it, after you've actually gained skill in your art, you'll look back at it later and think it's trash.


To be clear, I don't necessarily disagree that, as a creator, you should always be creating no matter what. I create a lot of stuff. I just don't publish it unless I'm somewhat satisfied with it. I've written lots of stuff that nobody but me has ever seen, hundreds.


Note: my speed rant doesn't necessarily encourage publishing everything you make. I think it can help to have feedback, but making bad stuff and throwing it out is fine too.


You really should go through Washington state if you liked Pennsylvania. Western Washington is hilly as fuck, there's waterfalls and snowcapped mts and shit. I work right under mt Rainier, it's beautiful


Out of curiosity, do you think a video every 2 weeks is a good rate of video production?


That really depends on the type and quality of videos, but it's certainly not a bad rate.

June Guts

Sorry Bill, I was projecting other opinions onto what you were actually saying. If you're just saying "I'm not going to LITERALLY GO AS FAST AS I LITERALLY CAN, just because I can, I want to put a little more fucking time into my craft than that" that's totally reasonable.