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okay guys it's time. Here we go with THE BOYS Season 2. Hopefully this is the season that will make like Hughie like others hated on me for LMAO 🥲 But on the POSITIVE note, I'm excited to see more BILLY DA BUTCHA and Homelander! Hope you guys enjoy!



Christophe Schannes (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-21 02:45:41 Haven't watched the reaction yet but if you didn't like Hughie much in the first season... Eh it's mostly downhill from here in my opinion. I kind of liked him in season 1, he was somewhat funny and relatable even though he's also the sort of goofy, nerdy protaganist that can come off very cliché. But I thought even his lying was understandable, he had complicated feelings about Starlight because he liked her but also felt guilty about liking her because of Robin and didn't know how to feel about her being a supe and member of the Seven on top of that... So it was messy but that made me forgive some of his flaws. But I started to sympathise with him less and less as the show went on, especially in season 3. I won't spoil anything and you'll have your own opinion anyway but I just thought that he became kind of intolerable with time.
2024-03-07 21:18:22 Haven't watched the reaction yet but if you didn't like Hughie much in the first season... Eh it's mostly downhill from here in my opinion. I kind of liked him in season 1, he was somewhat funny and relatable even though he's also the sort of goofy, nerdy protaganist that can come off very cliché. But I thought even his lying was understandable, he had complicated feelings about Starlight because he liked her but also felt guilty about liking her because of Robin and didn't know how to feel about her being a supe and member of the Seven on top of that... So it was messy but that made me forgive some of his flaws. But I started to sympathise with him less and less as the show went on, especially in season 3. I won't spoil anything and you'll have your own opinion anyway but I just thought that he became kind of intolerable with time.

Haven't watched the reaction yet but if you didn't like Hughie much in the first season... Eh it's mostly downhill from here in my opinion. I kind of liked him in season 1, he was somewhat funny and relatable even though he's also the sort of goofy, nerdy protaganist that can come off very cliché. But I thought even his lying was understandable, he had complicated feelings about Starlight because he liked her but also felt guilty about liking her because of Robin and didn't know how to feel about her being a supe and member of the Seven on top of that... So it was messy but that made me forgive some of his flaws. But I started to sympathise with him less and less as the show went on, especially in season 3. I won't spoil anything and you'll have your own opinion anyway but I just thought that he became kind of intolerable with time.


Yeah Vicky the YouTube comments regarding your feelings about Huey were brutal 😟 . Really enjoyed this one you almost jumped out of your skin as her head popped off her shoulders which in turn made me jump too lol. Good to see butcher back , loved kimikos little smile when heuy said he liked what she was writing love her I'm team kimiko and Frenchie all day long 🫶 this season is Bananas and it's going to be fun watching with you Vicky ignore the haters you like whoever you wanna like 💙


THANK YOU 😭 I have a few reasons not to like Hughie, and I personally don't like characters of his typical trope and that's just a personal opinion I have!! I don't hate him, I just don't like him nearly as much as I like all the other characters - good or bad. I personally feel like it takes away from the experience since almost every character is the opposite of Hughie (cutthroat, confident in themselves, etc) and I acknowledge his character grows quite a bit and I believe his character was actually supposed to balance the story a bit - buuuuut I just personally don't like it all too much! That's just a personal opinion and I worry because I don't share the same opinion as most other people. I guess it just makes me sad since I respect other's opinions, why can't they respect mine 🥲 I'm happy to hear someone else feels remotely similarly to me!!


They really were 😭 thank you Ian!! I appreciate the kind words :) Yeah I agree, everyone is entitled to like whichever character they do!! It's no biggie, it's just a show! I felt like I was getting personally attacked all because I didn't like a character - it's not projecting, it's nothing personal I just don't like him as much as the others!! I found everyone else's stories/backgrounds much more enthralling and he felt out of place for me! I know that's *exactly* why he's there, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. :) I just wish people didn't try to attack me for having a different opinion 😓😓 I don't sugar coat or fake my opinions, so I don't know why I get in trouble for it LOL By the time I posted this video I already watched the full second season (I BINGED IT... ITS SO GOOD) but I was definitely hesitant to post it because.... I'm definitely not nicer to Hughie in this one LMAO (sorry 🥲🥲) but it was definitely an insane season and a ton of fun to watch. Can't wait to get into season 3 hehe❤️

Joe Blankenship

Huey lied this time because he was afraid of getting his head sploded. If Raynor can be taken out just like that, then what's to stop more heads from sploding if they go public with compound V? Huey's supposed to be relatable for the audience. He's like an average dude that's been thrown onto a team of underground anti-supe operatives. He most definitely has his character flaws, but everyone does. And being under the wing of Billy Butcher ain't doing him any good. He wants justice and he's being pressured to get loose with his morals in order to get it. Personally, I think he should be telling Annie everything. She's also been disillusioned by the Seven and she's on his side. But Butcher doesn't trust her at all. She's a supe, she's the enemy.

Christophe Schannes (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 11:17:28 Yes, he's "supposed" to be relatable. But that's kind of the issue, I don't feel like he is, not anymore. That's what kinda bothers me about him, not the fact that he has flaws, but that the show keeps portraying him in such a way like we should still be on his side. It's not the same with someone like Butcher; the show knows that he's not a great guy and doesn't make excuses for it. But Hughie keeps being framed as sort of the relatable underdog protagonist, kinda like he said like Harry Potter or Katniss or something. But he's much more of an asshole than those characters ever were. I especially don't have any patience for his possessiveness of Starlight and his dumb need to want to be able to protect her, like she's some damsel in distress. That aspect of his character feels very out of time, like the way male protagonists used to be written in the 90s or early aughts, but to me it just comes across as annoying and patronizing these days.
2024-03-11 11:17:28 Yes, he's "supposed" to be relatable. But that's kind of the issue, I don't feel like he is, not anymore. That's what kinda bothers me about him, not the fact that he has flaws, but that the show keeps portraying him in such a way like we should still be on his side. It's not the same with someone like Butcher; the show knows that he's not a great guy and doesn't make excuses for it. But Hughie keeps being framed as sort of the relatable underdog protagonist, kinda like he said like Harry Potter or Katniss or something. But he's much more of an asshole than those characters ever were. I especially don't have any patience for his possessiveness of Starlight and his dumb need to want to be able to protect her, like she's some damsel in distress. That aspect of his character feels very out of time, like the way male protagonists used to be written in the 90s or early aughts, but to me it just comes across as annoying and patronizing these days.
2024-03-11 11:17:28 Yes, he's "supposed" to be relatable. But that's kind of the issue, I don't feel like he is, not anymore. That's what kinda bothers me about him, not the fact that he has flaws, but that the show keeps portraying him in such a way like we should still be on his side. It's not the same with someone like Butcher; the show knows that he's not a great guy and doesn't make excuses for it. But Hughie keeps being framed as sort of the relatable underdog protagonist, kinda like he said like Harry Potter or Katniss or something. But he's much more of an asshole than those characters ever were. I especially don't have any patience for his possessiveness of Starlight and his dumb need to want to be able to protect her, like she's some damsel in distress. That aspect of his character feels very out of time, like the way male protagonists used to be written in the 90s or early aughts, but to me it just comes across as annoying and patronizing these days.
2024-03-11 11:17:28 Yes, he's "supposed" to be relatable. But that's kind of the issue, I don't feel like he is, not anymore. That's what kinda bothers me about him, not the fact that he has flaws, but that the show keeps portraying him in such a way like we should still be on his side. It's not the same with someone like Butcher; the show knows that he's not a great guy and doesn't make excuses for it. But Hughie keeps being framed as sort of the relatable underdog protagonist, kinda like he said like Harry Potter or Katniss or something. But he's much more of an asshole than those characters ever were. I especially don't have any patience for his possessiveness of Starlight and his dumb need to want to be able to protect her, like she's some damsel in distress. That aspect of his character feels very out of time, like the way male protagonists used to be written in the 90s or early aughts, but to me it just comes across as annoying and patronizing these days.
2024-03-11 11:17:28 Yes, he's "supposed" to be relatable. But that's kind of the issue, I don't feel like he is, not anymore. That's what kinda bothers me about him, not the fact that he has flaws, but that the show keeps portraying him in such a way like we should still be on his side. It's not the same with someone like Butcher; the show knows that he's not a great guy and doesn't make excuses for it. But Hughie keeps being framed as sort of the relatable underdog protagonist, kinda like he said like Harry Potter or Katniss or something. But he's much more of an asshole than those characters ever were. I especially don't have any patience for his possessiveness of Starlight and his dumb need to want to be able to protect her, like she's some damsel in distress. That aspect of his character feels very out of time, like the way male protagonists used to be written in the 90s or early aughts, but to me it just comes across as annoying and patronizing these days.
2024-03-08 14:50:02 Yes, he's "supposed" to be relatable. But that's kind of the issue, I don't feel like he is, not anymore. That's what kinda bothers me about him, not the fact that he has flaws, but that the show keeps portraying him in such a way like we should still be on his side. It's not the same with someone like Butcher; the show knows that he's not a great guy and doesn't make excuses for it. But Hughie keeps being framed as sort of the relatable underdog protagonist, kinda like he said like Harry Potter or Katniss or something. But he's much more of an asshole than those characters ever were. I especially don't have any patience for his possessiveness of Starlight and his dumb need to want to be able to protect her, like she's some damsel in distress. That aspect of his character feels very out of time, like the way male protagonists used to be written in the 90s or early aughts, but to me it just comes across as annoying and patronizing these days.

Yes, he's "supposed" to be relatable. But that's kind of the issue, I don't feel like he is, not anymore. That's what kinda bothers me about him, not the fact that he has flaws, but that the show keeps portraying him in such a way like we should still be on his side. It's not the same with someone like Butcher; the show knows that he's not a great guy and doesn't make excuses for it. But Hughie keeps being framed as sort of the relatable underdog protagonist, kinda like he said like Harry Potter or Katniss or something. But he's much more of an asshole than those characters ever were. I especially don't have any patience for his possessiveness of Starlight and his dumb need to want to be able to protect her, like she's some damsel in distress. That aspect of his character feels very out of time, like the way male protagonists used to be written in the 90s or early aughts, but to me it just comes across as annoying and patronizing these days.


yes!! i've been waiting to start s2, should be fun times!! i dont personally mind hughie; but he definietly effs up a lot