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Here it is guys. THE END. WE DID IT.😭😭

I have A LOT to say at the end. Please watch the outro if you want to know what i think.

Anyway THANK YOU GUYS FOR BEING HERE WITH MY BREAKING BAD JOURNEY. I know some are only here for breaking bad so thank you and I will see you guys if and when you decide to come back:) For everyone else, hopefully i will see you guys ON THE BOYS and maybeeee another show. We will see.... maybe better call saul! Waiting to see how I feel after this long journey and let it soak in for a bit!




The title for the finale is intricate- as for the periodic table FeLiNa, is iron, lithium and sodium. Iron is in blood, lithium in meth and sodium in tears. Felina is an anagram for finale. Its also the name of the woman in the song that Walt hums while he builds a robot in the desert. When Walter was hanging over that crib, saying goodbye to his daughter for the last time Skyler could have had some kind of change of heart about him. In the closing scene of 0504, 'Fifty-One' Walter tells Skyler she will change her mind about him. If there ever was a moment it could have been here. Something a lot of people overlook is Walter took out so many people in the drug business that you could say he positively affected it in that regard. Also Gretchen & Elliot spoke on Charlie Rose about their 28 million dollar charity grant announcement for drug abuse treatment centers in the south west that would have never been possible without Walter. Walter builds a robot in the desert to save Jesse & his family which is a call back to 4 Days Out when Jesse suggests building a robot to save them in the desert- 4 Days Out is Aaron Paul's favorite episode from the series. Speaking of the desert theme, for the entirety of the show. Walt's own bullet taking him out feels almost biblical in how only Jesus himself could take his life at crucifixion and the lab's skeleton form crosshairs over Walter in that final frame. (the lab representing an extension of Walter himself) Walter- Mr. Lambert is wearing khaki as a call back to his wardrobe from the pilot, his dress pants from the opening scene & Ozymandias with a green shirt for Breaking Bad / the show's periodic table and the inside of his jacket being blue, for well, you know. The show as a whole is lightning in a bottle. Watching it is like watching perfection playout on screen, every episode. It's almost surreal. There's no better fictional character that has more depth, a greater character arc and superior acting to Bryan Cranston's than Walter H. White. They encapsulate the development and metamorphosis of a character with redeeming qualities along the way, so well & so seamlessly that it changes everything else you watch following it. It really is like the perfect drug- the 99.1% pure storytelling. Anthony Hopkins, after completing BB wrote Bryan Cranston a letter stating his acting was the best he's seen – ever.


Don’t let it soak in. Just start Better Call Saul, you won’t regret it.


I felt the same exact way when this show ended. I'll say that you will love Better Call Saul as well. You wouldn't think that Vince Gilligan and crew could strike gold twice, but they do. I really think that Gilligan's genius was creating the formula that works so well. It seems like everyone in his writer's room can deliver again and again. Something in the process there.


Breaking Bad is truly lightning in a bottle. A TON of things transpired – external to the show – that changed how the show developed and progressed: Jesse was supposed to die in the first season. The writer’s strike cut off the development that would have likely led to Jesse’s death, and the chemistry with Walt was too good – so they changed the whole show to include him as a primary partner. Tuco was supposed to be the main villain of Season 2, but Raymond Cruz wanted his character killed off because he hated playing him, and he had an opportunity on another show (CSI). Saul was supposed to clean up after Jane’s death, but a scheduling conflict led to the creation of the unimpeachable Mike (man, myth, legend)!! Gus Fring was supposed to just be a businessman contact, but Giancarlo Esposito was tired of small roles and strong-armed the showrunners into hiring him as a full cast member. His strategy? He played Gus Fring as a total villain, when the script didn’t call for it. He pumped up his own mystique so that the fan theories would go wild, and when the showrunners asked him to come back in Season 3 for a few appearances, he effectively said, “Fuck off, I want a main role!” He stuck to his guns and the entire Season 3 (and Season 4) were rewritten around him being the big bad. Which gave us the Lily of the Valley. I’m telling you, Breaking Bad is lightning in a bottle. So many things were planned that wouldn’t have been as good, and so many UNplanned things happened to make things better. And whatever the catastrophe, the writers always picked an amazing solution to their newfound problems. Oh, and Vince Gilligan knew it at the time, too. In an interview, he said he got panic attacks the last season driving to work, afraid he'd get into a car accident or something and be unable to complete the show. He said when it was finally done, he was relieved... not that he wanted to die (he was careful to clarify that), but he was of the mindset that he could die and feel content about it. There will never be another show like Breaking Bad because the universe won’t allow it.


Welcome to the Post Breaking Bad first watch world. I hope you enjoyed it as much as everyone else did. 10/10 series. I'm so glad to have taken this journey with you. Edit: I think a lot of Vkunia fans are going back and watching Brandon Likes Movie's reactions to Breaking Bad. I got A BUNCH of random likes on his Felina video for a comment I left... on his patreon in like 2020/21.

Jonah Bertorelli

Vee I just want to thank you for the time and energy you put into this series. Not only jumping into it on recommendation although you normally wouldn't have watched it. you trusted the community and ended up giving us an amazing few months of content. Thank you for taking the time to share in one of my (and many others) favorite shows. And I hope you had as much fun as we all did. I know you truly came to love the show and that only made for a better experience. <3 It's a shame it's over, but I can't wait for El Camino and maybe I'll even start up BCS when you do, and watch along too!


I absolutely love Breaking Bad its a perfect 10/10 I will never get tired of watching it and it definitely deserves all the hype and praise it gets but.. BETTER CALL SAUL is even better for me😊

Jason wolfe

Walt got away in the end! And he died surrounded by something he truly loved.



Jonah Bertorelli

"this is illegal!" lol! V! what a time to choose to bring legality into this show. hahahahah


Vee, please watch El Comino ASAP. It takes place literally as Jesse escaped in the car which is actually the El Comino in question. Don't wait to long! Personally I think we shouldnt give Better call Saul a watch right away, to give people who want to watch other shows a chance who dont really vibe with the BB universe then come back to it after.

Tony Biersack

Been here since Day 1 when u started this show and ive never subbed to any other reaction channel patreon before but all ur reactions to every episode was so grounded n genuine,been subbing every month till now and its been an emotional rollercoaster, truly an honour.Thankyou so much for this, gonna rewatch ur whole reaction again for the series and later on ur personal time please u gotta checkout the Blooper reels and awards they won and all behind the scenes of this show its truly amazing ❤️ Cant wait for El Camino & Better Call Saul 😍😩

Jonah Bertorelli

Please watch El Camino before BCS since it's a breaking bad movie and more closely related/relevant to this journey, and it's only a one time viewing, if you waited till after BCS it would be out of place. (I'm sure you knew that, and were going to but just incase it needed to be said) haha

Jonah Bertorelli

You should do a reaction to the pilot again, to not only get some nostalgia but it would be a bit of a tear jerker to see how far we've come! just an idea. nobody does it but I bet it would get a big interaction with the fans as it's unique to the reaction genre. never seen anyone do a flash back to the pilot, and I'd 100000% watch that if people did. haha.

Gabriel Berilli

It has been a journey and a blast following you through this experience since the beginning. El Camino is a must to end some plotlines, and you will feel better after watching it. About Better Call Saul, take your time after BrBa, but knowing how much did you loved and got attached to this characters I know for certain that you will also love BCS, without any spoilers, is a view to Saul's life before he was Saul Goodman. And also Better Call Saul made Breaking Bad even a better show.

weezer fan

i remember not caring for the last episode when i first saw it last year, kinda grew on me a little though

Jonah Bertorelli

Yeah this is a show you come out on the other side a different person. it's not a "watch through" it's an "experience" when the screen cuts to credits after your first time finishing and you turn to look away from your screen there's an emptiness almost in shock that it's over. and tons of emotions that come with remembering everything along the ride.

Eric Wall

Let’s not sleep on El Camino either. As an epilogue to Breaking Bad, it’s best watched right after.

Eric Wall

I agree with this. I can see a short break before jumping into Better Call Saul. But El Camino is basically a long Breaking Bad episode and works best with Breaking Bad fresh in mind.


I think Flynn and Holly are the only ones who did absolutely nothing wrong :D


Awesome comment. Makes me think it's *possible* he ended up saving as many lives as he ruined or ended. Hard to say. And high praise from Hannibal the cannibal himself.

Shon Herb

Such a bittersweet ending. Walt’s actions in this ep. is the perfect example of making the best of a horrible situation.


Yes! You now know how we all felt upon ending the first watch of this masterpiece. I agree that you should get to El Camino ASAP but I'm on the fence as to whether you should go on to BCS right away. Some say you should, others say give another type of show a chance. Either way you go, your reactions to every episode of BrBa have been wonderful, insightful and heartfelt. Thank you so much for bringing us on this journey with you! <3

Chris Shine

Thanks for watching Vee, it meant more then you know 🙏 Also, I personally like BCS even more than BrBa, so I can't wait for that! You're gonna love it.


Some other shows I think and hope you'd enjoy - -You already mentioned The Sopranos - I've never seen any reactions to this so it's a great choice. 7 seasons, 86 eps. Three excellent human dramas set (mostly) in space - -The Expanse, though lots of creators have done this one, they all did Firefly too like you have. Don't listen to, "It's Game of Thrones in space..." It's really not. 6 seasons, 62 eps. -Battlestar Galactica, which few are reacting to or have reacted to (one just finished S3 yesterday). Though begun in 2004, it still holds up against more recent shows like The Expanse. And it's probably my 2nd favorite Sci-Fi show after Firefly - I'm a Browncoat as my icon up there shows... :D 4 seasons, 76 eps plus 2-part pilot miniseries and a movie between S3 and S4 (not necessarily essential but I know peeps will push for it). This is another character-driven emotional rollercoaster that I and others think you will LOVE! -Babylon 5, which almost nobody has reacted to yet (I've noticed two and one is a group of guys and they're not always all there lol). It's also a Human drama set basically in space but this one has all those alien races that the other two shows above do NOT. Some may say less positive things about this one but I am sure you would enjoy it. I'll even say a few actors on the show may have been sub-par, but they were balanced out by some stellar acting and the writing is *mostly* great (JMS the showrunner wrote 90% of the eps). 5 seasons, 110 eps plus 'The Gathering' pilot movie and 'In the Beginning' movie. Wow I'm writing a novella again... ;p One more very different show I have never heard of ANYONE reacting to is the 1920's HBO period drama Boardwalk Empire starring Steve Buscemi, Michael Shannon, Michael Kenneth Williams and Michael Pitt, among others. It's basically about prohibition and though mostly set in Atlantic City, NYC, Chicago and Philadelphia are also featured. Acting in this was spot-on from the start but imo writing fell off after S3. It ended well enough - I mean how do you end a show as well as Breaking Bad? You can't... lol. 5 seasons, 56 eps. That's more than enough to consider, added to all the others' suggestions. Long-winded comment OVER :D


Vee you were my 2nd-ever sub on Patreon, after your friend who shall Stay Golden : ) She suggested you to her Patrons quite a while back and you were reacting to something I love (I forget what - Firefly?) so here I am.

Zach Aquino

You should look up a video on YouTube called “Breaking Bad - El Paso “Felina”” That song that Walt hears when he first turns on that car that he stole basically tells his whole story. That video just plays the song and overlays relevant clips of the show.


Really thoughtfull closing statement. It was one hell of a ride. Lost is probably my second favorite show after BrBa. BCS is amazing aswell of course. I havent watched Sopranos or The Wire yet, but I only heard good stuff about it.

Cole Troutman

Yes, I think Lost isn’t as ‘perfect’ as Breaking Bad, but that’s always been my #2. Such a good show, you care for the characters so much

Cole Troutman

Yo thank you.. I never saw that, it’s like the more I see about the show makes me appreciate it more

Thaddeus Winterson

I agree with you, this is the best show I have ever seen, and I wished for a long time that there was some way it could not be over with. Watching it again with you was the best thing because it was like seeing it again for the first time with a friend. Thank you for your reaction videos.

David Cansler

You already mentioned BCS. Please add Ozark, Dexter and Sons of Anarchy to your list. All great shows. Breaking Bad. One of the all time greats. Sixth time watching on my own and thru reactors. Great watching each time. IMO, I believe Jesse would have been killed or arrested on his own without ever meeting Walt. He was already in the meth business and reckless so it was probably inevitable that something would have happened to Jesse. Great reaction V and can't wait til the next series/movie in the BB universe!!! BTW, while reacting to BCS, throw in a Jessie!! once in a while :)

Lorenzo Baxter

Okay so there are a lot of details about the finale that some people have covered (like Felina) but there's more. Of course Walt was gonna die, I couldn't see any other ending tbh. But Walt literally won when you think about it. He killed his enemies, he was gonna kill Jesse, but once he saw the state he's in, he felt pity and decided to save him, he ensured the money went to his family, the cops didn't catch him, and he didn't die from his cancer. He went put on his own terms. And if you noticed, Walt was half smiling when he died. If you hear those lyrics in the perfect ending song, Baby Blue, Walt died surrounded by what he loved. The lab. The song about keeping your love waiting too long, and "didn't know you'd think that I'd forget, or I'd regret" as he caresses the equipment. His Baby Blue, his meth, the lab and chemistry is where his heart was. Also, when he checked the temperature gage, it was correct at a setting he and Gale mentioned back in season 3. Jesse has truly learned well from Walt and is a master cook. And the gas mask he held was a direct call back to season 1. The very beginning of the show started with a gas mask. Walt is a great character, but he absolutely deserved his fate. Its right there in the song too. He brought it upon himself. And while I love/hate him, there's a character that's better than Walt in this universe that deserves the title as one of the best written characters of all time. But... we will get to that later. 🤐 So El Camino is next, and I'm really excited to see your reaction. It gives much further closure to the events that occurred in Breaking Bad and its really good.

Tim Martin

You trusted the community on this series. Trust them on BCS. Me, myself, I’ll be hanging around regardless but the sooner you watch El Camino and BCS, the better IMO. While BB is still fresh in your memory. Anywho, thank you so much for your reactions to BB - it’s been quite a ride !!! T

Ian Cano

Great reaction to the finale of BB. Thanks for taking the journey with us.

Aubree Cummins (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-29 01:38:56 crazy fact but when they were casting the roles of breaking bad Vince picked Bryan cranston at the last second because he worked with him on a few episodes of X Files before bryan they were about to cast either John Cusack, Matthew Broderick, and i also heard they also thought of casting Jerry Seinfeld and bob saget for the role too, but i could be wrong but still crazy to think about i cant imagine anyone else playing the role...................... also i think at some point you should definitely check out the sopranos and possibly the walking dead too
2024-01-20 03:25:37 crazy fact but when they were casting the roles of breaking bad Vince picked Bryan cranston at the last second because he worked with him on a few episodes of X Files before bryan they were about to cast either John Cusack, Matthew Broderick, and i also heard they also thought of casting Jerry Seinfeld and bob saget for the role too, but i could be wrong but still crazy to think about i cant imagine anyone else playing the role...................... also i think at some point you should definitely check out the sopranos and possibly the walking dead too

crazy fact but when they were casting the roles of breaking bad Vince picked Bryan cranston at the last second because he worked with him on a few episodes of X Files before bryan they were about to cast either John Cusack, Matthew Broderick, and i also heard they also thought of casting Jerry Seinfeld and bob saget for the role too, but i could be wrong but still crazy to think about i cant imagine anyone else playing the role...................... also i think at some point you should definitely check out the sopranos and possibly the walking dead too

Timothy Poeschl

I was so happy to be along for the ride on this show with you! I’m glad you enjoyed it! A lot of shows start well, build momentum, and then they end either so so or so horribly that it ruins the whole show. This one started strong and just kept getting better as time goes on. I can’t think of another show that’s like that. I’m excited for Better Call Saul and El Camino! You’ll love them! After those, I think you’re at a point you could handle Dexter. It’s an overall great show that is dark, but also has some comedic moments which help balance it out a bit. I’ll admit it certainly doesn’t come close to BB in its later seasons, but it’s still a worthwhile watch! LOST is another I’d suggest highly! It is one of my favorite shows of all time! It honestly depends who you ask as far as how good they think it was, as it does get a bit confusing if you’re not paying attention to every detail. In any case, you rock!

Dale Diaz

totally unrelated to the reaction itself but what the heck, you look so good.

Dale Diaz

Hmm I wonder what kind of car jessie drove away in?

Steve H

It was fun watching this masterpiece with you;Hope you enjoy what's left to watch.

Javier Ruiz-Leon Jr.

I am so happy to hear you say that my favorite show of all time is also your favorite show of all time! Hearing that all of the time just feels sort of rewarding to me! The parts with Gretchen and Elliot was done out of a request. There was a huge fan of the show who was dying of cancer that got a visit in his hospital room from both Vince Gilligan and Waltuh. He personally asked Gilligan if he can see a conclusion with both Gretchen and Elliot before the show ends. So this episode was, in a way, paying tribute to a fan who died of cancer. Speaking of which, this was episode 62. The 62nd element on the periodic table of elements is samarium, which is what doctors use to cure cancer.

Jorge Hernandez

Nailed it. Thanks for the journey.


I can never get back the first time I experienced this show but, watching you go into it blindly (minus the memes lol) has been about as close as I have gotten. I was never a tv show watcher but this series shown me the full potential of what is possible on this format. You still have El Camino to watch, which is a fitting epilogue to the show and I really think you will enjoy Better Call Saul. I may be biased lol but I do think it is Breaking Bad's equal while being familiar but different. There are some surprises that await you when you get to watch it. I am getting giddy just thinking about it. This has been a wonderful experience and I hope the fun doesn't stop here.


I feel you. But I'm not lying when I say, you're only half way home. This show did change me though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlIRUtJMA40


And the best is yet to come... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGsC_LO3oFY

Tom Fehr

Vkunia is in the "insufferably telling everyone you know about breaking bad" era, you love to see it, one of us

Tom Fehr

if you love complex characters and family dynamics, i would strongly recommend Succession as a series to watch for the channel. 4 seasons, 39 total episodes, super funny while being dramatically tense and tragic. tons of emmys obvs

Eric Tanaka

Always love your genuine reactions. LOVED that you loved the show so much and look forward to everything else 😁


"Rooting for the good in Walts heart" is such a good way to explain what makes this story so deep and meaningful.

Willow McPhie

It's been a wonderful journey rewatching this with you. When I looked over at you while Jesse was strangling Todd, seeing the maniacal joy on your face just killed me, haha. I was expecting you to be excited, but wow. The bloodlust was palpable. I appreciate you so much Vee. You're an absolute delight. And I just love seeing how much you feel everything. You give me a sense of catharsis. Also, I always just wanna hug you and tell you it's okay every time you cry, haha. Looking forward to El Camino and Better Call Saul. ^^

Liam Van niekerk

Need to watch El Camino Now its Jessie's ending


Wow. As you said, what a ride. Wonderful reaction Vee, I want to thank you, for without your videos I wouldn't have experienced this incredible show and flawless acting. I'm not sure how I feel about not getting to see some closure for Skylar and the kids and Marie but I really like Breaking Bad, it's one of the few shows that doesn't feel like it has filler episodes but I wish it had them lol.

Rhylin (Garret) Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-29 01:38:56 OH MY GOSH! YESSSSSSS! I’m gonna make Pizza and get drinks and stuff! Oh my gosh I can’t wait to watch this
2024-01-20 15:19:30 OH MY GOSH! YESSSSSSS! I’m gonna make Pizza and get drinks and stuff! Oh my gosh I can’t wait to watch this

OH MY GOSH! YESSSSSSS! I’m gonna make Pizza and get drinks and stuff! Oh my gosh I can’t wait to watch this

Dalton H

I heard you say "True Detective season 1." YES please is all i have to say


Thanks for a 10/10 watch along V! I was here for bb, its also my fave tv show of all time. Before I go these would be my personal reactions for the future; Cobra kai / Karate Kid 1-3 Mr Robot Game of thrones / House of the dragon Stranger things ✌️❤️


i just joined, does she only do full reactions? i prefer the cuts but clear image. most reactors if not all release the youtube version before full length. some of us watch this on our phone and cant afford another device to sync, (except for you, you special unicorn) "i watch it like this you can still see it" that is why she puts a timer so you can sync.

Nathan Bittner

This was such a good time watching these reaction videos! Really enjoyed every reaction! So excited to see you react to Better Call Saul when you get around to it. But look, in all honesty, however you feel about what I’m about to say, when you said that you would not stop until everyone you know has watched this show, I felt that, but for something very different. Guys, while we all enjoyed this, at the end of the day this is just a show. But there is something much bigger than just a show that is available to all of us. Jesus Christ died for all of us. He died on a cross and was raised from the dead. And guys, He did all that for you. He loves you all so much! Whatever value you can think of yourself having, it does not begin to scratch the surface of the value God has put on all of you. And V is right when she says that this is all a journey we went on together. And I think it’s so cool that there are so many of you out there who looked forward to these videos and enjoyed each and every one of them. And it gave us great joy, but it was temporary. God offers us eternal joy and I want that for each and every one of you. V, and I really think this would be an interesting reaction, if you haven’t seen it, react to the Passion of the Christ. That movie will bring you to tears easily. But most importantly y’all, know that Jesus loves you. He does. ”For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.“ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭38‬-‭39‬ ‭ESV‬‬

James M

What a journey! I’ve been here watching since you first reacted to Star Wars and this reaction was 🤌👏 Never thought you’d ever get to (my favorite series) BreakingBad way back then but here we are. Thanks for sharing your experience, V!


Seeing Walt go from humble family man, to power hungry monster is always such a phenomenon and pleasure to watch EVERY time. Whether your team Walt or team Jessie, both of them have royally fucked up many times through the series and neither one of them could be labeled as completely "good". But let's be honest, if Jessie wasn't so stupid, things wouldn't have gotten even worse than they already were lol


It's been such an awesome journey watching through this with ya! I really appreciate getting different viewpoints, and you had a lot of great commentary. I hope you consider Battlestar Galactica for a future show, even if you don't share it online. I genuinely believe that if sci-fi was more mainstream when it aired, it would have been as big and successful as Breaking Bad, and Game of Thrones. You mentioned cinematography, and the acting, and character growth-- BSG is the Breaking Bad of space, in my opinion. Cheesiest title of all time, and then The Office made it into a meme, but I swear to god it evokes such powerful emotions. Anyway, thanks again for sharing this wth us

Stephen C

Yeah BSG is a show unlike any other, especially in the scifi genre.

Jonah Bertorelli

Yes she does youtube cuts, I believe for breaking bad I think she lumps a couple together at a time so they release a little later, I could be wrong. But she does youtube cuts for most if not all her shows. (there could be a couple patreon exclusives that i'm unaware of) but most everything eventually gets a shortened edited unblurred cut.


Jonah if you are talking to me, no, it was WAY before they did that!

Nathan Bittner

It is both entertaining and beautiful! Think if most would humble themselves to receive it, they’d be blessed beyond belief. I pray you’ll find that homie! God bless!


Welp you confirming better call saul and el camino just means imma have to keep subscribing to your patreon for the forseeable future, oh also for a show recommendation you might like fargo; its a crime/ dark comedy show with quirky characters, each season is its own self contained story


Better Call Saul is 100% worth watching, many people (me included) view it as better than breaking bad, you really won't regret starting that journey either

Jay F

Better Call Saul is a masterpiece of a series. Many many fans even say its BETTER than Breaking Bad. The first few episodes can be somewhat 'slow', but it picks up quickly. Very quickly.

Niko M

I totally agree

Alejandro Treviño

You still have Better Call Saul, it's probably the best prequel tv series ever for sure, funny enough it got 53 emmy nominations, and 0 wins, and you will rage about it when you finish it. I do prefer Breaking bad overall myself simply because it is just more intense, but I can not imagine a better prequel than what they did it is truly amazing too, you will absolutely love Rhea Seehorn

Joe Blankenship

Such a satisfying ending. You're gonna love Better Call Saul. Same writers, same crew. Such good television. Bob Odenkirk kills it. Plus, Rhea Seehorn and Michael McKean are amazing. And we might see a familiar face here and there.

S Elphick

You should check out Lost

Edward Garrity

don't worry. you're not done. it's only your first watch! you'll rewatch it once a year i swear XD

Edward Garrity

he died satisfied. it was as happy an ending he could've hoped for after everything that happened

Johnathon Healey

Fuck off with your fantasy story lmaooooo - there's thousands of God's and you've just chosen one because you were born in a certain place on this planet... Two hands working accomplish more than a thousand clasped in prayer 👍🏻

Johnathon Healey

... There is absolutely not a better character than Walt in this universe, not even remotely close.

Gilbert Gonzalez

I highly recommend another show called Power (2014), it aired on the Starz channel and I think it’s on Hulu. It’s a bit of an opposite story line as Breaking Bad, it’s about an already established cocaine drug kingpin in New York who is trying to get out of the game and go legit as a nightclub owner lol it ran for 6 seasons and it also has 3 spin off series that have been running as well.

Joel P

Yes, definitely do True Detective Season 1. Can't say you'll like it better than Breaking Bad, but it is my favorite show of all time. It's very, very good.