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NEXT AOT TIME! :) This time i wont keep the description long LMAO thank you guys for understanding the reason for my post for last time! :) You guys are the best!




Willy is using Eren as a scrape goat. This speech is just bait to lure him out,. Eren ruined any possible chance at peace. But, tbh, there was never any path to peace. Not when the world just united under 1 flag to genocide an entire race. Also, the Rumbling is absolutely real and if it's activated then humanity is finished. So Eren is now holding a gun pointed at the entire world. If he shoots everyone dies. It does make sense Paradis would infiltrate Marley. They weren't just sitting back and waiting for Marley to come wipe them out. The question is how many are here?

TJ Bigelow

Well, think about. Its been 5 yrs since we have Eren, too. It doesn't take 5 yrs to cross the sea so Eren must've become this way over that time for a reason. This Eren is confidently committed with an unnerving sense of peace in his decision, now. What could've possibly brought such wisdom mixed with such drive at his original goal? ;)


Whats crazy too is Eren is about to kill all these people but just think back to when Reiner told him “I’m sick of this, of myself just kill me” Eren responds “Like i thought, im the same as you”. So its clear that despite his calm composure over his assured intentions to commit this atrocity deep down he’s the same as Reiner in that scene. The moral compass he had before is still there yet he still feels he has no choice but to do what Marley did to his people. Reiner’s reason was to save the world and be respected as a hero. I can’t wait for you to slowly be shown Eren’s reason for this decision it’s truly masterful story writing :3


Information available for public disclosure: The Paradis Island Operation to Retake the Founding Titan A mission executed under the command of Theo Magath. Four Warriors were sent to complete the mission: Marcel Galliard, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, and Annie Leonhart. Their objective was to infiltrate Paradis Island, retake the Founding Titan, and return it to Marley. Five years after it began, two Warriors were captured by the enemy and one other was killed. Though a prisoner possessing the Jaw Titan was brought back to Marley, of the original members, only Reiner returned safely.

Mecha Saiyan

It was so hard having to wait a week to watch each episode. The way I felt was: Eren had the perfect chance to show that his people aren't as bad as the rest of the world make them out to be. He could have used that opportunity to make peace with everyone and end the cycle of killing. I couldn't understand why he chose to dive in to war as soon as it was declared. However, things were ramping up and I just wanted to see what would happen next.


Great reaction Vee, this show is amazing!


“No one wins when there’s war.” Amen to that. I wish everyone believed that. Agreed about Eren, I never thought we’d see this side of him either. I get why he feels he has to do it, but it makes me sad. And I’ve always loved that talk between him and Reiner when they’re just being real with each other. They had such a good friendship before the truth was revealed. 😭 So excited for the next few episodes!!! 👏

James Payne

Perhaps the most crazy episode in the series thus far! An amazing birthday present to be able to watch this later, super hyppppeeeeddd!!!!

Javier Ruiz-Leon Jr.

I can't believe that no one told you that it was always safe for you to watch this intro until now. It is the most non-spoiler intro that ever non-spoilered! Because of that, I will give you the numbered episode that you can watch the next intro: 81. Trust me, if you want to avoid any spoilers for the next half of this season, there you go.

Jonah Bertorelli

Absolutely true. nobody wins in a war. And what's sad is how absolutely parallel this is to life. The wars will never end and everyone thinks they need a "winner" when in reality nobody wins. I don't wanna make it political so I'll leave names out of it, but someone at the top was asked "who do you want to win this war" and when they replied "I don't want a 'winner' I want people TO STOP DYING. There is NO WINNER. I want the death to STOP! and that doesn't take a winner to do so. and they got absolutely torn apart by critics news and everyone else alike, because they took the stance that there is no winner and nobody should be considered a "winner". And I wonder if it's because everyone is so war hungry or just because they hate that person. I truly believe it's the former. Although the latter is also true.

Daniel Almeida

I think maybe you didn't read Vee's last post entirely. She said, "Now this means I also watch content in bursts, where I watch 4 episodes at a time. Now I didn't watch the opening because I went with the previous comment saying don't watch it. I recorded 4 episodes that way ". In my opinion, the opening of AoT giving spoilers is very subjective. There is no scene in it. Before you watch the episodes, you can't connect the dots. But that's me (I'm watching for the first time). Other people will see it entirely differently. If someone says there are spoilers in doubt, it's best not to see it. And that's what Vee did. The good thing is that now she knows.

Daniel Almeida

Hi Vee! How have you been? I hope all is well with you! I'm back from my vacation! I don't remember if I told you in your last stream on Twitch, but I came back from my farm two days ago, and there is no cell phone signal or internet there on purpose! So I'm looking at the last three weeks of content, and there's a LOT! You worked hard, Vee! So far, I caught up only AoT. And, as always, you're doing great! :) P.S. I wanted to tell you you have a good ear and taste! The new opening song has a very unusual construction (for mainstream music). The song uses a lot of dissonance in harmony and melody while simultaneously bringing a feeling of circus music, that of a crazy circus. In other words, choosing the path of war is disturbing and insane.

Jonah Bertorelli

It's a shame that you had been convinced to do the sub version. I fully agree that when watching something like this it's better to watch it in the original language to get the most effective emotion from the voice actors, and lips line up better, and maybe the message conveyed could be considered more directly translated and not paraphrased. but as you said when you seemed to want to watch the Dubbed you miss SO much art, and action and so much of the visuals. I just finished and had to switch to the sub version of the final couple episodes and the amount of times I missed something in the subtitles or missed what happened on screen and had to rewind it I can only imagine how much of the show you've truly missed since you're trying to do a reaction and commentary. In a general viewing perspective I understand and support doing the original. but for a reaction content where you have to watch it through in one taping no pausing or rewinding. and you can't look away or you'll miss dialog, and you can't see all the fast action because you're reading. I feel like it just makes a less productive, less enjoyable experience for you and the watcher.(not unenjoyable just less enjoyable since you miss things and that seems to upset the diehard fans a bit lol) The thing is too. The sub and dub are identical so you could be doing the dubbed version while people who react along with you do the sub, you can't see or hear your copy, and I effecively watched the dub while you watched the sub with no issue. But it seems like that might be why a few things took you a while to catch on or seemed a mystery even after they've been revealed, because if you miss one sentence of this show you could miss a HUGE reveal and a bunch of information. Just my thoughts on the subject I mean no hate from it. sorry it's so long. lol

Jonah Bertorelli

I only say "it's a shame" because from your talking about the matter it seemed like you wanted to watch the dub more, and landed on sub out of popular opinion. I could be wrong but out of the many times you brought it up, and judging your understanding of everything when you did watch dub, vs when you watched sub. it seemed like that was the case. I could be reading into it, or misunderstanding how you spoke about it. Just thought I'd share my feedback on the situation for future viewings.

Timothy Banks

Hey V. Thank you so much for allowing us to join you on this journey. I love watching people enjoy something I loved so much the first time. Imagine watching this in real time with the summer breaks and half seasons, I was a nervous wreck for 6 + years. I know not one thing can really be the best, but I believe this is the closest American television will get to it. I know you mentioned it in the outro but The Sopranos is a great watch. You can see the origin of the anti-hero in golden area of television. Thank you again, I'm looking forward to the journey.

David Caine

I think Reiner did understand fully his actions and that people were good on the island. That's why he went nuts, and years later back in Marley tried to blow his head off. He couldn't handle his guilt any more over betraying our group back home. Bertholdt too did understand, that's why he told Armin when they faced each other that the people on Paradis were not devils, they have not done anything wrong, that they were dear friends to him, but that the intended to kill them, and that they all had to die. Bert had come to terms with his guilt and actions. Annie, Bert and Reiner had no choice, their families would be put in jail and punished being turned into mindless Titans. All the Eldians in Marley are brainwashed by propaganda. They are fighting societal, cultural, political manipulation and systems of oppression, and just because they realized it at one point or another doesn't mean they can change it all and not face the consequences. Like Armin has said before, to change something you have to lose yourself and become a monster. And oh yeah, do check for aftercredit scenes from now on V. I don't remember them offhand, but you are getting a few them from now on.