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Hey guys! Happy tuesday aka breaking bad day :) AKA IN THE FINAL FOUR EPISODES OF BREAKING BAD I'M NOT SURE HOW I'M GONNA TAKE THIS SHOW ENDING😭 Everythign is CRAZY right now and i can only imagine things getting crazier in the upcoming episodes




After all that's happened to Walt and all that he's done throughout his arc, I still root for him as the antihero. In the previous episode Walt didn't want to kill Jesse- he tried to avoid it, he genuinely saw that option as out of the question when Saul & Skyler floated it- he legitimately wanted to talk to Jesse and "make him see reason" but when Jesse responded to this suggestion with a vague threat that, at least at that point, was thought to potentially involve Walt's family or going to the dea or his money. He could no longer risk having an unhinged-emotionally charged Jesse around potentially causing him real problems. It is only at this point that he reluctantly accepts what both Saul and Skyler suggested as the only practical option. Also Marie spots the brains in the trash right before Hank gets his guts shot at... Side note I loved your point about Walt starting and ending with a confession at To'hajiilee


Here we go!! Enjoy the ride!

Tim Martin

Comment before watching: To’hajiilee is simply a Native American Reservation outside of Albuquerque, NM. I think it will be mentioned as such during this episode.


i wouldnt be mad if you uploaded the next episode now just saying ;)

Jason wolfe

Before you watch the next episode you should watch Bryan Cranston read the poem “Ozymandias” which is the title of the next episode! It’s on YouTube it’s only like 2 minutes long it’s called “Ozymandias as read by Bryan Cranston.”

Cole Troutman

Yeah this is end game now.. still not over those last few episodes

Tim Martin

“Things may be a little rough for a couple of weeks, but they’ll get better”. “I have to go now. It may be a while before I get home.”

Tim Martin

Yeah if any week was worthy of an extra upload, it’s this week. All due respect, of course. Great reactions as usual!!


The "rat" thing was not about "poisoning him like a rat", a rat is a criminal that betrays his partners and becomes an informant for the police. Gus also called Hector a rat right before they both died: "What kind of man talks to the DEA? No man. No man at all", "A crippled little rata, what a reputation to leave behind". Jack asked Walt if he wanted Jesse killed because he ratted him out.


There are several videos of the reading. Look for the one that says 10 years ago and 1:11 run time. That is the original one released by AMC+ Bryan reading the poem to a minute + of time-lapse desert footage. Here is direct YT link: https://youtu.be/T3dpghfRBHE?si=m8dMbwIy9vzaH151 And this one is supposedly all the time-lapses used in BrBa: https://youtu.be/ZwCgPUrDdQ8?si=t3WGkSYpKgOBFPBa

Rhylin (Garret) Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-29 01:40:19 Wow you look so pretty! 😁 Also, better call Saul confirmed? Nooooo don’t make us wait till Tuesday haha 🤪
2024-01-09 23:08:05 Wow you look so pretty! 😁 Also, better call Saul confirmed? Nooooo don’t make us wait till Tuesday haha 🤪

Wow you look so pretty! 😁 Also, better call Saul confirmed? Nooooo don’t make us wait till Tuesday haha 🤪


Hey vee, not sure if you will see this comment but if you do, this Irony to put together if you haven't yet. How insane it is, that Walter chose to name himself after a Nazi scientist, " Warner Heisenberg" and ultimately ends up working with a Neo Nazi hit squad I.e, Todd and his uncles crew.

Lorenzo Baxter

This is.... a take. 😅 Walt is a fantastic character, because he's layered, but that doesnt mean anti hero territory. Layered characters means they are more human, which we can relate to. But Walt is a villain, full stop 😂 But the best villains are ones we can understand while also despising their actions (and at times, their existence) but Walt just does not deserve the anti hero title lol. He's literally peak narcissist, and he's dangerous when he doesn't get what he wants. I really didn't think V would've landed at this same conclusion of rooting for Walt despite everything but 🤷‍♂️


I just googled antihero examples and Walter White was the first to pop up 😅

Lorenzo Baxter

Okay Vee, you're about to watch possibly some of the best TV in all of cinema. Ozymandias is a masterpiece. Someone else has already said but, but hopefully do you just look up or click the link here and watch the Poem Ozymandias. No spoilers or anything, but it gives you some context for the name, and it just adds to the perfection honestly. I can't wait until the next upload cause my god it's peak. 🙌

Nathan Bittner

I thought that maybe the last four episodes would be about the legal process of taking down Walter White when I was where you are in the series. At least when Hank was on the phone with Marie. Then I was back in your shoes of not know where the show would go! Glad you’re enjoying the show and remember, those were my thoughts while I was watching it my first time, so that’s not saying anything about the future.




I get that the poem is an interesting add-on, but I'm always confused by people who want to interrupt the show with something that alludes to something that's about to happen before it happens. It makes a lot more sense to me to just watch the show first, and then reflect on the poem's significance after. Especially for a reaction channel, when you're trying not to spoil things and let the reactor react to the show blind. It's like watching Star Wars in the Machete order, when it undercuts the magnitudes of the reveals in the final movie.


Also, I like to think Meth Damon's origin story is explained by the redhead kid in Peekaboo. Probably lots of psychopath kids raised by addicts who couldn't raise them properly.

Lorenzo Baxter

Well there is a large part of the Breaking Bad Fandom that straight up are Walt apologists so I mean be careful where you take info from lol

Mitchell Bowker

This whole season you were calling the other guy they sold the operation to "Discount Hugh Jackman" or something and then they say he looked like Wolverine at the beginning of this episode. Beautiful!


I love that shot of Walt looking at Skylar and Walter Jr. before he gets the photo of the barrel. Literally the calm before the storm. I don't think I have anticipated any episode as much as I do the next one.

James M

Great react! Still a lot more show to go even in the last 3 episodes.


The wait for Vee's Ozymandias reaction is just as unbearable as the wait for Ozymandias when it was airing live. Please, Vee, I am suffering.

Zack Rapp

LMAO your reaction to the cliffhanger is what I'm pretty sure every single person watching this felt

Jay F

To answer your question why Hank and Gomez didn't show them their badges before the shootout. Jack was fully intending on gunning them down the second they pulled up, Feds or none. The only thing that'd accomplish is probably making it easier to kill Hank, as his gun would be lowered.


He didnt try to murder brock.. he poisoned him yes but it wasnt to kill him

Neellohit Basu

A bit late, but I'm sure Brock would be dead if Walt tried to kill him.