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"Confessions" is an incredible episode! Top 10 of the whole show for me.


Walt's confession video is dripping with unbelievably good goodness. You feel the shackles close in tighter & tighter on Hank. Bryan acted out the whole scene in one take.

Jonah Bertorelli

It's crazy I just watched another reaction channel get to the part where Hank beats up Jesse. Now moments later I jump to where he's getting kicked out of the interrogation room for having beat up Jesse seasons prior lol Reactception.

Jason wolfe

For clarification on the beginning that scene is after they killed Declan and took the methlamine so Todd can cook himself.

Jonah Bertorelli

Pretty sure you didn't miss anything. i believe the blood on the boot was from when Lidia had the whole group killed, that's why the scene started with Todd calling to tell Walt about the situation.


The whole moment of Jessie realising the haunting truth and what follows afterwards, is my favourite acting performance in Aaron Paul's career

Nathan Bittner

Love this! Was really excited to see your reaction to this episode! Still a lot a great moments ahead too! Anyway, since you are nearing the end of Breaking Bad, I’m sure you know we all are excited to see you react to Better Call Saul! Both shows are excellent and there were certainly times when I even thought Better Call Saul was better than Breaking Bad, really comes down to preference. But I wanted to tell you this cause I originally didn’t like Better Call Saul after watching Breaking Bad, do not expect it to be Breaking Bad 2.0. It’s a very different show with its own story. Certainly is cross over in that it’s the same universe, but don’t watch it expecting it to be Breaking Bad cause that killed it for me the first time I watched the first episode or two. Anyway, love the videos! Keep it up

Lorenzo Baxter

I feel like more needs to be said about the desert scene. It's a culmination of everything Walt has done to Jesse. In that moment, Walt is actually seeing the damage he's caused to him. How much he's just hurt Jesse repeatedly. Walt hugging him wasn't new. That was another manipulation. Walt does need Jesse gone, but he also does love him. That hug was a combination of "I need you gone, so here's some fake compassion to make you listen" but also "I'm sorry for all that you've suffered, I want you to have a better life away from all of this." That confession scene was so damn nasty. Like, the amount of lies that sounded so believable, goddamn I just felt gross listening to that entire thing. Walt is such a good liar, and on Hanks face again you can see the anger and the betrayal. That supposed to be family, but Walt is covering his tracks. You missed it, but you can actually catch Huell lifting Jesse's weed as he was passing him. When Jesse realized his weed was lifted, and looked at the cigarette case, he put them together that if Huell could've lifted his weed without him noticing, he could've done the same with the ricin, which is what Jesse originally said back in season 4. Jesse straight up called it.

Dale Diaz

@vicky, the blood on the shoe is just to put in perspective that they're chilling at a diner, with a tanker of methylamine, super relaxed IMMEDIATELY after killing declan and his crew. the blood on the shoe was to show that declans blood is still fresh. so they killed them all and went straight to a diner like it was picking up the paper


V, he's right about that. It's equally good if not better at times, but it IS its own thing, not BrBa 2.0 or whatever. Clean slate.


I know your doing Better Call Saul after imo some ways even better than Breaking Bad but I also what to again recommend another masterpiece show MR ROBOT, please please consider it in the future 😊😊

Mathieu Paquin

1000000% agreed! It's sad this show didn't get that much recognition, the themes, storytelling, cinematography, acting, everything is off the charts


I’ll have to check it out, I’ve never heard of it before:) and you think Better Call Saul can be better in Breaking Bad in some ways?!? That gets me more excited to watch it ☺️☺️


OHHHHHHHHHH I didnt realize it happened *RIGHT* after! Thank you so much for shedding light on that :)


I think you summarized the desert scene so well. I felt and saw all those elements, but I feel like I don’t have the time and sometimes ability to explain everything that I saw in those moments. It’s heartbreaking to see what he did to Jesse, and still tries to manipulate him. Even if there is an ounce of love there. :( That confession scene was absolutely disgusting and said so much about Walt’s character. I agree I felt so much disgust just listening to all these lies and false claims he made towards his family member. It’s horrible..


BRYAN IS AN ACTING GENIUS. I felt that as well. It’s crazy because everyone can name their top favorite actors/actresses and they’re wonderful, but this series has really showcased his talent and skill. Absolutely one of my favorite actors of all time because of this. He deserves all the awards


Thank you for clarifying that Nathan, I genuinely feel like I would’ve tried to compare it to breaking bad so I appreciate that context and fact so I know what to expect going in. Thanks Nathan!!! :)

Lorenzo Baxter

There definitely is some love there for Jesse yeah. There's been so many times in the past where it would've served Walt to let Jesse die, like with Gus. But he cares about him, and has gone out of his way time and time again to save him. But sometimes love isn't strong enough to stop Walts basically Narsaccistic tendencies at this point. It's such a crazy journey to see how Walt has changed, all from a cancer diagnosis to now...


Can't wait for THAT episode coming up!

Josiah Kane

What channel? I'm always looking for new ones to watch this show with

Jonah Bertorelli

Cinebinge, they are on season 3, however they are doing one month on one month off back and forth with another show season by season so it's not super consistent uploads but you've got some time to catch up before that is a factor.


He would never put Jesse’s needs above his own. To me that’s not real love.

Lorenzo Baxter

Well thats not true because he has put himself in harms way for him. More early on, but still. Their relationship isn't healthy by any means. But toxic or unhealthy relationships aren't without some form of genuine love and care.


walt was being honest with Jesse about starting a whole new life, He truely does care about Jesse, he always has. Despite his manipulativeness, everything walt did was to keep them BOTH out of jail. Even if Jesse dosnt trust him at this point. It really is a double edged sward. I also want to throw in a recommendation. After you watch Better call saul, the next amazing universe full of rollar coasters and twists and turns, that will keep you on your toes the whole time is "The Expanse"


Btw I want to add. This is gonna sounds strange, but when Hank found out its been Walt the whole time, when he found that book and put two and two together, the song "Its been Agatha all along" and then I pictured a flashback sequence in this cartoonish sense from WandaVision started playing in my head xD


5 more till we're done. I'm not ready either =-(

James M

These last 5 episodes are gonna be LIT! Great react!

Cole Troutman

Hey I don't know if you're decently ahead when you release these. But episode 14 of this season is pretty much agreed upon to be the craziest episode of tv ever. There were previews for the next episode every week when the show aired, and the preview for 14 was actually a poem. No need to react or anything but you should check it out prior to watching the episode, it really does set the tone for the rest of the show. It's called Ozymandias - as Read by Bryan Cranston on Youtube


He deserves them, and he got them ;) Poor Jon Hamm and everyone else, Cranston basically had the Emmys on lock for every year he was eligible. He won 4 as lead actor and 2 for being on the best drama. One of the gaps/overlaps in years was simply because of the airing schedule.


Yeah, you can legitimately see Huell pocket the weed in this episode AND the cigarettes in 4x12 End Times. They did it in plain sight BOTH times and it's still so easy to miss, haha. That's why Huell is the best.


I love how everyone refers to it ahead of time. When Imon_Snow (and Abi) got to it, Imon started the recording with, "Oh shit, this is the episode everyone has talked about. This is the episode that everyb- like, since before I even watched Breaking Bad, I've heard of this name..." Abi said, "[Gee], Thanks Imon... now I'm even more [anxious]..." hahah


Everyone says to check out the poem before, and I don't know why. Either you understand the poem and it spoils the direction of the show, or you don't understand the poem and it adds nothing to the experience. This being a reaction channel, I'd say it makes more sense to go into the episode blind and let her react to the events of the show without the distraction. If she wants to check out the poem, it makes more sense to do after.

Cole Troutman

No i see what you’re saying, promos in general, some people dislike. But it’s what Vince Gillian intended, he wouldn’t have had it made if not. Yeah I mean, if absolute blindness is the goal, I wouldn’t watch any promos. I wouldn’t call it a spoiler at all though

Zack Rapp

So glad you're loving the show as much as the rest of us, but I just want to say to not get too comfortable about spoilers yet! You'll realllllllly want to experience these last few episodes for yourself.