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MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!! 🥰☃️ I just wanted to thank you guys for spending the Holiday Season with me and helping me get into the spirit.😊

I feel like it's been difficult lately but after reading your comments, and hearing about your own stories/traditions, it's really helped me get into the season that much more.❤️
Although the holidays are ending, it doesn't mean we have to be sad about it!  (o゜▽゜)o☆
I'm gonna be moving forward with some good comedy/comfort movies, jumping back into our sagas we haven't yet finished, all while visiting new movies you guys pick on polls (and don't forget the occasional lucky recommendation hehe). ❤️

The holiday season is a time to spend time with loved ones, do what brings you joy, comfort, and happiness. I truly hope all of you have been enjoying it to the fullest, and to head into the New Year recharged and comfortable. I know it's a time a lot of people can feel a bit down, but just know this feels like a family to me and that you guys make my days better, so I hope even in the rough times I can bring at least some of you a similar feeling of comfort. :)) 

I wish you all a safe holiday season, Christmas, as well as New Years✨ and to enjoy it to the fullest!!! 

Appreciate you all. ❤️


Em McG

Happy Holidays !!

Chris Shine

It's been a tough year 😔 but I hope you're feeling better Vee