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Happy friday everyone!!!! Hope everything is great for you guys :) and hopefully this makes it even better BECAUSE HANK DECIDED TO HAVE THE BEST (OR WORST) POOP OF HIS ENTIRE LIFE OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG




This episode looks back on the past a lot while advancing the story significantly. It's called Gliding Over All for a few reasons, the episode glides over a good amount of time, 3 months I think. Hank gliding over Walter being Heisenberg up until now and "gliding" is mentioned in the Walt Whitman poem. Hank's summer job of marking specific trees in a certain grid, crews coming later and finding the trees that were tagged and cutting them down is a simile for Walt using Jack's crew to take out those 10 guys in jail. I love Walt's realization in this episode of enough is enough. Walt looking at the mangled towel dispenser thinking how far he's come since 4 Days Out specifically, to bringing up the RV at Jesse's- reminiscing on the "good old days". You can see Walt still looks at him as a son. Jr playing peekaboo with Holly at Hank and Marie's is a callback to the Peekaboo episode. Holly even has orange on for the red head kid from that episode. There's a black beetle (another symbol of innocence) in Walt's backyard in that final scene, also a callback to the opening scene of Peekaboo. Holly is wearing pink in that scene, also symbolism for innocence from the teddy bear in season 2. The painting from the hospital in 0203 is in this episode but this particular one looks a lot more weathered. A clever way of saying even though Walt is out of the game, he's already departed and there's no going back to a "normal life" with his family. "Learn to take 'yes' for an answer" is what Mike told Walt in the past. Walt mimicked Gus and Mike after he killed them each.

Mario Serra

I have been waiting for this moment vkunia!!!

Tim Martin

Hell of a time to take a dump. And Walt’s dumb ass should’ve tossed that book…but yeah I know….

Mario Serra

Also, Hank gliding over the fact that W.W. meant Walter White. Just by convenience it also meant Walter Whitman.


This is the moment I have all been waiting for on the Viki chan!


Its time!


Now now, Vee, you have no clue how spoiled you are. This was a cliffhanger, this episode was before about a year break (and is why I REFUSE to call this portion of Breaking Bad the "Final" season)... imagine having to wait 11 months to see what happens next. You, are, lucky lol

Neil Bullock

That was a fantastic reaction to Hank finding out! Very much how I felt too when I first saw it.


"We've had First Season 5, What about Second Season 5?" "Don't think Netflix knows about Second Season 5, Pippin"

Steve H

Yea, I saw a Mike with hair, forgot he was in Gremlins

Jonah Bertorelli

Yeah that must be the most bittersweet shit to look back on. He didn't even get to finish it in peace, and while he's finding his Heisenberg he's losing his family so. it's definitely a spicy dooky.


In season 4- Hank's copy- Gale meant Walt Whitman. In Walt's copy he meant Walter White

Steve H

It never occurred to me that I'ld be listen to crystal blue persuacion in High School, 50 years ago, and to be listen again now, is wierd.


I'm so envious that you get to just casually watch the next episode, when it came out on TV we had to wait 11 months for the next ep 😂


As so many people mentioned before, when the show was originally airing we were left with this massive cliffhanger for what felt like an eternity. I'm glad you'll get to see what we waited so long for so soon. Can't wait to see the rest of the episodes along

Michael Kang-Beats

I think Jesse thought Walt was there to kill him.

David Cansler

Every great series has a few episodes with a shocking ending. This is definitely one of them!!

Tony Biersack

Yep yep here we are , everything goes downhill from here , depression starts now 😭💔


As everyone has already stated.... the wait to see the next half of this season was painful. But, it was absolutely worth it. It would be hard to find a better line up of episodes that you are about to witness.

Zach Aquino

Regarding Jesse and that gun, he thought Walt was there to tie up one last loose end. You see him look out the window when he hears the knock at the door. He disappears off screen for just a second before answering the door because he was getting the gun. That’s why his body language is so stand-offish and generally pulled back. He was anticipating needing to pull that gun in a split second if he needed to.


Lydia saying "We're going to make a lot of money together" is the same thing Tuco said to Walt in Season 1.

Liam Van niekerk

the interaction between walt and lydia in this ep is forshadowing for the finale

Tom Fehr

"i just hope saul is okay by the end of the show" YOU BETTER WATCH BETTER CALL SAUL