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Did walt just do that like did he really just...... so much for "No more killing"...



Tim Martin

Let’s goooooooo!!!!!!


Walt supplied Gus with the purest meth ever produced. Gus said openly he would kill Walt again and again. Walt had to kill Gus before he killed him or his family. Don't let Walt's pride distract you from that. Mike was wrong about Gus. On a guy like Walt too? Please, it wasn't the first time either. Walt mattered to Mike, he was a force to be reckoned with. Mike was wrong about Lydia planting the bug and he was careless with Dan the lawyer. I love the dynamic of his granddaughter & him- these are professional criminals but human too. They make mistakes like most in the real world would

Stephen Werben

Oh no there are a lot more memes coming

Tim Martin

It all went downhill when Walt replaced Gale with Jesse, followed by Jesse going after Gus’ dealers. I suppose you could say it all went downhill when Walt decided to become a meth cook haha. RIP Mike. Hang on…you are about to experience the greatest 8 episodes of TV! Seems like I recall Mike mentioning a time bomb - “tick tick ticking”.


At leat she doesn't have to wait a year for the rest, that was painful


Gus would have never wanted to kill Walt if Walt had "known his place", like Mike said. Gus had a lot of respect for Walt and he treated all his loyal employees fair. He offered Walt an open-ended contract paying 15 million a year. That is what Mike meant, he could have just kept working for Gus and be fine for the rest of his life. Of course, Walt only killed Gus' dealers to save Jesse, and even if Mike did not care for Jesse back then, I don't think he believes that they would be better off if Walt had just let Jesse die.


Gus spoke of killing Walt in 3x4. The 15 million talk was gas lighting nothing more


"He's just gonna stay on the run for the rest of his life", "Walt, because of you, he is never gonna see his granddaughter again" - well, technically, yes.

Lorenzo Baxter

Mike's death is one of the most unjust moments in the show. Walt didn't kill him out of some long form plan or anything. Walt literally killed Mike because he hurt his fucking feelings. 😂 Walt literally had a tantrum, and the blowup was shooting him. He even calmed down and realized how pointless what he just did was. Walt is sorry about it, but its still a sign of how unstable and dangerous he is. He's not letting a single thing stop him now. Mike and Walt both care about Jesse. But with Mike, it's more apparent. Mike was happy Jesse got out and could see how Walt was manipulating him to keep him in the game. But Walt was upset and mad when Jesse wanted out. He doesn't want Jesse to leave him, and he resorts to putting him down and full on gas lighting to keep him.

Javier Ruiz-Leon Jr.

I'm glad that we got to this point. Mike is, still to this day, my favorite character. The acting, writing, and his presence is what makes it for me! When he was first casted, it was done out of necessity. ABQ originally had Saul Goodman going into Jesse's old apartment. However, Bob Odenkirk couldn't make it for the episode. That's when Mike comes in! My favorite moment of him was in Half-Measure, where Mike tells Walt the story of when he took a half-measure and why it should never be done. That whole moment is why I consider Breaking Bad to be the King of dialog. Just the words and the story that Mike was sharing in a living room in front of Walt, letting you to imagine what the scenario looks like is proof of my point. And to top it off, I cannot imagine any other character or actor telling that story! As for this episode, this was a special moment for the cast and crew. Everyone, except for Bryan Cranston and Jonathan Banks, wore a black band on their right arms, representing and honoring Jonathan's last and final day on the show! That is how much respect Jonathan Banks has for the crew, and this is all coming from an actor who usually had minor roles in the past in movies and TV shows, like The Adventrues of Buckaroo Banzai and Sanford and Son! As for me, I stood up and saluted him on Mike's passing! I had to in honor and respect for the man, every time I see that final scene!

Emil Ganev

He didint want to kill Walt at that time , you are mistaken i have watched the episode . If you watch the show closely Jesse messes the releationship with Walt and Gus , because Walt is closer with Jesse than Gus and Gale .


And he was more than willing to let the cousins kill him after he cooked

Cole Troutman

I'm sure someone's mentioned - the first 8 episodes of season 5 were aired as the first half. After Gliding Over All, there was a year long wait for the final 8. The second half is definitely the peak of this show for me, still recovering...


No, he wasn't, he just said that to keep up appearances. He was building his own operation in secret, without the Salamancas or the cartel knowing anything about it. He tried many times to manipulate Walt to keep working for him (and succeeded in the end), even when he still had Gale.


If you think Gus was just going to let Walt waltz into the sunset when his time with Gus was done you’re delusional


Except Walt actually DID quit and instead of killing him, Gus tried multiple times to convince him to come back. He could have just killed him and kept working with Gale. Also, like I said before, he had a lot of respect for Walt. Even if he had not been able to change Walt's mind, there was absolutely no sign of Gus really planning to kill him. Gus is not a cartoon villain that is evil just for the sake of being evil.