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Hi guys! It's MOVIE MONDAY and we're starting off with THE EXORCIST! This movie was a fun one not gonna lie, there was A LOT OF stuff i did NOT expect😂 but i am DEFINITELY SCARRED LOL

I watched this on MAX! Let me know your thoughts in the comments and thank you for joining me💖



Joe Blankenship

This movie always makes me wonder about the supposed handful of "actual demonic possession" cases. I wanna know what they couldn't explain medically that made them think it had to be possession. Did somebody pop a 360 head spin without breaking their neck?


Okay... serious recommendation - You should watch Exorcist 3 for a Halloveen viewing... but... You should ONLY EVER watch The Exorcist 2: The Heretic for April Fool's Day.

Mario Serra

FYI the movie that is based on Anneliese Michel is The Exorcism Of Emily Rose. It’s pretty good. The Exorcist was based off a case of a young boy from New Jersey in the 40s I believe.

Bryan Tuck

Very glad you watched the original theatrical cut. There's an extended version that adds about 10 minutes of extra footage, most of which is pretty redundant (probably why it was cut in the first place), and some very out-of-place CGI that counteracts the realism the filmmakers were originally going for IMO.

Bryan Tuck

I think the case of the young boy happened around the Washington, D.C. area, where of course The Exorcist is set. And "based on" is maybe a bit of a stretch. "Inspired by" is probably closer, as the novel and film's characters and most of the plot are fictional.

Jonah Bertorelli

I just adore your commentary. Thanks for doing what you do. <3


I loved that movie. I wouldn't call it scary for me, but it's really well done

Mario Serra

The demon boner statue. Lol that has to be the funniest comment I’ve ever heard about the exorcism at the end. That was classic lmao. Thanks for that one VKunia haha

TJ Bigelow

"This movie is really taking a toll on me..." "These older films...they really hit you." Welcome to Gen Xer movies, lol. If you ever want to learn about the culture and vibe of past societies, then look to their art. Films, music, books, and art. Together they will tell you the story of that generation. In the case of today's society, I would say that the art mediums of today paint a picture of fabrication, illusion and disillusionment, distraction, and false representation on the surface with a foreboding feeling of repressed eruption on the horizon.


Wow, this is the WORST opinion. And the fact hat you completely didn't mention the cut scenes clear up SO MUCH to explain the film like......INSANELY BETTER. Calling that extra footage.... bah! Vee even expressed the concern that she missed something multiple times and those scenes help give context, plus make it more about characters who feel like real people rather than barely knew ya stereotypes.


I don't know if you noticed, but Chris(the mom) in this movie is played by Ellen Burstyn who you actually already know as senior Murph at the end of Interstellar. Yep! That's the same actress. I'm sure it's obvious to people older than myself, but it took me like 15 years to make that realization! Knew she was a great actress, didn't realize she'd been acting for THAT LONG. Since I always knew The Exorcist was an early 70's film I just assumed that other than Max Von Sidow and Linda Blair(Regan) all other actors in the film had passed away by now. I first became aware of Ellen after seeing Requiem for a Dream, and immediately understood how good she was, but having seen The Exorcist prior to that in my early teens for some reason I never put 2 and 2 together and got curious enough to wonder what the name was of The Excorsist mom, since from her 90s and 2000s films I only knew of her with WHITE/GREY hair!

Bryan Tuck

Well, my opinion is shared by many :) Editing a film is not only about making sure everything is "explained;" it's about how it plays as a whole. I just think The Exorcist plays better without that extra 10 minutes (and so did the director in 1973, even though he changed his mind years later). The extended ending in the longer cut is especially disastrous. I think that scene worked in the novel because the police detective was a bigger character, but in the movie it absolutely kills the stark emotional ambiguity of the scene before it.


Much Respect but I find there's to Much talking about history and yourself which is fine but not when there's important parts of the film showing. So sorry but I hope you can take something positive from it. Much lubs and good luck with you channel but its not for me. Will close the door on my way out.

Jesse Darty

I dont think this was based off of the Anilese Michael case you eluded to. I wanna say it was inspired by a boy in America who allegedly was possessed, however theres so many details different it might as well been Anilese. Here's hoping *fingers crossed* that evil dead 2 is next. It's gonna hit alot different than you could expect.