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Sunday so here's another AOT Episode! :) This one wasn't TOO bad compared to the last one but stuff is definitely ramping up now



LFilipe Borges

Yeah, the OP doesn't really have discernible spoilers, except maybe for the armored and colossal being in it. Did you watch the ending credits? It's really interesting.


First thing, THANK YOU for appreciating one of my favorite lines, which you only get in the dub—“If the shoe fits, shove it up your ass!” That cracked me up so hard when I heard it and nobody ever comments on it so thank you for laughing with me! And you’re right, this was a more mellow episode but I think we needed that after the heavy battle scenes. I always love the talk with Hannes, he makes good points and gives them hope. It just makes me happy to see the three of them all reminiscing about the old days. I’m glad you enjoyed that as well! And the other thing I love about this episode is that we finally get Jean and Erwin back in the action. I missed them! I agree about Erwin’s dub voice. So good. Thanks for this, and happy Sunday to you!

Dale Diaz

A show can't have spoilers for itself. Nobody watched the show and was like "omg show is ruined" so stop pretending it'll happen to the reactor lol. It's like saying if something happens off screen and the characters talk about it, make sure you mute 19:25 because the characters reveal a spoiler LUL

Dale Diaz

The red glowing in their chest in the opening sequence is a spoiler that the characters have hearts. You shouldn't have seen that my bad also the intermission screen explains what the crackers are before we see anyone eat one, so we don't know that they're crackers. make sure to close your eyes and not read about the crackers

LFilipe Borges

There are plenty of anime shows that reveal things in the opening that are much cooler if you get see for the first time naturally in the show instead. Remember that anime are often manga adaptations, the original story was made without these opening in mind. That being said, spoilery openings are much less common nowadays.

Joe Blankenship

The whole Eren and Mikasa thing is such a one-way street. She's all about him and he doesn't even seem interested in her, except when he's in a jam.