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HI FRENS! We watch MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 2! I love me some crazy Tom Cruise

I watched this on Paramount+. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!! :)

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Mission Impossible 2


Sir Jimmothy

About to start watching, but this is about the only "bad" movie in the whole franchise, so I'm curious to see what you think - it all picks up from here =] Edit: You were right, the cliffside stuff with Tom Cruise was done with invisible wires, but he really did it all regardless. That knife to the eye thing was also a steel cable holding the knife, but he really did it.


I had heard this was the worst one so I was surprised to like it as much as I did. It may have helped that I kinda knew what I was getting into with this director. I don't think it is a John Woo film if there isn't slow motion, dual wielding, crazy stunts or doves flying away lol.


V you kept asking/wondering about the birds. John Woos trademark (besides action) are doves. He overuses them in every movie. Most often right before the action goes to eleven. You can google for it if you want, its a common meme.

Chris Shine

A fun one, but it's all uphill from here!


I can't believe that, I gain more respect for Tom Cruise as an actor with each movie I see him in. He's amazing - and I'm surprised this was considered a "bad" movie because I still enjoyed it!! (And I'm a pretty harsh critic at times lmao)


Yes I agree!! Everyone saying this is the worst one honestly just makes me more excited for the next ones. I really liked this one so to hear it as "bad" blows my mind! Tom Cruise is amazing :)

TJ Bigelow

As for the burning a saint festival. I have no idea if the festival was even real but what I do know is that traditionally, fire was seen as a cleansing/purifying element in rituals and festivals, mostly in religious ceremonies. The purifying light of Heaven. It still has carried over in some ways today since fire is used to melt and separate impurities out but also rejuvenate forests. Water was seen as a more destructive element in the past because of all the dangers of the sea and storms, the devastation it can do to land and crops where burning renews the land, refreshes the soil. Burning indicates passage into the next form/world, and allows life to grow from the ashes. Fire brought hope to past civilizations.

Timothy Poeschl

I love Meeko! As it’s been stated a few times, John Woo directed this one and is known for super stylized action scenes. While there is certainly stylized scenes in the other movies, it’s not quite as cheesy as this one. I’m glad you enjoyed it though! I remember seeing it when it first came out and loved it! I was a kid then, which probably also helped. I can’t wait for your reaction to M:I3!


I have no idea why you were so infatuated with wanting people to eat glass in this movie but it was funny as hell xD


Also fun fact Vee, Mission Commander Swanbeck was offered to Sir Ian McKellen. He was not able to accept the role, due to a prior engagement in London so the part went to Sir Anthony Hopkins, had Ian McKellen took the role, it would of prevented him from playing Gandalf in Lord of the Rings and missed out on his role on X-Men xD


This movie didn't age as well as I remembered it being back in the day, but it's still fun.

Gilbert Gonzalez

In the fight scene at the end, where the knife almost goes into Ethan’s eye was done for real lol Tom Cruise wanted to do it with no CGI, so they attached the knife to a cable and adjusted the length so that it would stop where it did when a stunt man tried to stab him lol