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So I apologize for breaking down so hard in the review/ending segment - I do feel pretty embarrassed about it but this episode hit me hard. It was really difficult to watch and also stuck with me for a while (same as episode 6). I don't have many words, and the best I could summarize my thoughts was in the ending before I broke down lol. Thank you everyone


Band of Brothers | Chapter 7



You'll do better in the future with the crying? May I say; WTF? You mean you'll do it more and wont ever take any shit from anybody? If so, good. Anyone with any personal knowledge or developed empathy skills understands your feelings and this episode. Everyone else is either a child or a psychopath and should show some humility and keep their ignorance to themselves. I'm sorry for whatever happened with your family. I don't have family that were living there during the war, though I know of some old family friends with experiences. My family members joined up to go over and fight, I have several uncles who didn't come back. Cousins that never came to be. Reading their sweethearts letters asking after them and the death notices sent to them is memorable and worth crying over..