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HERE IT IS, the FINAL episode of Firefly! It doesn't feel like the end due to how the episode was cut and the fact that the movie exists but I love that they ended on a note where it seems that things begin to look up for River and that she starts to finally feel like she belongs - we also get to see a bit of whats going on inside her mind which just makes you want more so I'm so bummed that it was the last episode... Ive grown so attached to each and every crewmember (except Jayne (okay maybe just a little bit)) and feel like their story will never truly feel finished.  

Thank you guys for joining me through Firefly and I truly hope it was enjoyable despite my ramblings. :)  

Now onto Serenity!!!


Firefly - Episode 14


Texas Anla'Shok

Wow, mad dash to the end, eh? Don't worry, Firefly is always enjoyable. So, do you have another series lined up? I mentioned Babylon 5 once, and I can't recommend it enough. EDIT: Someone asked where B5 can be found: Prime, YouTube, Apple, and apparently HBO.


yay fireflyyyy!!!! hope you watch the movie sooner rather than later!


Any possibility of opening the Serenity reaction up to the people in the $7 tier since it is really an extension of the t.v. series? There may be others like myself who signed up specifically for your Firefly reactions and would like to be able to see your Serenity movie reaction as well for the complete experience.


*cough* Farscape season 1 *cough*


This last episode was so good, every sentence was perfect, “am I a lion?”. When River walks by the married couple and she feels them being together and gets shivers, I’ve nevr seen that scene in any other show or movie. What’s sad and troublesome is this show wouldn’t be allowed to me made today. Idk why.


I am sad this journey is over but I am so happy we turned you into a browncoat! This is probably my favorite series of all time. I know(and respect) that you don't look online to avoid spoilers but firefly was cancelled, not because of quality of the show, but because the perfect storm of errors the year it was released. Serenity, in my opinion, is a perfect bookend it a perfect series. I am very conflicted when it comes to firefly's length. There are times I wish it were longer, but then there are other times I am happy when I think of all of the series that are ruined because they just drove the show into the ground. But, instead, it's fourteen amazing episodes and one amazing movie. This show is almost 20 years old but I still watch\love it. Thank you for watching this. It's a very special series for me and I love following someone discover and fall in love with something that's so important to me! Thanks!

TJ Bigelow

No spoilers. This isn't a full season. Its not that the show wasn't renewed for a second season. It was cancelled halfway through the first season. They didn't get a warning or a heads up in order to write a season finale or anything. Second, no spoiler, there are a handful of comic books, called Serenity, that came out after Serenity, the film,. They are canon. Shepard Book's story is in there. There is a whole comic devoted to his background story. The others tie up a couple very small loose ends but not much. They are short stories, one shot adventures, that jump around between the timeline of events of the show and movie.

Garrick Smalley

This last episode "their gonna blow up the Alliance" There is not enough explosives to do that. Nice guess though. Yes this is a River episode you get to see what goes on in her mind and why she acts a bit crazy, she sees the world differently than we do.

Garrick Smalley

This is a vote for either Babylon 5 (found on HBO) or Farscape. Both are very good shows in their way. Farscape is a spaceship travel show like Star Trek. Babylon 5 takes place on a space station. Lots of aliens trying to work together.


What a wonderful series. I believe this episode was actually produced a little after Ariel with River's new meds, she's more lucid in it, but they decided it would make a fitting closer for the series because it's so focused on the crew. You will love Serenity. The movie. You already love the ship. I love Babylon 5 but I don't recommend it for reactions. It is a VERY long story that takes 24 1-hour episodes just to heat up, and there's not a whole lot to react to until it starts clicking. I LOVE the series, I'm just not sure it's good for reactions. You might like Violet Evergarden on Netflix. It is an intensely beautiful short anime series about a young woman raised as a child soldier who resolves to overcome her emotional wounds by helping other people confront theirs. It has the odd combination of wholesomeness and intensity that Firefly has, and it's not very long. The first three episodes alone are wonderful. I think you'd also like The Nevers, which is a 6-episode live action HBOMax series originally produced by Joss Whedon before he stepped away. The first five episodes are clever, fun, wonderfully acted, and delightfully manic. The final episode is... incredible. Just incredible. I've never seen anything like it, and I immediately had to rewatch the rest of the show. Serenity feels a bit like that too; you'll want to rewatch Firefly after you finish Serenity. And then you'll want to rewatch Serenity of course. And then you just get stuck in that endless loop and eventually show up at a comic convention in a brown coat. I almost want to recommend The Expanse as well, because of a single story arc that runs through the first 1.5 seasons and culminates in the episode Home in what Babylon 5 would refer to as "one moment of perfect beauty", but there's SO MUCH other stuff in those episodes that's forgettable. The book was actually written by two authors who traded off for each chapter, so one author's story is profoundly beautiful while the other's is largely forgettable. Bipolar show. Hard to recommend, but if you run out of other stuff some day...


You should google "Castle Malcolm Reynolds" for a fun 90 seconds related to Firefly. Realy, do so :D


Hooo boy you are in for a fun ride with Serenity the way you're speculating 😏

Thomas Yanez

This was not a season finale. The show was unexpectedly cancelled mid-season. They hadn't even written a season finale yet. The best you can do for tying up lose ends is the movie, and then find the comics. If you are interested in looking at the comics, which is the only place you'll get your background story for Shepherd Book, you can find a list of the canon comics here: https://firefly.fandom.com/wiki/Firefly:Canon_policy

Chris Lüders

Very lovely review, Vee, and unfortunately there never was a season/series finale. You are right, there are many open endings, but FOX cancelled the series after it aired 11 episodes because they expected higher ratings. 🙁 Well at least there is a conclusion through the film. Besides very chic blouse, it really suites you. 😊


You enjoyed this episode a lot more than I thought you would, the whole "You ever been r****" line can bring out a lot of anger, and rightfully so. Glad you like it so much, and can't wait to see the Serenity reaction. So, as I've heard the tale, Joss had a friend who was a high up executive at Fox, and they wanted to work together for years. She finally was in position to green light a project for him (he had Buffy and Angel going strong, so why not) and he got started working on Firefly. This show was on air during Buffy's 5th season, many people think it was one of the weakest seasons of BtVS, but it also had some of the best episodes. Well, Joss' friend got a promotion and had to leave the project, she was replaced by someone else that "didn't get it" - the concept of a western in space, the whole plot and goal of the series. So, Fox would go on to air episodes out of order, change the day of the week and time slot the show was in, then complained that it didn't get the numbers they were expecting for a Whedon project and pulled the plug early. And no other company came along to save it either. But, Joss was able to talk a company into letting him make a movie - a movie based on a "failure" of a TV show. A show almost 20 years old that people love as much as Star Trek and Star Wars, kind of hard to call that a failure, but there we have it. Might I suggest either Star Gate: SG1 (Start with the motion picture Star Gate first though) or Babylon 5. Both are excellent shows that ran for many years and are wonderful (imo). Thank you very much for the reaction to the TV series Firefly, it was a fun ride.