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Firefly - Episode 10


TJ Bigelow

So the conflict during the torture was about how Malcolm wouldn't let the Wash give into the torture. On the surface its 2 men talking smack but Malcolm knew Wash is a talker with a smart mouth, but also not experienced to torture, so he distracted Wash from the pain to keep him alive. Wash understood that which is why the smack talk meant nothing to him as soon as he got out of there and why he could only focus on how strong Malcolm was in there, why "He never would've made without him", Mal wouldn't let Wash give up. He had a firsthand understanding that only Zoe knew. Zoe is sort of a hype woman about Mal, and Wash was having a hard time dealing and competing with the idolized ideal of Mal, but now he gets it and no longer feels inferior to Mal, concerning his wife. As for Shepard Book, his background story is only available in the comics that came after the show. This show came before the writer's strike, when American TV shows regularly had 20-25ish episodes a season to flush out character development and background stories. Which is also why you definitely need to watch the movie Serenity after you finish the series. Some good wrapping up of loose ends the show never got a chance to get to.

Garrick Smalley

I think it is gonna be light and funny... Yea about that. War is hell.

Garrick Smalley

I really want you to watch Dollhouse. It is another canceled Joss Whedon show.


Yeah, laughing right now before I even watch it because I know whats coming! Lets see...

Christopher Michael Porter

Loved Dollhouse. Mail was egging him on to keep him angry and awake to resist the torture


It's adorable how you can watch people on the show getting shot, stabbed, burned, slashed, tortured, and mutilated, and it barely affects you, but someone pulls out a syringe and you cower and hide.

Thomas Yanez

"... there was that war with Earth" ... wut?

Thomas Yanez

In some of your analysis, you are still talking like this was a complete season and so expectations of what you'll see in upcoming episodes is skewed. When this show was made, American network TV shows usually had 22+ episodes. And, with his success with "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel", and his confidence in "Firefly", he was sure he'd have multiple full length seasons, so he was taking his time telling his story. The movie "Serenity" will help wrap some stuff up, but a two hour movie wasn't nearly enough to finish telling all of the stories he wanted to tell in this universe. Fortunately, you can fill in some of the missing gaps with the comics that preceded and followed the movie. If you are interested in filling in those gaps, this site has a list of the comics considered "canon", many written or co-written by Joss Whedon : https://firefly.fandom.com/wiki/Firefly:Canon_policy

Alan Kobb

The Vanilla Husband had two lines in the script, but was left on the cutting room floor. He's just the Counciller's husband, and he's boring. http://www.fireflywiki.org/109.html This from Alan's House of Useless Knowledge


Literally, "I'll be in my bunk." is the best line of the show.


I'm imagining dozens of women who read this rolling their eyes at you, lol...