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Firefly - Episode 5



I have a theory that I've not heard (or seen typed) from anyone else yet but it regards the parental Tam's attitudes. I'd be surprised if no one else has floated this idea before but I havent seen/heard it. I think it's very possible that the Alliance paid the Tams a boatload of money to have River "attend" their "Academy" and that they are supposed to keep Simon out of the loop; so when he starts asking questions, his parents feign ignorance and call it paranoia and try to make him focus on his being a doctor. It's also possible that the parents (I'm thinking dad especially) might even have been AFRAID of River and what she was becoming... I think Dad even had a clue about what Simon was up to in that "blackout zone". Finally, I think at least that Mr. Tam would have resurfaced later in the series, had it continued. There is so much story potential!


I can say this without spoiling anything significant - and only for peeps who want to read the novels and haven't yet: Mr. Tam does reappear but only in a dream (so far in the series & I'm not caught up).


Double episode pog


I like it that you enjoy it! Its a great show and there are still several great episodes to come. BTW did you miss the 43:30 minute thing? I was surprised you didnt spot it. I'm sure if you did you would have commented on it :)


Looks like a comfy afternoon for me.

Texas Anla'Shok

Mr and Mrs Tam seem like the kind of parents who see their children as status symbols rather than actual people.


Every episode gets you one step closer to the movie! 😁

Garrick Smalley

I am sorry but River can not fly. Amazing call on the Salem Witch trials, I am impressed.


It makes me so happy to see you discover and learn about some of my favorite characters ever! My one my favorite parts of the show is the character development and seriously it only gets better. Great react Vicky!!


And here it is! "He's supportive of his children..." UM... about that... yeah... That wasn't a real bunny, no bunnies were harmed in the making of this video Alan has been in so many things, helping to bring the world closer to Kevin Bacon by degrees. I thought you would laugh at the "Dear diary" part, but did you notice Simon pulling out the chair for Kalee? Thought you were going to stop on that When River said that Father was coming to take care of them, she was referring to Mal. River gets confused, when they were about to burn her and Simon, she recalled the post hole digger from earlier in the episode. Maybe she knew they weren't going to burn, maybe she was just having a lapse Anyways, sorry to talk your ears off (or is it type your eyes off? Well, I did something) and glad you enjoyed the episode. Can't wait to see your reaction to ep6


Can’t wait for the movie! Do you by chance know when the Return of the King will drop?

Sean Novack

River Tam is an amazing character, she's able to master skills with minimal exposure to them. In the flashback scene Simon asks her if she isn't supposed to be practicing for her dance recital, to which she says "I'm done with that". On the planet she watches the people dance for about 15 seconds to get the pattern and is immediately able to join in and dance it flawlessly.

Bob Criswell

I'm glad you're falling in love with the characters. The stories (episodes) are really good but it's the characters that make Firefly so great. Everyone has their favorite characters. Some, including me, really like Jayne too. But everyone loves Kaylee!


Off topic, but LaBamba reaction sometime?


River stealing jane’s bread?


Simon and Kylee, after the rough moments earlier