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Winning by an ENORMOUS landslide, Galaxy Quest! (I'm not sure if I've ever seen such a difference between winner and runner up in the polls.. so I was impressed to say the least LOL, almost double!!)
I did not expect so many famous actors to be in Galaxy Quest, and for it to be so genuinely funny and wholesome. It was so much fun to watch from start to finish and I gotta say, the way the aliens were depicted were probably one of my favorite forms in which an alien could ever be presented, it was AMAZING (I'm still chuckling to myself as I write this LOL)

Thank you guys for giving me such great choices!! I hope you all enjoy the video


Galaxy Quest



Glad to see you not so sad after that last one. Can’t wait to watch this!

Bruce Bromley

V, go as in depth as you want when reviewing these films. I always enjoy what the younger crowd thinks of films that are older. I was kind of bummed you missed something though, at least during the reaction. The actor, Sam Rockwell, who played Guy, also was the nasty Wild Bill in the Green Mile. It goes to show how great of a chameleon he is.


Cute reaction. :)


Another great reaction and Yes Vee, more analysis at the end would be appreciated, if you like talking more about the content ! ;)

Matt Gwinn

The scenes on the rocky planet were filmed at Goblin Valley State Park in Utah. It's a stunning place to visit. I'd love to hear your in depth review of the films.

Matt Gwinn

Also, this was Justin Long's first film and it got him a Saturn Award nomination for Best Performance by a Younger Actor.


My family legitimately loved this movie so much it inspired our unofficial family "saying": Never give up, never surrender! XD


Sooo good!!! i love this movie and always have, I'm glad you enjoyed it too!


One of the (many) things that make this movie so great is that you don't have to be a sci-fi fan to enjoy it. It's such a funny and engaging film that it attracts all types of viewers.

Texas Anla'Shok

Funny how you keep saying how wholesome this is, when wasn’t the original intention. They decided to make it a family film during filming. Fred was going to be an outright stoner and in the scene at the chompers, where Gwen says, “Well screw THAT!” if you watch her mouth she said something different.


Oh my god, I came for Firefly but was SO excited when I saw you watched this! Your reaction was so wholesome! I loved it so much for a movie that is seriously one of my favorites!! This is such a great movie for someone who really has been such a huge fanboy for a series that no longer exists. This really made my week. Thank you!


The DVD of this film has an alternate audio track that is entirely in Thermian.

Luis R.

Ah you are on a roll with movies I grew up with! Lol awesome reaction, and I would like more in depth reviews to hear more of what you thought of the film. If that is something you would enjoy of course.


The reason this movie is so well loved, is just how much reverence they treat Star Trek fans, and all Sci-Fi fans. GQ is a very loving homage to Star Trek, so much so that Trek fans even count it as an official Star Trek movie. The fans love it, and so do the actual actors of Star Trek such a Shatner, Nimoy, Frakes, and Patrick Stewart. If you loved the feeling GQ gave you, I absolutely must recommend the Source Material it came from - Star Trek

David RedEagle

Justin got his start as a actor with this film.

David Kent

I'm not sure if you picked it up, the running joke that Guy was about to be killed but when Saris was killing everyone at the end, Guy was never hit.

The Dingo

Yes I want to hear in depth reviews of all films you see if you have time