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HERE WE ARE CHAPTER 2!!!!!!!! So excited to watch the next episode! Let me know your thoughts on the bottom.

Some people say if i read comments, YES I DO. I just cannot respond to everything until when I have time cause of the hectic schedule im trying to put myself in :) but i do eventually respond!


Mandalorian - Chapter 2


Adam Grunther

Are you watching Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker before or after you finish Mandalorian?


It's AFTER Jedi, Vee. Mandalorian plays five years after Return of the Jedi. The reason why not many people remember the Jedi and are familiar with the force is that there were not many Jedi around to begin with. By the time Luke faced Vader they were the only Jedis left and most people have never even met a Jedi.


If you remember from A New Hope, the Jedi had faded to all but myth. Even in the time of the New Republic, the only known active Jedi is Luke Skywalker, and even he is known only to a few. The Child’s pram does hover on its own. The marvels of technology lol. It moves based on commands from a remote in the Mandalorian’s gauntlet.


Not to be condescending, but you are cute with how lost you are in the timeline. ;)

Matt Gwinn

You gotta realize that the Star Wars galaxy had 100 quadrillion sentient beings and only 10,000 Jedi. Unless you lived on Coruscant, were a politician, or actively participated in the Clone Wars you had likely never even seen a Jedi. Even after Luke destroyed the Death Star he was primarily known as a pilot, not a Jedi. The first 3 movies primarily happened in the core worlds where Jedi were more prevalent and played a bigger role in politics and such. All of the movies after that took place in the mid or outer rim regions of the galaxy which were pretty far removed. Here's a map of the galaxy if you're interested. https://starwarsblog.starwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/star-wars-galaxy-s-edge-travelers-guide-galaxy-map.jpg

Jayson Phillips

your gorgeous and a lot more fun to watch than the show hehe.

Jayson Phillips

this happens right after the death of Vader by luke skywalker so after return of the Jedi


Just finished watching both episode reactions so I'm putting all my thoughts here instead of commenting twice. The two largely responsible for The Mandalorian are Dave Filoni (who was recently promoted to Executive Producer at LucasFilm) and Jon Favreau (who produced many films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe). They're both huge fans of the old Star Wars movies and George Lucas himself was on set with them during filming and probably had some influence on things as well. They put a TON of easter eggs from Episodes 1-6 throughout the series and they made it a point to use as many practical effects, makeup and props as possible as a throwback to the old movies. Storyline wise, this series ties more into the first two trilogies than the recent one. That explains why this show has such a familiarity to it. As others have stated this series takes place 5 years after Episode VI: Return of the Jedi so Yoda is already dead, the Empire is defeated (though remnants of it are still in control of certain areas which is why you see Stormtroopers in the first episode) and Boba Fett as far as we know is still being digested in the Sarlacc Pit on Tattooine. "Baby Yoda" is simply the same species as Yoda, that was just a name the fandom came up with before his real name was revealed. Season 1 is fantastic but Season 2 takes it to another level. Cant wait for you to continue! I would also suggest you watch the first few episodes of The Clone Wars animated series (also produced by Dave Filoni) or at least the Clone Wars animated movie on your own time as there are going to be some references from that series in future episodes, mostly in Season 2.


So can we all admit The Disney Movies are crap? If people can’t tell the difference in quality… that’s gotta be something else…