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Hey guys!

So I finally watched the widely disputed Star Wars Episode VII!!  I was pleasantly surprised and although its deemed a rewatch (I watched it for the first time when I hadnt seen ANY star wars film so I had no idea what was happening the first time I watched it LOL) but now with context.. I actually really found it enjoyable. I had my own opinions regarding certain aspects of the movie but I really was expecting it to be much worse!!   

All in all, I really do hope Episode 8 and 9 are okay and don't fail me!!!  

I hope you enjoy it and let me know your thoughts!! :)


Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens



Believe me you not the only person who does not like the Rey character

Jonathan Blake Fore

I still try to act like the sequel trilogy didn't exist , if only they had stuck with the characters from star wars legends

Jonathan Blake Fore

Jyn Erso is more badass than Rey in my opinion

David Portnov

Episode VII is still my favorite of the sequels, but given how IX turned out, it might be VIII on a rewatch. I haven't seen VIII since it was out in theaters and without the context of IX. VII is an overall solid movie, but V is still my favorite out of all of them with Rogue One closely following it.

Dale Diaz

you're guaranteed to hate the trilogy as a whole. apologies in advance


People are going to tell you have to hate certain movies... Definitely keep on making your own opinions, even if some disagree, which they will.

Bruce Bromley

Don't be shy about giving us your true feelings about the next ones, The haters, who are usually the loudest, are not always right. Sure there are problems, but there are things to pick at in every single one of the films. Just set back and enjoy, or not. It is a view through your eyes, not mine.

Anime Wulf

Kylo Ren is the best :D

Michael Goodyear

This was an ok start. Just a lot of wasted potential. Adam Driver kicks ass though

Mitchell Bowker

How people talk about the Sequel films now (IE: don't watch them, they will ruin Star Wars, etc) they used to say about the Prequel films. They're all fine movies, some better than others, but all fun and entertaining to watch.


I'm a complete outlier, its Star Wars! I don't care how bad it is, it exists, I'll watch it, and pick it apart just like anything else I watch. So it was a bad taco plate, it didn't detract from the fantastic nachos and enchiladas. In any case, it is a lot of fun to pick apart, and I give you an example, a military perspective: https://angrystaffofficer.com/2016/01/12/first-order-after-action-review-for-operations-on-jakku/


I went in to ep7 with such high hopes, and I liked it despite all the Rey questions because I assumed that they’d be answered in a way that made sense and was true to Star Wars, but that just doesn’t happen. Rewatching it with you just bummed me out even more because I know where it goes. The treatment of Han’s death was absolutely horrible. For Leia to go to Rey instead of Chewie afterwards is a perfect summation of how off-base this entire trilogy is.

Adam Drayer

I'm one of those who absolutely hates the new trilogy, esp TLJ. But that's me. I hope Vicky enjoys it and finds good things in it. Not all the new trilogy haters want everyone else to hate it too. Its just nice that she really liked the older movies. They don't have to compete with each other


The true review of the movie is when V watched it the first time without watching the originals, and it sounds like the movie wasn’t worth a rewatch. That’s how good this movie is. Copy and paste scenes from New Hope, and they still messed them up. But I enjoyed the commentary as always. The reason Luke’s lightsaber is so mint, in the originals lightsabers were only used in battle, only as a weapon.


You wondered where they filmed the fight scene in the forrest. That was actually a HUGE built set with fake snow. Little fun fact for you. This is where Mark Hamill (Luke) thought he came in. "I was like "ooh this is where I come in." The lightsabers wiggling and it FLIES I thought "Oh what a great entran- AH! REY CAUGHT IT?! SHE HASN'T EVEN BEEN TO DAGOBAH FOR TRAINING!" Marks words exactly. Also, this was NOT Carrie's last one, the last Jedi was. And with the rise of Skywalker, there will be some unused footage of Carrie from both films that is placed in the last one so it's like even though she passed, they were still able to work with her.


Even though Mark Hamil may be most famous as Luke Skywalker in the SW series, I also like him in the 1981 film "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia." which starred Kristy McNichol and Dennis Quaid. https://youtu.be/qCBmcz8zxhE?t=48

Tiger Chu

Yeah this movie was good and it gave me hope when i first saw it............thats all I'm gonna say

Mr. Writhms

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to a bad review." -- Yoda (sort of) 😁

Adam Grunther

I’m probably gonna get hate for saying this, but this is my personal favorite Star Wars movie.

Mr. Writhms

No hate, Adam. You're a fan of Star Wars. That's what counts. 😎👍

David Crabtree

I'm surprised you were hesitant to watch the sequel trilogy because of how divisive the the movies are. Yet you went into the Prequels with no hesitation and those were almost universal panned by Star Wars fans.


The first movie is an ok movie in itself, my biggest problem with it is the setting. Like... We have just seen the good guys win big time. I mean sure, the world is not gonna instantly whoosh into heaven but come on, this broken and miserable galaxy with the first order kind of in control again... To me from the very first minutes it felt like this movie pounds heavily on the ending of the previous ones. Thus I couldnt really connect with it. And the fact that an unknown Rey just suddenly has the force when neither Anakin nor Luke had something like that... So in short its a good movie, just not too good of a Star Wars to me. I do see how one can enjoy it and Im glad you did ;)


Don't worry, Leia is an integral part of the entire sequel trilogy. Glad your re-watch was positive, to be honest I think the prequels and sequels get so much criticism because fans loved the originals so much that nothing, in their eyes, could possibly follow them. Fun fact; Kylo Ren's mask was likely an homage to Darth Revan, whose storyline in Knights of the Old Republic really fleshes out the nuances and moral ambiguity of the force.


So you had a problem with Rey, who lived on a desert planet her whole life, and is around 16/17 years old, knowing so much about ships and how ships/technology works? She spent her entire life scrapping ships and other mechanical structures but yet she isn't suppose to know that stuff? Yet Anakin was 9 years old in Ep 1 and built C3PO and a Pod Racer and NO issues there??? Ok. You don't have to be a Jedi to weild a light saber, it's just a piece of tech in the Star Wars universe. But the light saber is the Weapon of a Jedi and a Jedi has to build his own as part of their training. Rey also failed and did a lot of stupid decisions throughout the film. And the movie doesn't have perfect writing. But Star Wars fans have WAY too much ownership over a story that isn't theirs imo. That scene with the snowy forest in the end where Kylo and Rey fight, was actually not a real forest and filmed in a studio.


How is Poe so good at flying? Is there a male version of a Mary Sue?

Dale Diaz

He's literally a pilot as a profession though. Been doing it for years for the resistance. Male version is Gary stu but put in perspective that Rey is basically as good as him without ever having flown in space

Inhuman Paradox

Anakin spent his whole life building and testing pod racers. Rey had literally never flown in space before and is suddenly the best pilot in the galaxy. As well, Anakin was literally "the chosen one". As much as I loathe that explanation... it was an explanation. It was a bad reason, but there was a reason. And yeah SW fans do act entitled, but so does Disney. The story doesn't belong to the fans or Disney, the story belongs to Lucas, who hated this film. Ironically the only Sequel Lucas liked is TLJ, which the fans hated.